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Oil boiler replacement companies in Kendal

Are you looking for qualified oil boiler replacement companies in Kendal? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

At Checkatrade, our member database includes a wide range of oil boiler replacement companies working in Kendal.

To find the best oil boiler replacement companies in your area, Checkatrade can help.

Scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade oil boiler replacement companies near you.

You can also use our simple request a quote system to contact qualified, fully vetted, and highly skilled oil boiler replacement companies in your area.

  • Is it worth replacing an old oil boiler?

    It’s definitely worth replacing a boiler you’ve had longer than 10 to 15 years for a few reasons, including:

    • Efficiency. Old boilers run inefficiently, meaning they need to work harder to achieve the same result, costing you more money each month

    • Performance. The performance of old boilers is worse than that of new boilers, meaning poorer heating throughout your home and more frequent breakdowns

    • Oil boiler ban. The government is phasing out oil boilers from 2035, so it’s best to look to more favourable alternatives, like electric boilers

    Consider these factors, along with your individual requirements, to figure out the best course of action for you.

  • What should I replace my old oil boiler with?

    You have several options when it comes to replacing your old boiler. Here are some examples of alternative heating systems:

    • Heat pumps

    • Biomass boiler

    • Electric boiler

    • Gas boiler

    • Hybrid system

    Contact a heating professional to get a personalised recommendation that factors in your preferences and heating requirements.

  • How efficient is a 25 year old oil boiler?

    While oil boilers can sometimes last longer than other types of boilers, after 25 years, it’s likely highly inefficient.

    As an estimate, its efficiency may have dropped by up to 40% since it was installed, meaning 40% of the energy it consumes is wasted and not converted into heat.

    It’s recommended to replace your boiler every 10 to 15 years, as more modern systems are much more efficient, which saves you money and gives you better heating.

  • Should I change my oil boiler to electric?

    There are many reasons why changing from oil to electric is a good idea, but there are also some potential downsides to consider.

    On the positive side, electric boilers are cheaper to install, more efficient, more eco friendly and require less maintenance.

    However, they’re more expensive to run, they’re vulnerable to power cuts and they can’t always supply the heating demands of larger homes.

    Always consult a heating expert when considering decisions such as this, as your individual requirements are critical and general advice typically doesn’t apply.

  • Why is my oil boiler not firing up?

    There are a few possible explanations for why your oil boiler isn’t heating up, such as:

    • You’ve run out of fuel

    • The fuel line is blocked

    • The ignition is faulty

    • There may be electrical issues

    • The thermostat may be broken

    • There may be air in the fuel line

    If you can’t easily find and resolve the problem yourself, call a specialist in to help you, as mistakes can be dangerous and may invalidate your warranty.