
Polycarbonate Roofing Installation in Benfleet (110)

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Polycarbonate roofing installers in Benfleet

If you're looking for polycarbonate roof installers in Benfleet, you’ve come to the right place. We can speed up your search and our members come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

Here are two ways of finding roofing professionals in your area:

  1. Go online and search for polycarbonate roof contractors in Benfleet, then get in touch with them directly.

  2. Or, if you’re busy, use our request a quote feature to save time. Tell us about your job and we’ll pass your details to three polycarbonate roofing installers in your area. They’ll then contact you with three fair quotes.

  • What is polycarbonate roofing?

    Polycarbonate is a material with many uses, ranging from DVDs to sunglasses and roofing. It’s made using strong plastics to ensure it’s both long lasting and durable. Polycarbonate roofs are often seen over conservatories and sunrooms as an alternative to glass.

  • What are the advantages of polycarbonate roofing?

    If you’re considering making the switch from glass to polycarbonate roofing, you can look forward to a range of benefits. These include:

    • Strength - Polycarbonate is very difficult to break so it’ll stand up well against the elements.

    • UV blocking - This material is great for blocking UV rays from entering your home.

    • Lightweight - Polycarbonate is a lightweight material that can be used virtually anywhere.

    • Heat resistant - Hot days are not something you need to worry about with polycarbonate roofing. It’s designed to resist high and low temperatures.

    • Price - Polycarbonate is often cheaper than glass

  • What are the disadvantages of polycarbonate roofing?

    When it comes to choosing polycarbonate roofing, it’s important to note that it does have a few disadvantages. These include:

    • Cosmetic damage - Polycarbonate roofing is very unlikely to break but it can become dented or scratched over time.

    • Appearance - Many homeowners prefer the crystal clear look of real glass.

    • Environment - Polycarbonate isn’t an environmentally friendly material.

    • Maintenance - These roofs need regular cleaning with a specialist cleaning solution.

  • How long does polycarbonate roofing last?

    Polycarbonate won't last as long as a glass roof, however its many benefits make up for the difference. In general, you can expect a polycarbonate roof to last up to 15 years, while glass roofs can last over 20 years.

  • Which polycarbonate roofing is best?

    There are a variety of different types of polycarbonate roofing available. The best option for your home will depend on your needs. Below is a summary of the most common types of polycarbonate sheeting:

    • Solid polycarbonate - Created from a single sheet of polycarbonate, this option is lightweight and perfect if you want to maximise the amount of light entering your home.

    • Multi wall polycarbonate - Very popular in the UK, multi wall polycarbonate is made using several sheets of this material. It’s perfect for improving insulation and keeping your living space at a comfortable temperature.

    • Corrugated polycarbonate - Corrugated polycarbonate is a more affordable option and allows extra privacy. It’s also the most durable type of polycarbonate roofing.

  • How much does a polycarbonate roof cost?

    Before you decide whether polycarbonate roofing is the right choice for your home, it may help to know how much it costs. The price you pay will vary depending on the following factors:

    • Type of polycarbonate - Different types of polycarbonate roofing are priced differently.

    • Size of roof - Bigger polycarbonate roofs are more expensive than smaller roofs.

    • Current roof - Making the switch from a polycarbonate roof to a new polycarbonate roof may be cheaper than switching from another type of roof.

    • Age of property - Older properties may need extra work before a polycarbonate roof can be installed at an extra cost.

    • Scaffolding - If scaffolding is needed for this job, don't forget to budget for this.

    • Location - Labour prices vary throughout the UK.

    Polycarbonate roof price

    As we mentioned above, the average polycarbonate roof price will vary from job to job. If you plan to install a polycarbonate roof over your conservatory, as a rough guide, you can expect to pay from £2,150.

    For more prices and information, check out our conservatory roof replacement cost guide.

  • How do you install polycarbonate roofing?

    Installing a new roof isn’t an easy job. This project requires you to work at heights with large sheets of polycarbonate and isn’t recommended for DIY beginners. In addition, if you don't install your roof correctly, this can lead to leaks and damage to your home. As such, we’d recommend hiring a polycarbonate roof contractor to do this job.

  • How to clean polycarbonate roof sheets:

    If you want your polycarbonate roofing to look great year round, you’ll need to invest a little time in cleaning. Depending on the pitch of your roof, we’d recommend cleaning it once or twice a year. It’s important to be careful when cleaning polycarbonate roof sheets as this material can become scratched or dented easily. Use the below tips for brilliant results:

    • Get rid of any debris that has collected on your roof, for example, sticks or leaves.

    • Use a specialist polycarbonate cleaning product or very mild, chemical free soap and lukewarm water.

    • Regularly replace dirty water with clean water to prevent spots on your polycarbonate roof.

    • Avoid using a scourer or rough cloth to clean your roof. Instead use a soft sponge or microfibre cloth.

    Want to speak to polycarbonate roof installers in Benfleet?

    Ready to switch to a new polycarbonate roof? Great! You’ll need to find a qualified, experienced fitter you can trust. Our members pass full checks to ensure you get the best service every time. Plus, they’re recommended by your neighbours.

    There are two ways we can help you find a polycarbonate roof contractor in Benfleet. Firstly, our online search feature is completely free to use. Just type in your postcode to instantly see a variety of polycarbonate roofing installers in your area.

    Or, why not try our request a quote feature? Use our online form to give us the details of the work you need doing and we’ll send your information to three polycarbonate roof installers in Benfleet. Then you can sit back and relax while they put together three custom quotes for the job.