
Thermodynamic Panels in Cranbrook (7)

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Thermodynamic panel installers in Cranbrook

If you’re considering changing the way you power your home, we can help you find thermodynamic panel installers near you. They even come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

You can find thermodynamic panel fitters in the below two ways:

  1. Search online for thermodynamic panel installers in Cranbrook and get in touch with them directly.

  2. Or, use our request a quote feature to save time and energy. Tell us all about your project and we’ll find three thermodynamic panel experts in your area. They’ll then contact you to ask for more information or send you a personalised quote.

  • What are thermodynamic panels?

    Thermodynamic panels have been on the solar panel market for less time than alternatives (they were introduced in 2012).

    They’re designed to work similarly to air source heat pumps in that they use heat from the atmosphere to power your home. They’re great for producing hot water in your home and can even be used to heat swimming pools.

    How does a thermodynamic solar panel work?

    Thermodynamic solar panels work differently to other solar panels in that they don't use sunlight. Instead, a refrigerant is pumped through the thermodynamic panel, which takes in heat from the air around it. The refrigerant is then heated, changing it to a gas. This gas runs through a compressor and heat exchange coil before it can be used in your home.

  • Are thermodynamic panels any good?

    This depends on your requirements. Some homeowners find thermodynamic panels are the perfect solution for heating their home, while others prefer an alternative.

    To make things simpler, we’ve summarised the pros and cons of thermodynamic panels below:


    • Flexibility - Unlike other solar panels, thermodynamic panels can work during the night as well as the day because they don't rely on sunlight. In fact, they can work even in temperatures as low as -15 degrees celsius.
    • Effectiveness - Thermodynamic panels can supply 100% of the hot water you use in your home.
    • Installation - Installation is quick and easy.
    • Environment - These panels use a sustainable fuel source, reducing your carbon footprint.
    • Maintenance - Thermodynamic panels don't need a lot of maintenance.


    • Cost - Thermodynamic panels are not cheap so you’ll need to budget for initial installation.
    • Electricity - While these panels draw heat from the atmosphere, they do require electricity to function. This means they have running costs.
    • Reliability - As the technology used in thermodynamic panels is quite complex, they can break down and repairs can be difficult.
  • What alternatives are there to thermodynamic panels?

    If thermodynamic panels aren't the right choice for your home, you have other options available. If you’re looking for sustainable solutions, consider the below alternatives:

    • Solar PV panels - Very common, these panels work by converting sunlight into energy that can be used to heat and power your home. They use silicone based technology.
    • Solar thermal systems - These systems use the sun's energy to heat a fluid which can then be used to generate electricity and warm water.
    • Air source heat pumps - These pumps draw heat from the air around your home which is then used to power your central heating system.
    • Ground source heat pumps - Similar to air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps take heat from the earth near your home to power your central heating system.
  • Do solar thermodynamic panels work in winter?

    Absolutely, one of the main benefits of thermodynamic panels is that they can still absorb heat from the air during the winter. They also work at night and will work even if the outside temperature drops to -15 degrees celsius.

  • How much do thermodynamic panels cost?

    If you’re considering installing thermodynamic panels on your property, you’re probably curious about how much this will cost. To estimate your thermodynamic panel cost, consider the below variables:

    Number of panels - The more panels you need, the higher the cost. Installation location - These panels can be installed on your wall or roof. The amount you pay for fitting will depend on where they’re installed. Location - Labour costs vary throughout the UK. Home size - Larger homes will require more panels and be more expensive to heat.

    With the above cost factors, you can better estimate your thermodynamic panel cost. The average price for a panel and installation is £5,500. Most homes won’t need more than 2 panels.

    How much do Thermodynamic panels cost to run

    As we mentioned above, thermodynamic panels do require electricity to function. Luckily, the running costs are quite low. You can expect to pay an average of £9 a month to power your thermodynamic panels.

  • Want to speak to thermodynamic panel installers in Cranbrook?

    Once you’re ready to get started converting your home to thermodynamic power, you’ll want to find a reliable, trustworthy professional to carry out the installation.

    Unsure where to start? No problem, our members pass 12 full checks to ensure they can provide the best service possible. They’re also recommended by your neighbours.

    Even better, we guarantee their work - that’s how much we trust the quality of each of our members’ work!

    Don't spend hours searching online for thermodynamic panel installers, let us do the leg work for you. Our free search feature is designed to make finding a professional easy. Just type in your postcode and we’ll show you a range of thermodynamic panel installers in Cranbrook.

    Or, our request a quote feature is the perfect option for busy homeowners. Fill in our handy online form with the details of your job. We’ll then send this information to three thermodynamic panel installers in Cranbrook who’ll send you three individual quotes.