Sk building maintenance limited Logo

Sk building maintenance limited


Services and skills

  • Plasterer

    15 skills

    Dry Lining

    Flat Ceilings

    Lath Plastering

    Lime Plastering

    Liquid Screeding

    Magnetic Plastering

    Pebble Dashing / Rough Casting

    Plaster Mouldings


    Polished Plastering



    Spray Rendering

    Tape & Jointing

    Waterproof Plasterer


Customer reviews

Overall ratingin last 12 months

10Write a review
  • Workmanship10 out of 10
  • Tidiness10 out of 10
  • Reliability10 out of 10
  • Courtesy10 out of 10
Write a review

1 Total Reviews

The reviews below represent customers' views and not the views of Checkatrade

  • Plastering my room

    10Verified Review

    "**Impeccably Smooth Walls**: The plastering job in this room is top-notch. The walls are flawlessly smooth, providing an excellent canvas for any decor. Whether you choose vibrant colors or subtle neutrals, they'll look stunning against this pristine surface. Kudos to the skilled plasterer who transformed these walls!"

    Location: SR6

Company profile

  • OwnerSajmir Krruci
  • Member Since2024
  • Public Liability InsuranceVerified
  • AddressChecked
  • IdentityChecked
  • Checkatrade T&C'sSigned
  • VATNo
  • Company typeLtd Company

Company info

SK Building Maintenance LTD is a professional plasterer company that delivers high-quality plastering to residential and commercial clients. We have over 12 years of experience in the industry and a team of skilled and reliable plasterers who can handle any project, big or small. Whether you need plastering for new construction, renovation, or repair, we can provide you with a smooth and durable finish that meets your expectations and budget. We offer a range of plastering services, including solid plastering, dry lining, rendering, and decorative plastering. We also use the best materials and equipment to ensure a flawless result. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation.

Contact details