
Tiled Conservatory Roof Installation in Felbridge (166)

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Tiled conservatory roofs in Felbridge

Planning to install a tiled conservatory roof in Felbridge? We can help you find the right professional for your project. Our members even come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

You can find tiled conservatory roof companies in Felbridge in one of the following two ways:

  1. Search online for local experts who install tiled conservatory roofs and get in touch with them directly.

  2. Or, save time and energy using our request a quote feature. The process couldn't be easier. Just fill in our online form with the details of your job and we’ll pass this on to three professionals who fit tiled conservatory roofs in Felbridge. They’ll then contact you with a fair quote.

  • What are the different options for a conservatory roof?

    Many conservatories come with a standard glass roof, but this isn’t always the right option for your home. Glass roofs let in a lot of light and they can turn a conservatory into a heat trap in the summer.

    If you’re unsure about the best roof for your conservatory, consider the following options:

    • Glass - As we mentioned above, glass conservatory roofs look beautiful and flood the space with sunlight. However, they can make your conservatory feel uncomfortable on warm days. Although, you can now choose to use tinted glass to reduce the heat of the sun and self cleaning glass reduces the need for maintenance.

    • Polycarbonate - Very popular, polycarbonate conservatory roofs are affordable and need little maintenance. However, they do allow heat to escape your conservatory during the winter as they aren't very insulating. They also come in a variety of colours.

    • Hybrid - These roofs are designed to have all the benefits of glass roofs and none of the drawbacks. They allow your conservatory to remain a comfortable temperature all year whilst letting in a lot of natural light.

    • Tiled - Tiled conservatory roofs let in less light, however they’re great for maintaining a steady temperature year round. You can also add roof windows to brighten up the space.

    Can I have a solid roof on my conservatory?

    Yes, choosing a tiled roof to cover your conservatory is a great option for anyone looking to make the space cosy and insulated.

  • Is it worth tiling a conservatory roof?

    If you’re wondering whether it’s worth tiling a conservatory roof, you’ll be happy to know there are a range of benefits to making this alteration.

    Switching from a glass or polycarbonate conservatory roof may seem like a big change, but the results are well worth the effort.

    By choosing to tile your conservatory roof you can look forward to:

    • Enhanced appearance - A tiled conservatory roof is a desirable feature for your home. These roofs look incredible and can be matched to the main roof of your home.

    • Better insulation - Having a solid tiled conservatory roof means less energy will be lost during the winter. This in turn will help to reduce your energy bills.

    • Extra comfort - Tiled conservatory roofs are great at trapping heat during the winter and keeping the space cool during the summer.

    • Low maintenance - Another benefit of a tiled conservatory roof is the lack of maintenance that’s necessary. These roofs are designed to last years with little effort on your part.

  • How much does a tiled conservatory roof cost?

    The amount you pay for your tiled conservatory roof will vary from job to job. Afterall, your circumstances will be different from other homeowners.

    The below factors can all impact your tiled conservatory roof cost:

    • Size of conservatory - Larger conservatories will need more materials and longer labour times, increasing the job cost.

    • Type of roof - There are many different conservatory roof types which will alter the amount you pay for a new roof.

    • Materials - The type and quality of tiles you choose will affect the cost of your new roof.

    • Condition of roof - If your conservatory roof is in poor condition, extra repairs may be necessary. These repairs are an additional cost to consider.

    • Accessibility - Depending on how difficult it is to access your conservatory, this may increase the price of the job.

    • Location - Labour costs vary throughout the UK. Generally, London has the highest labour costs.

    Tiled conservatory roof cost

    Bearing the above factors in mind, you can estimate how much your new tiled conservatory roof will cost. As a rough guide, the average tiled roof conservatory cost is £4,000 for a small conservatory and **£6,000 **for a larger conservatory.

    For more roof costs and information, please visit our conservatory roof replacement cost guide.

  • How do you install a tiled roof on a conservatory?

    If you’re wondering how to put a tiled roof on a conservatory, our advice would be to speak to a professional. This is not an easy job that can be carried out on a DIY basis.

    Remember, any mistakes could affect your conservatory and home.

    Planning on doing the work yourself? It’s vital that you get the necessary legal permissions and adhere to building regulations. You also need to ensure that your conservatory is strong enough to support a tiled roof.

    You can find more information and tips in our guide on how to put a tiled roof on a conservatory.

    Want to speak to a tiled conservatory roof company in Felbridge?

    If you’re planning to install a tiled conservatory roof in Felbridge, it’s important to hire the best worker for your project. Ensure you pick someone qualified, trustworthy and experienced.

    To help in your search, our members come with the recommendation of your neighbours and pass thorough checks so you know they’re perfect for your job.

    Why spend hours searching for a tiled conservatory roof company in Felbridge when we can help speed up your search? Our online search feature is free to use with instant results. Just type in your postcode and we’ll show you a range of tiled conservatory roof experts in your area.

    Alternatively, why not try our request a quote feature? This is the perfect time saving option. Just give us the details of the work you need doing and we’ll pass these to three professionals who fit tiled conservatory roofs in Felbridge. You can then sit back and relax while they draw up three personalised quotes.