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Antique furniture repair technician in Freckleton

Are you looking for qualified antique furniture repair technicians in Freckleton? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

At Checkatrade, our member database includes a wide range of antique furniture repair technicians in Freckleton.

To find the best antique furniture repair technicians in your area, Checkatrade can help.

Simply scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade antique furniture repair technicians near you.

Or, fill in our request a quote form to contact highly skilled antique furniture repair technicians in your area.

  • What is an antique furniture repair technician?

    Antique furniture repair technicians are carpenters specialising in antique furniture repair and refurbishment. They work with various materials and have knowledge of traditional techniques that help them preserve the historical integrity of furniture.

    You can find these professionals in various work environments, like repair shops, antique stores and in client’s homes working as sole traders.

    Their unique skills and proficiency with certain tools allows them to assess damage, repair both structures and upholstery, assemble and disassemble furniture, and otherwise bring furniture from a state of disrepair to a high-quality condition.

    Is it better to restore antique furniture?

    Antique furniture is great to own for many reasons. In the good old days, furniture was made with a huge amount of attention and care from skilled carpenters, and high-quality materials were often used. Today’s mass-produced furniture often lacks the same level of detail and character.

    Restoring an antique piece could leave you with something even more durable than a modern replacement. It’s also important to consider whether the furniture has sentimental or historical value, as well as its financial value, how much restoration will cost and sustainability issues.

  • How do you restore and refinish old furniture?

    Restoring antique furniture requires careful attention from a trained specialist, as mistakes can be hard to correct. Here’s a basic outline of how to do it:

    1. Assess damage. Determine the type and extent of the damage so you can gather the right equipment

    2. Clean. Use a mild soap and some water to clean the furniture and allow it to dry

    3. Disassemble (if required). If the piece has removable parts, take them out so you can work on them individually

    4. Strip old finish. Apply paint stripper and gently remove the old finish

    5. Repair damage. Fix any structural damage, such as using wood glue for loose joints and wood filler for small cracks

    6. Sand surface. Sand the entire surface in the direction of the wood grain using a coarse grit and progressively move to finer grits

    7. Stain or paint. Apply stain or paint depending on the look you’re trying to achieve

    8. Apply finish. Apply thin coats of finish and allow it to dry between coats

    9. Reassemble. Put the components back together

    10. Inspect and polish. Check the final condition, clean and polish

    When undertaking a project like this, it’s almost always a good idea to consult an expert, especially if the furniture is valuable.