
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning in Meopham (22)

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Carpet cleaning near Meopham

​​There are plenty of good local carpet cleaning companies in Meopham who come well recommended by your neighbours.

How do I find upholstery or carpet cleaning services near me? We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable carpet cleaning services near you:

  1. Search for local carpet cleaning companies in Meopham and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended carpet cleaners in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does it cost to have someone clean your carpet?

    The cost of hiring a professional carpet cleaner will depend on a number of factors, including the size of your property or the area of carpet that needs to be cleaned, the condition of the carpet, and the type of cleaning method used.

    Professional carpet cleaning costs in Meopham

    So, how much does carpet cleaning cost? Here are some average professional carpet cleaning costs you can expect to pay for standard carpet cleaning:

    • Bedroom – £20-£27 per room

    • Stairs and landing – £20-£40 per room

    • Large living room – £30-£40 per room

    • Commercial / office carpets – £2 per m2

    Carpet cleaning cost per hour

    The average hourly rate for a professional carpet cleaner in Meopham is somewhere in the region of £60 - £120, depending on the type of carpet cleaning and the condition of the carpets.

    For more information on prices, check out our guide to carpet cleaning costs.

    Deep cleaning carpet costs

    There are some extra cleaning services that you can pay for to get an extra clean carpet that will stay in better condition for longer. These include:

    • Pre-treatment products – these are applied before the actually carpet cleaning takes place in order to loosen the dirt or grease within the carpet

    • ScotchGard protection treatments – usually charged at around 50% of the carpet cleaning cost, ScotchGard is an anti-stain product that helps protect your carpet from stains and spillages

    • Anti-insect treatments – at a cost of around £7 - £13 per room, anti-insect products will help you get rid of microscopic insects, such as dust mites that can trigger asthma

    Upholstery cleaning cost

    For cleaning upholstery, you’ll usually be quoted a price per item of furniture – which will vary depending on whether it’s dry cleaning or steam cleaning. Here are some average upholstery cleaning costs you might expect to pay in Meopham:

    • Armchair – £15 steam clean or £40 dry clean

    • 2-seater sofa – £35 steam clean or £60 dry clean

    • 3-seater sofa – £45 steam clean or £80 dry clean

    • 4-seater sofa – £100 dry clean

    Quotes for professional carpet cleaning costs

    As with all home improvement projects, we always recommend obtaining at least three quotes from different carpet cleaners in Meopham. By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work.

    Thankfully, our request a quote feature makes finding multiple quotes super easy. All you need to do is post details about the carpet cleaning services that you need and we’ll send it out to local carpet cleaning companies in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • How can I deep clean my carpet myself?

    To keep your carpet looking its best, it’s important to deep clean it from time to time. Here are 5 easy steps to follow to deep clean your carpet yourself…

    1. Shampoo the carpet

    There are plenty of good carpet shampoos available these days, and they’re pretty easy to use if you follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you can, choose a carpet shampoo that includes a protecting agent in it, such as ScotchGard.

    2. Use a carpet cleaning machine

    To get an even better result than hand shampooing your carpet, hire yourself a carpet cleaning machine. You can hire carpet cleaning vacuum cleaners from local hardware stores, usually charged by the day at around £20-£30 per day.

    3. Use ice to remove carpet dents

    We’ve all seen the indents that heavy furniture leaves on a carpet. But did you know that rubbing an ice cube over them can help remove the carpet denting? Give it a try, it’s like magic.

    4. Be quick (and gentle) with stains

    If you notice a liquid stain on your carpet, try and treat it as soon as you can to avoid it sinking in and drying out. And when you do clean it, take care not to over-blot it as that can push the liquid further into the carpet fibres and make the stain worse.

    If it’s a bad stain, you can use a pre-treatment carpet cleaning product, to help loosen the stain before you clean it.

    5. Dry the carpet thoroughly

    If you let your carpet get too wet it can actually cause the staining from underlay or the dyes of backing materials. Instead make sure you dry it out properly, using a hair-dryer if necessary to speed up the drying process.

    How long does it take for carpet to dry after professional cleaning?

    Depending on the time of year and the method of cleaning, an average carpet will take 6-10 hours – though in winter months it can take up to 24 hours to be completely dry.

    How to dry carpet fast after cleaning

    There are a few ways that you can help speed up the drying process after cleaning your carpets, including:

    • Create a good air flow by opening windows to let fresh air help dry out the carpets – great in the warm summer months, not so effective in cold weather

    • Use a fan or blower to help move the air around, which will help dry the carpets faster

    • Use a hair dryer to dry out your carpet if you cleaned in certain isolated spots, not such a great method to use if you’ve done a large area of carpet

    Don’t have the time or energy to deep clean the carpets yourself? Fret not, we’ve got plenty of reliable carpet cleaning companies in Meopham who can do it for you. Use our online search to find the best carpet cleaners near you.

  • What is the best method of carpet cleaning?

    If you’re looking to get the best results from cleaning your carpets, we would always recommend hiring a professional carpet cleaner to do the work for you. As skilled experts in treating stains and cleaning carpets, a professional carpet cleaner has the right tools and products to get your carpet look as clean as possible.

    Benefits of hiring a professional carpet cleaner

    Here are some of the reasons why hiring a professional carpet cleaning service is worth the money you spend:

    • It saves you the time and hassle of doing it yourself

    • A professional carpet cleaner know the best cleaning method and products to use on your carpet

    • They’ll clean your carpet thoroughly without causing damage to the fibres

    • Experienced carpet cleaners can do the job much more quickly and efficiently than a DIY attempt at carpet cleaning

    • They already have the tools for the job

    • Most reputable carpet cleaners will offer a customer satisfaction guarantee so you can be confident they’ll do a good job

    It’s quick and easy to get quotes from the best carpet cleaning companies in Meopham with our get a quote feature. Pop in the details of your carpet cleaning job and we’ll reach out to local carpet cleaners that come well recommended by your neighbours.

    How long does carpet cleaning take?

    The length of time it takes to clean a carpet will depend on a number of factors, including: the size of the room, the number of rooms, the condition of the carpet, the method of cleaning, and the experience of the carpet cleaner.

    As a general rule, you can expect a professional carpet cleaner to take about 30-40 minutes per room. Bear in mind that if carpets are heavily stained and/or require a pre-treatment, then this will take longer.

    How does steam carpet cleaning work?

    A steam cleaner uses actual steam to clean various types of surfaces, but shouldn’t typically be used for cleaning carpets and the steam can damage the carpet fibres and also remove the protection of any anti-stain treatment.

    Instead, a traditional carpet deep cleaner is usually used, which is designed to push a mixture of warm water and cleaning solution into the carpet to clean deep down. The ‘dirty’ solution is then sucked up from the carpet, leaving the fibres and carpet base clean.

    If in doubt, speak to your local carpet cleaning experts for their professional advice – they’ll be more than happy to suggest the best cleaning method for your carpet, and give you a quote at the same time.

  • What is the best way to clean a fabric sofa?

    If you’ve noticed that your fabric sofa is looking a bit grubby or has collected stains that you want to get rid of, here’s our quick guide to the best way to clean a fabric sofa…

    1. Remove any loose dirt

    Before you whip out your upholstery cleaning products, it’s a good idea to remove any loose dirt, pet hair and debris from the sofa. Using a handheld vacuum or the upholstery attachment for your main vacuum will make it quick and easy work to complete the first step of cleaning your sofa. Just make sure you vacuum all the crevices of your sofa to get all the debris out.

    2. Remember to clean the legs

    It’s surprising how many people forget to clean their sofa legs when cleaning the rest of the sofa fabric. Even if the sofa legs are made of wood or metal, give them a wipe down.

    3. Always read the (sofa) label

    Just like you would with a new item of clothing, when you’re cleaning a sofa you need to check the label for guidance on how best to clean it – and what not to do. Here’s a key to help you understand the codes on sofa labels:

    • W = You can use water or water-based products

    • S = Only use water-free, solvent-based cleaners

    • SW or WS = You can go use water or a solvent cleaner

    • X = Only vacuuming or brushing, no water

    4. Start with spot cleaning

    Once you know what products you can and can’t be used to clean your sofa, you’re ready to start cleaning. Though before doing the whole sofa, start with a spot test on a discreet, unseen part on your sofa to check that the fabric is safe to clean.

    Once you’re confident that the cleaning product and sofa are a good match, you can get to work on the whole sofa:

    • Dampen a microfibre cloth with your cleaning solution and gently dab or scrub any stained areas on your sofa

    • Moisten a clean cloth with water and use to remove the soap (rinsing regularly)

    • Use a dry cloth to remove excess moisture from the area while gently rubbing

    Top tip: It might be tempting to vigorously scrub any visible stains, but it’s important to be gentle so that you don’t damage the fibres of the sofa fabric.

    5. Dry the sofa thoroughly

    After you finish cleaning your whole sofa, use a towel to dry it and then leave it overnight to completely dry out. If the weather is warm enough you might want to open a window to help the sofa fabric dry out faster.

    If your sofa label shows n X, or you don’t have the time or energy to clean the sofa yourself, hire a local professional upholstery cleaner to do it for you. Use our get a quote feature to get multiple quotes from sofa cleaning companies in Meopham.

    What is upholstery cleaning?

    Upholstery cleaning is the removal of dirt and stains from the fabric on your furniture, such as sofas, armchairs and dining chairs. Upholstery cleaning can involve cleaning the entire piece of furniture, or cleaning the fabric in isolated spots if the dirt or staining only affects a small patch of the fabric.