
Oven Cleaning in Hyde (2)

Oven cleaning in Hyde

​​There are plenty of good local oven cleaning services in Hyde that come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable local oven cleaning service near you:

  1. Search for local oven cleaning in Hyde and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended oven cleaning services in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much for professional oven cleaning?

    The average professional oven cleaning cost for a standard oven is about £50, depending on the extent of the cleaning required.

    For professional oven cleaning prices in Hyde, here are some of the average costs you can expect to pay:

    • Standard oven – £50

    • Double oven – £70

    • Range cooker – £90

    • Ceramic/glass hob – £18

    • Gas/electric hob – £15

    • Hood/extractor fan – £15

    It’s always important to discuss costs upfront when speaking to local oven cleaning professionals. That way you know exactly how much the job will cost before you hire anyone.

    Factors affecting oven cleaning prices

    As with most home improvement jobs, the price for professional oven cleaning will vary depending on a number of factors, including:

    • Size and type of oven

    • Condition of the oven

    • Any additional cleaning needed, such as the hob, hood or extractor fan

    • Quality of oven cleaning products used

    Most oven cleaning companies will have a standard price list that covers the most common types and sizes of oven. If in doubt, or you have a particularly special request for your oven cleaning, it’s worth discussing the job with local oven cleaning services before hiring anyone.

    Quotes for oven cleaning costs

    To plan a budget for your oven cleaning, it’s always sensible to contact local oven cleaning experts to get accurate quotes for the job. As with all home improvement projects, we recommend obtaining at least three quotes from different oven cleaning companies in Hyde.

    By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work. And, thankfully, our request a quote tool makes finding multiple quotes super easy. All you have to do is post details about the oven cleaning work you need doing and we’ll send it out to local tradespeople in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • How long after cleaning the oven can I cook?

    One of the most common questions we get asked about oven cleaning services is: how long after cleaning the oven can I cook? The answer depends on the oven cleaning products that have been used. There’s a noticeable difference between an eco-friendly DIY oven cleaning solution, a shop-bought oven cleaner and commercial oven cleaning products.

    Eco-friendly DIY oven cleaning solution

    If you decide to clean your oven with a home-mixed solution, such as white vinegar and baking soda, you can use your oven to cook straight away after you’ve finished cleaning. There’s no need to ventilate or wait for a long time, because you’re using natural products – one of the benefits of using a DIY oven cleaning solution.

    Shop-bought oven cleaning products

    When using shop-bought home oven cleaning products, always read the label and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Some products may allow you to cook right after cleaning, where others will require you to leave your oven for a period of time before using it to cook

    Commercial oven cleaning products

    The great thing about commercial oven cleaning products is that they’re super effective at cleaning ovens. The downside is that they tend to be a lot more potent and, as such, need to be removed from the oven before you use it for cleaning.

    After cleaning, give the oven a good wipe down with a moist cloth and then heat the oven to its maximum temperature for about 15-20 minutes. This will allow any chemical residue to be burned off – though make sure you open the windows in your kitchen as it might cause some smoke to come out of the oven.

    Self-cleaning ovens

    If you have a self-cleaning oven, you can usually cook in the oven right after the oven has cooled down and you’ve cleaned out the ash. The self-cleaning feature typically takes around 30 - 90 minutes in total – during which time the oven door will remain locked.

    Hire a professional oven cleaning company

    Don’t have the time or energy to clean your oven? You’re not alone. Thousands of homeowners like yourself hire professional oven cleaning companies to do it for them. Find the best local oven cleaning services in Hyde with our quick and easy online search. Or use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll reach out to multiple oven cleaning professionals in your area for you.

  • What do oven cleaning companies use?

    A professional oven cleaning company will typically use a variety of commercial oven cleaning products, depending on their preference and experience. Some of the common chemicals found in professional oven cleaning products include caustic soda, dichloromethane and ethylene glycol.

    Professional oven cleaning services use more potent products as they’re extremely efficient at removing stubborn layers or dirt, food and grime.

    Due to the toxic nature of oven cleaning products, they should always be handled with care, never ingested, and not left unattended in homes with children or animals.

    Benefits of hiring an oven cleaning company

    There are a number of reasons why hiring a professional oven cleaning service might be the right option for you and your home, such as:

    • It saves you the time, hassle and mess of doing it yourself

    • An oven cleaning company will have the right tools and cleaning products for the job

    • They’ll do it faster and more efficiently than a DIY attempt

    • You’ll have your oven cleaned to a professional standard

    • Many reputable oven cleaning companies have a customer satisfaction guarantee

    Ready to get your oven sparklingly clean? Use our quick and easy online search to find the best professional oven cleaners in your area now.

    How to clean an oven

    If you fancy rolling up your sleeves and tackling your dirty oven yourself, you’re in luck. We’ve put together a handy guide that shows you how to clean an oven. Here’s a brief overview of the three stages of oven cleaning:

    1. Clean the oven door – Most ovens doors have a glass pane that you can remove to make cleaning easier

    2. Clean the roof of the oven – It can be a little tricky but take your time to rid your oven roof of dirt and grime

    3. Clean the oven tray – The final part of oven cleaning is to clean the tray where burnt food and dirt often accumulates

    Always take care when cleaning your oven and keep the kitchen well ventilated during and after cleaning, to ensure any toxic chemicals don’t build up in the room.

  • How do you tell if an oven is self-cleaning?

    The best way to find out if your oven is self-cleaning is to go to the manufacturer’s website and check the specification and features of your oven’s make and model. It should clearly state if a self-cleaning feature is available for your particular oven.

    How does a self-cleaning oven work?

    A self-cleaning oven has a built-in feature that allows it to carry out a ‘deep clean’ at the touch of a button. Using a process called pyrolysis, self-cleaning ovens use an extreme level of their own heat to break down dirt and grime – up to a temperature of 480°C.

    The great thing about a self-cleaning oven is that you don’t need to use oven cleaning products, and you can literally hit a button and the oven will clean itself.

    During the self-cleaning process, which can take roughly 90-120 minutes, the oven will self-lock to avoid the door being opened whilst reaching extremely high temperatures. Once it reaches the maximum temperature, all dirt, grease and grime is effectively burnt to dust – which you can then simply wipe away once the oven has cooled down.

    Most self-cleaning ovens will have multiple settings to accommodate cleaning for heavily soiled ovens and lighter economy cleaning, which uses less energy.

  • How long does it take to ventilate an oven after cleaning?

    The amount of time you need to ventilate after cleaning an oven will depend on the cleaning process and the oven cleaning products used. As a general rule, for eco-friendly DIY cleaning solutions you don’t need to ventilate after oven cleaning.

    For shop-bought oven cleaning products you’ll need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, but you can typically expect to ventilate the oven for around 20-60 minutes – depending on the specific oven cleaning product you use.

    If commercial cleaning products are used to clean the oven, you’ll need to allow 30-90 minutes of ventilation after cleaning the oven. Commercial oven cleaning products are more potent and toxic than domestic products or home remedies.

    Benefits of regular oven cleaning

    Keeping your oven clean comes with a number of benefits for you, your home and your family…

    • Food tastes better when cooked in a clean oven

    • You’ll save money on energy bills because clean ovens work more efficiently

    • Reduce the risk of an oven fire, as clean ovens are much less likely to catch on fire

    • Regular cleaning means that less effort is required for each time you clean

    • Avoid possible health risks of burnt or charred food which can be transferred to your food from a dirty oven

    Want your oven to be clean and fresh again? Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll reach out to multiple local oven cleaners in your area and get them to contact you directly. Or you can use our online search and find the best professional oven cleaners near you yourself.