
Workshop Design / Construction in Cranbrook (22)

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Workshop builders in Cranbrook

Finding workshop builders in Cranbrook doesn’t have to be complicated and time consuming. We can help save you time and energy that could be spent on more important tasks. Our members are even recommended by your neighbours!

You can find workshop construction companies in Cranbrook in the following two ways:

  1. Look for workshop builders online and contact each company directly.

  2. Try our handy request a quote feature. It couldn't be easier, just send us the details of your project and we’ll find three specialists in your area. They’ll then get in touch to ask for more information or to send you a quote.

  • What is a workshop used for?

    Building a workshop on your property or in your home is a great option for anyone with a hobby or a business. A workshop is a dedicated space for you to work on projects without causing damage and clutter to the rest of your home. Whether you’re a carpenter, a metal worker or have hobbies that require the use of tools, a workshop is a great option.

    What are the benefits of having a workshop?

    Having a space where you can store your tools and work on your projects is well worth any initial investment. In fact, there are many benefits to building a custom workshop. These include:

    • Privacy: Having a workshop gives you a private, peaceful space where you can work without interruption

    • Clutter: Many jobs and hobbies require a lot of tools and materials so having a dedicated space to store these will keep the rest of your home tidy and clutter free.

    • Space: If you work with large tools and equipment, it’s important to have the space to use these without restricting access in your home.

    • Noise: If your work is noisy, having your own workshop is a great way of reducing the noise for your family members.

    • Business: If you plan to run a business from your workshop, you can invite clients over without disturbing the rest of your family.

  • Do I need planning permission to build a workshop?

    This depends on where you’re planning to build your workshop and its size. If you want to build your workshop in an outbuilding, this is often classed as permitted development which means you won't need planning permission. However, any outbuilding used as accommodation or as a bathroom/kitchen will need planning permission.

  • How much does it cost to build a workshop?

    Most workshops don't come pre-made which means they’re usually custom built. As such, it can be tricky to estimate how much it costs to build a workshop. In order to plan your budget consider the following factors that’ll impact your workshop construction cost:

    • Size: The larger your workshop the more it’ll cost to build.

    • Complexity: More complex designs mean higher labour times, increasing the cost of your workshop.

    • Purpose: Depending on how you plan to use your workshop, the price could be affected. For example, if you need electricity and plumbing for your work, this will increase the overall cost.

    • Materials: Workshops can be made from different materials like brick or timber. Each material will have a different cost.

    • Roof: You have a range of options when it comes to picking a roof for your workshop and these all have different prices.

    • Door and windows: Adding high quality windows and doors will be more expensive than basic options. For example, triple glazing will be more costly than double glazing.

    Workshop construction cost

    It's important to factor the above variables into your calculations when you’re planning your workshop construction project. As a rough guide, the average workshop construction cost is £6,000-£9,000. This price covers a standard garden outbuilding. You can find more prices and advice in our outbuilding cost guide.

  • How to build a workshop:

    Hiring a professional to build your workshop is by far the easiest option when it comes to the construction process. An expert can ensure your workshop is built quickly and to the highest standard.

    However, if you have enough experience and DIY skills, this may be a project you choose to take on yourself. Below we’ve summarised the steps:

    1. Clear the area of plants, stones and trees

    2. Lay a strong stable base made from patio slabs and a timber frame to help support your workshop

    3. Build the timber frames for your walls

    4. Add outer walls

    5. Create space for a door and if necessary windows

    6. Install the doors and windows

    7. Install a roof

    8. Felt the roof

    9. Fit any electrics you’ll need (electrics should be checked by an electrician before they are connected), then add insulation

    10. Install plasterboard to your internal walls

    11. Add flooring and decorate

    12. Add finishing touches like furniture and furnishings

  • What to look for in a workshop builder:

    A workshop is a great addition to your home but it’s important to hire the right workshop construction company for your project. If you aren't sure what to look for when choosing a workshop builder, ask yourself the following questions:

    • Are they happy to visit your home to give you a quote?

    • Are they willing to walk you through the construction process?

    • Do they have the right qualifications?

    • Do they have years of experience?

    • Do they seem friendly and professional?

    • Do they have positive reviews on Checkatrade?

    • Can they show you pictures of past jobs?

    If you answer yes to most of these questions, you can be confident you’re hiring the right worker to build your workshop.

    Want to speak to workshop builders in Cranbrook?

    Finding a workshop builder you can trust can be tricky. Thankfully, our members pass thorough checks and are recommended by your neighbours to help put your mind at ease.

    If you’re busy, it isn’t worth wasting hours scrolling through search engines looking for a workshop construction company. Let us help with your search in two easy ways. Firstly, try our online search feature. It’s free to use and allows you to see a variety of workshop professionals in your area.

    Alternatively, use our request a quote feature. Just send us the details of your job and we’ll pass these to three workshop construction companies in Cranbrook. They’ll then contact you directly with a quote.