
Garden Lighting in Stoke On Trent (36)

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Garden lighting installers in Stoke-on-Trent

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  1. Search Checkatrade for garden lighting installation experts in Stoke-on-Trent and get in touch with them directly.

  2. Or, fill in our request a quote form with the details of your job and we’ll forward these to three garden lighting contractors in Stoke-on-Trent to get you a quote.

  • What is the purpose of garden lighting?

    Lighting is a great way to enhance your outdoor space. Aside from being functional, it can also make your garden look great.

    Some benefits include:

    • Atmosphere - Adding different types of garden lighting can create different atmospheres. For example, low, soft lighting can build an intimate, soothing atmosphere.

    • Security - Outdoor lighting is a great way of deterring criminals from targeting your home.

    • Visual effects - Adding any type of garden lighting is a great way of enhancing the appearance of your outside space. You can highlight particular areas or use more lighting to open up your garden at night.

    • Safety - Having outside lighting can help to prevent you or family members from tripping over in the dark. You can also choose garden lighting that’s waterproof and safe to use.

    • Design - Garden lighting can be used in clever, creative ways to build a magical, visually stunning space.

  • What are the different types of garden lighting?

    The good news is that there are a wide range of different types of garden lighting available today. This means you can completely customise your outside space to fit your needs. Different types of garden lighting can help to create different atmospheres, designs and visual effects. The most common types of garden lighting include:

    • Decking lights - Installed in your decking

    • Wall lights - Fitted to any wall or fence

    • Security lights - With motion sensors to put off thieves

    • Solar lights - Charged during the day, solar lights use energy from the sun

    • Post lights - Fitted to the floor of your garden

    • String lights - Added to bushes, fences or pergolas

  • How do you choose garden lighting?

    If you’re unsure about the right type of lighting for your garden, consider what you’re looking for. For example, do you want lighting to help you find your way in the dark, to highlight certain areas of your garden, to create a specific atmosphere or to deter criminals? If you’re on a budget, check out our cheap garden lighting ideas guide.

  • How much do garden lights cost?

    It's difficult to put an exact figure on how much garden lighting costs as the price will vary depending on a few variables. Before setting a budget consider the following factors that affect garden lighting costs:

    • Type of lighting - Different types of lighting will be priced differently, for example, string lights will be more affordable than built in decking lighting.

    • Amount of lighting - The more lighting you add to your garden, the more you’ll pay.

    • Complexity of design - Complicated lighting designs require more materials and labour times. This will increase the garden lighting cost.

    • Making good - It’s important to factor in the cost of making good any areas where lighting has been installed.

    • Light brightness - Generally, brighter lights will be more expensive than soft lights.

    • Location - Labour prices vary depending on where your home is located in the UK.

    • Distance from home - Installing lighting further away from your home means additional cables are needed. This can increase the amount you pay.

    Garden lighting cost

    Depending on the lighting you choose, your garden lighting cost could range from £100 - £450. As an example, the average cost of low voltage outdoor lighting is £165, while the average cost of outdoor security lighting is £150. For more prices and advice, please visit our exterior lights cost guide.

  • Can I install garden lights myself?

    Yes and no. While it’s safe to install solar powered garden lighting yourself, fitting lighting that requires wires and electricity is best left to an electrician.

  • How do you install garden lighting?

    This depends on the type of garden lighting you plan to install. Many solar lights come with posts that can be easily pushed into the ground and need no wiring. String lights on the other hand require attachments to hold them in place and may need to be plugged into an outdoor socket (although many are battery powered).

    For more permanent lighting such as decking lighting or post lighting, we’d strongly recommend this is installed by a professional.

    Want to speak to garden lighting installers in Stoke-on-Trent?

    We can help you to quickly find garden lighting installation companies in Stoke-on-Trent in two ways. Firstly, enter your postcode in our online search to see a variety of garden lighting installers in your area.

    Alternatively, fill in our request a quote form with information about your garden lighting project and we’ll send it to three installers near you to get quotes.