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Underfloor heating servicing in Warwick

If you’re looking for underfloor heating servicing in Warwick, then you’ve come to the right place.

There are two ways we can help you find underfloor heating servicing in Warwick:

  1. Scroll up to see underfloor heating servicing companies in Warwick

  2. Or, fill in your details using our request a quote form. Make sure that you include information about your job, and we’ll send this to underfloor heating servicing specialists in Warwick. You will then receive quotes from tradespeople who can help with all your underfloor heating servicing needs

  • Does underfloor heating need to be serviced?

    This depends on the type of underfloor heating system. Electric underfloor heating is largely maintenance free and once it has been installed no servicing is required.

    Hydronic or water based underfloor heating, however, may require regular servicing to ensure it is working properly.

    Water based underground heating systems can be serviced in a similar way to a traditional radiator-based heating system.

    A plumber or gas engineer will inspect the system and where required perform a power flush to clean out any rust or sludge from the water pipes.

  • What is the life expectancy of underfloor heating?

    The average life expectancy of an electric underfloor heating system is anywhere between 25 and 40 years.

    Hydronic underfloor heating systems usually last upwards of 50 years. When well-maintained, they could have a life expectancy of more than 100 years.

  • Should you leave your underfloor heating on constantly in the winter?

    Yes. Underfloor heating is most efficient when left on at a constant temperature.

    Underfloor heating can take between two to three hours to completely warm up. Therefore, keeping it on is far more effective than regularly turning it on and off.

  • How do I know if my underfloor heating is working properly?

    When you turn on your underfloor heating you should see a flame icon appear on your boiler or electric control hub. You should also hear the thermostat click when you turn the system on.

    After about fifteen minutes you should start to feel your floor warming up. If this does not happen, then you have a problem with your underfloor heating and will need to contact a professional.

  • Why doesn’t my underfloor heating floor feel warm?

    There are several reasons why your underfloor heating floor does not feel warm. Before calling out a specialist to service your underfloor heating system, try these troubleshooting fixes:

    • Adjust the thermostat settings

    • Check the system’s power output

    • Check the boiler pressure

    If you have tried these fixes but to no avail, then it’s time to call a servicing specialist.

  • Is it better to leave underfloor heating on all day?

    This depends on the time of year and the exterior temperature. As mentioned above, it’s more efficient to leave your underfloor heating on during winter.

    If you have a cold period in spring or autumn, you may want to set your underfloor heating to come on at certain times of the day.

    If it is programmed to come on two hours before you get up, the house will be nice and warm when you get out of bed.

  • Should I turn off underfloor heating in summer?

    Yes. In general, you should turn off your underfloor heating in the summer.

    It’s a good idea, however, to switch it on for around 15 to 20 minutes every few weeks to ensure that the system doesn’t become clogged or rusted.

  • What is the most economical way to run underfloor heating?

    The most economical way to run underfloor heating is to set the thermostats at a comfortable temperature and leave the system on during the cold winter months.

    Good insulation when the system is installed is also key to improving the system’s performance.

    You may also want to set certain rooms to come on at certain times to improve economical performance.