
cabinet maker in Swindon (6)

Cabinet makers in Swindon

If you’re looking for cabinet makers in Swindon, you’re in the right place.

Here are two ways we can help you to find custom cabinet makers in Swindon:

  1. Scroll up to see local cabinet makers in Swindon

  2. Fill in our request a quote form. Tell us about the work you need, and we’ll send your details to three custom cabinet makers in Swindon. They’ll then contact you with quotes

  • What is a cabinet maker?

    It can be tricky to find storage solutions that are both functional and visually appealing. Adding a cabinet to your home ticks both boxes. Plus, a cabinet can be designed to complement your interior design scheme perfectly.

    If you’re considering having a unique cabinet installed in your home, you’ll need to hire a cabinet maker. Their job is to design and build cabinets that fit seamlessly into your home and offer essential storage. These cabinets can be used for kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom storage.

    Cabinet makers work with wood and utilise various specialist tools to build your cabinet. They also have the necessary qualifications and experience to produce beautiful, custom cabinets.

  • How much does it cost to have a cabinet made?

    While you can buy cabinets that are premade, the best way to find the perfect cabinet for your home is to have it custom-made. This will increase the amount you pay, but you’ll also be adding a unique feature to your home that meets all your requirements.

    Wondering how much custom cabinets cost? The price you pay will vary based on the following factors:

    • Size of the cabinet - The bigger your new cabinet is, the more it’ll cost

    • The number of cabinets - Buying multiple cabinets will increase the amount you pay

    • Materials used - Cabinets can be made using a variety of different materials. Each material will have a different price

    • Use of cabinet - How you use your cabinet will affect how much you pay. For example, bathroom cabinets need to be waterproof while bedroom cabinets won’t

    • Cabinet features - Adding extra features to your cabinet like internal storage, locking drawers, or glass can increase the price

    • Cabinet finish - The price will vary depending on how your cabinet is finished. For example, adding wood carvings or varnish will increase the cost

    • Location - Labour costs vary throughout the UK

    Custom cabinet cost Bespoke cabinets cost upwards of £6,160. However, if you plan to install custom kitchen cabinets, you can expect to pay £47,500 on average.

    You can find more information and prices in our bespoke kitchen cost guide.

  • How much does a cabinet maker charge per hour?

    When you pay for a cabinet to be made, you’re paying for both materials and labour. Cabinet makers may charge by the hour, but they're more likely to quote for the project as a whole.

    The amount your cabinet maker charges per hour will also vary depending on their techniques, the materials they’re working with, and the level of detail your cabinet has. The average cabinet maker cost is £45 per hour.

  • Can cabinet makers match existing cabinets?

    Yes, to a certain extent. Cabinet makers are skilled in a range of techniques and can work with many different materials. This means they can generally match a new cabinet to your existing cabinets. The only time this may not be possible is if your current cabinet is made from a material that can't be easily accessed.

  • Can you mix old and new cabinets?

    Absolutely. You can add new cabinets alongside your older cabinets to create an eye-catching display. The best way of combining old and new cabinets is to match the colour, style or features of both cabinets to create a cohesive finish.

  • How do I choose a cabinet maker?

    When choosing a cabinet maker, you want to make sure that you are working with an experienced and qualified professional.

    Some qualities to look for when choosing a cabinet maker include:

    • Reviews and recommendations

    • Qualifications and experience

    • Cost of labour and materials

    • Time scale for project and availability

    • Member of a trade association

  • Is making cabinets cheaper than buying them?

    As mentioned above, custom-built cabinets are usually more expensive than bought ones.

    If you are a skilled woodworker, however, and you are building the cabinets yourself, it could be cheaper to make them than buy them.

    You will, however, need to factor in the cost of all materials and the tools you may need to buy to successfully make your own cabinets.

  • How can you tell if cabinets are good quality?

    Some things to look out for in a high-quality cabinet include:

    • Hardwood dovetail drawer boxes

    • Plywood or particle board construction

    • Soft close drawers and doors

    • Melamine interiors

    • I-beam reinforcement

    • Strong back panels

    • Smooth face finish

  • How tall are standard kitchen cabinets?

    This depends on the type of cabinet. There are three main types of kitchen cabinet: wall cabinets, tall cabinets, and base cabinets.

  • Are tall kitchen cabinets worth it?

    Yes. Tall kitchen cabinets that reach from the floor to the ceiling are a great idea if you have a small kitchen with limited floor space.

    They can be bespoke designed to fit alongside any appliances and can be configured with various shelving units to meet your needs.

  • What should I ask my custom cabinet maker?

    When you hire a custom cabinet maker, you want to make sure that they understand exactly what you want from your custom cabinets.

    Some good questions to ask your custom cabinet maker include:

    • What materials will you use to make the cabinets?

    • How are the cabinets assembled?

    • What finishes are available for the cabinets?

    • How are the shelves and drawers made?

    • What hardware do you use?

    • Does the cost include materials and labour?

    • How long will it take to make and install the cabinets?

    • Can I be involved in the cabinet design?

  • How much is a customized cabinet?

    Customized kitchen cabinets can cost anywhere from £12,000 to £25,000. The cost of customized cabinets will depend on the materials used, complexity of the cabinets, project location, and the amount of cabinets required.

    To ensure that you get the best price for your custom cabinets, it’s a good idea to get several quotes before deciding on the best option for you.