
Ridged Tiles Installation in Thatcham (132)

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Ridge tile installers in Thatcham

Looking for ridge tile contractors in Thatcham? Let us help to simplify and speed up your search. Plus our members are recommended by your neighbours.

Below are two ways of finding ridge tile fitters near you:

  1. Search online for ridge tile installation companies in Thatcham and contact them directly.

  2. Alternatively, our request a quote feature is the perfect option if you’re looking to save time. Simply tell us about your job and we’ll forward the details on to three ridge tile contractors in your area. They’ll then get in touch to offer you three quotes.

  • What are ridge tiles?

    Ridge tiles or roof ridge tiles are used along the top line of your roof to protect your home from the weather. These tiles create a neat, attractive finish to your roof, making them a great choice for both practical and aesthetic reasons. Ridge tiles are usually made from clay or slate but can be created using different materials.

  • What are the advantages & disadvantages of roof tiles?

    What are the advantages of roof tiles?

    Before you can install your roof ridge tiles, you need to cover your home's roof with standard tiles. These are available in a range of colours, styles and materials so spend a little time looking at your options. Roof tiles also come with a range of benefits including:

    • Waterproof - Roof tiles and roof ridge tiles are designed to withstand rain water, keeping your home dry.

    • Long lifespan - While tiles can become damaged, if properly cared for they can last up to 100 years.

    • Energy efficient - Roof tiles can prevent heat from escaping out of your roof, keeping your home warm and using less energy.

    • Large variety - You really are spoilt for choice when it comes to the different tile styles, colours and materials available.

    • Easy maintenance - Roof tiles need little maintenance.

    • Can’t be damaged by insects - Unlike timber, roof tiles can’t be damaged by termites and other bugs.

    • Can be repaired - It’s possible to repair small areas of damage without replacing your entire roof.

    What are the disadvantages of roof tiles?

    As with any roofing material, there are a few disadvantages to choosing roof tiles for your home. These include:

    • Installation - Installing roof tiles can take quite a long time as they need to be fitted individually. Installation is also tricky and not suitable for non professionals.

    • Price - Roof tiles, especially those made from slate, can be expensive.

    • Breakable - These tiles can become damaged by debris and storms but repairs are possible.

    • Weight - Your home may need extra reinforcements to bear the weight of a tile roof.

    • Not always suitable - Roof tiles can’t be used in certain circumstances for example, if the pitch of your roof is low.

  • How much are ridge tiles to install?

    Ridge tile installation can be quite a complicated process and the amount you pay will be impacted by a few key factors. These include:

    • Size of roof - It’s more expensive to tile a large roof than a small roof.

    • Number of tiles needed - The more tiles you need, the higher the ridge tile cost.

    • Tile material - Different ridge tile materials have different prices, slate is one of the more expensive options.

    • Type of tiles - Depending on the style, type and quality of tiles you choose, the price will vary.

    • Condition of roof - If your roof is in bad condition, extra work may be needed, this will increase the price you pay.

    • Accessibility - If it’s difficult to access your roof, this will increase labour costs.

    Ridge tile cost

    Ok, after considering the above variables, let's look at some average ridge tile costs. The average cost of ridge tiles is £200 for every 10 metres of tiles. You’ll also need to pay for labour at an average cost of £250 for every 10 metres of tiles. If you’d like to learn more about ridge tiles and their costs, check out our ridge tile price guide.

  • How to fit ridge tiles:

    While it’s possible to fit ridge tiles yourself, this is not recommended unless you have the right experience and qualifications to carry out this job safely. Remember, it’s dangerous to work on your roof, you risk damaging your roof tiles, and specific tools are needed for this job. For these reasons, we’d recommend hiring a professional for the job.

  • Is it better to repair or replace ridge tiles?

    This depends on the age of your ridge tiles. If your tiles are new, repairing your roof is generally the better option, unless the damage is widespread. If your tiles are old and falling off your roof, now may be the time to replace them.

  • How to fix ridge tiles:

    If you have good mobility and can work on your roof safely, repairing cracked ridge tiles yourself is possible. Wondering how to fix ridge tiles? This can be done using plastic roofing cement. Before repairing your damaged tile, remember to scrub around the crack using a wire brush to remove any dirt and residue.

    Want to speak to ridge tile installers in Thatcham?

    It’s important to find the right ridge tile contractor for your job. You can do this by looking for someone reliable, experienced, friendly and qualified. To put your mind at ease, our members come with the recommendation of your neighbours and pass thorough checks.

    When it comes to finding a ridge tile installer in Thatcham, we can help you in two ways. Firstly, our free search feature uses your postcode to show you a variety of professionals in your area.

    Or, if you’re particularly busy, our request a quote feature is a great time saving tool. Just fill in our handy online form and we’ll send your information to three ridge tile installation companies in Thatcham. You can then get back to your busy day while they draw up three custom quotes.