
Appliance Services / Repair in Teignmouth (1)

Appliance services in Teignmouth

There are plenty of good local appliance services in Teignmouth who come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable domestic appliance repair experts near you:

  1. Search for domestic appliance repair in Teignmouth and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended appliance services in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does appliance repair cost?

    The average domestic appliance repair cost will depend on the type of appliance that needs fixing.

    Appliance repair costs

    Here are some of the average appliance repair costs that you can expect to pay in Teignmouth:

    • Dishwasher repair – £80 - £250

    • Fridge repair – £45 - £445

    • Oven repair – £75 - £105

    • Cooker hood repair – £100

    • Washing machine repair – £60 - £250

    • Tumble dryer repair – £80 - £340

    We always recommend speaking to your local domestic appliance repair services to find out how much they think it might cost to repair your appliance. Give them as much information as you can so that they can give you a more accurate quote.

    Appliance repair cost per hour

    You’ll often find that many appliance repair engineers will charge an initial callout fee to come and visit your property and inspect the appliance. They may then charge an hourly rate for any additional repair costs not covered by the initial callout fee.

    Before hiring any tradesperson to carry out domestic appliance repair, make sure you ask for a breakdown of their costs, including any callout fee and additional appliance repair cost per hour.

    Factors affecting the cost of appliance repair

    As you might expect, there are a number of factors that will affect the total cost of appliance repair, including:

    • Type of appliance

    • Make and model

    • Type and extent of damage

    • Complexity of the repair work needed

    • Cost of parts needed

    • Time taken to complete the repair work

    Quotes for affordable appliance repair

    For exact costs it’s always a good idea to contact local appliance repair services to get accurate quotes for the job. As with all home improvement projects, we always recommend obtaining at least three quotes from different tradespeople in your area.

    By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the repair work. And, thankfully, our request a quote feature makes finding multiple quotes super easy. You simply post details about the work you need doing and we’ll send it out to local domestic appliance repair services in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • What is classed as a domestic appliance?

    Domestic appliances are generally considered to be any electrical appliance that’s used in the home to carry out a task more quickly and easily than doing it manually. The majority of domestic appliances tend to cover jobs such as cooking and cleaning.

    The most common large domestic appliances include:

    • Dishwashers

    • Refrigerators

    • Freezers

    • Ovens and cookers

    • Washing machines

    • Microwaves

    Smaller domestic appliances include the likes of food processors, toasters, kettles, blenders, and slow cookers.

    Common types of electrical appliance repair

    It’s surprising how there are a certain number of problems with domestic appliances that repair services find themselve faced with on a daily basis. Here are some of the most common types of electrical appliance repair jobs that tradespeople are hired for in Teignmouth:

    • Leaking appliances

    • Overheating or smell of burning

    • Not heating up at all

    • Unusual noises

    • Strange smells

    • The appliance stops working

    Professional home appliance repair

    Ready to find a local appliance repair service? Find the best home appliance repair services in Teignmouth with our handy online search. Or request a quote now and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to multiple local tradespeople and getting them to contact you directly. It’s quick and easy – give it a try!

    How to choose reliable domestic appliance repair

    When deciding who to hire to repair your home appliances, there are a few things to look out for that will help you choose the best tradesperson (or repair company) for the job…

    • Check their reviews and choose a tradesperson who has lots of positive comments from previous customers

    • Make sure they’re qualified to do the job with the relevant qualifications or accreditation from recognised organisations, such as City & Guilds or NVQ

    • Choose a tradesperson with good customer service who responds to your initial call or email quickly and professionally

    Ask for a free quote before hiring anyone (and compare them) – reputable domestic appliance repair engineers will happily provide guide prices upfront

  • How long does appliance repair take?

    Many types of electrical appliance repair can be done pretty quickly – often within an hour. But it will depend on the type of appliance and the extent of the repair work needed. Below are the average times for some of the most common types of home appliance repair.

    Tumble dryer and washing machine repair

    • Fit new washing machine door seal – 0.5 - 1 hour

    • Fit new washing machine motor brushes – 0.5 - 1 hour

    • Fit new washing machine motor – 1 hour

    • Fit new washing machine pump – 0.5 - 1 hour

    • Fit new tumble dryer heating element – 0.5 - 1 hour

    Oven repair

    • Fit new electric fan oven element – 0.5 - 1 hour

    • Fit new electric fan oven thermostat – 1 hour

    Dishwasher and fridge-freezer repair

    • Fit new dishwasher pump – 0.5 - 1 hour

    • Fit new dishwasher motor – 1 - 2 hours

    • Fit new dishwasher heating element – 1 - 2 hours

    • Fit new fridge freezer door seal/gasket – 0.5 - 1 hour

    • Fit new fridge freezer thermostat – 0.5 - 1 hour

    When speaking to local tradespeople about carrying out electrical appliance repair work, ask them how long they estimate the job to take. Experienced electrical appliance repair engineers will have a good idea of what’s involved and how long it should take them.

    Always check your warranty

    If you bought your domestic appliance fairly recently, always check the details of the manufacturer's or seller’s warranty – for two reasons. Firstly, repair work might be covered if the work is related to a genuine fault in the appliance. And secondly, your warranty might state that any repair work must be done by a registered repair person/company in order for the warranty to remain valid.

    Ready to find a reliable appliance repair service? Our online search is quick and easy, and will help you find the best local domestic appliance repair services in your area.

  • What is an appliance service?

    When it comes to looking after your domestic appliances there are two common reasons to hire a tradesperson: for repair work, or a routine appliance service. The first is fairly obvious, if something is wrong with your domestic appliance then you need to get it repaired.

    An appliance service, on the other hand, is a regular check-up of your electrical appliance to make sure that it’s in good working order – without there necessarily being a need for a specific repair. Appliance services are usually carried out once or twice a year, depending on the appliance and the amount of use it gets.

    As part of an appliance service, the repair engineer will run through the main functions of the appliance to check that all the features are working properly and it’s behaving as it should. Often some minor electrical appliance repair might be needed, if the engineer finds something wrong.

    Benefits of an appliance service

    Wondering whether you should bother with an appliance service? Here are some of the benefits of having your domestic appliances serviced regularly:

    • Regular maintenance helps spot problems sooner rather than later

    • Appliance servicing will generally save you money compared to expensive repairs

    • A well-serviced appliance will run more efficiently and potentially save you money on energy bills

    • You and your household will have peace of mind knowing your electrical appliances are in good working order

    Gas appliance service

    Where gas appliances are concerned, it’s important to keep them in good working order to keep you, your home and your loved ones safe. The nature of gas appliances means the risks from faulty equipment are much higher than non-gas domestic appliances. Damaged gas appliances can lead to gas leaks, fires or flooding, which all pose a threat to your home.

    In addition to keeping you safe, carrying out regular gas appliances services will ensure the appliance is running smoothly and efficiently – so you won’t be paying for energy wasted by a poorly performing appliance.

    Always hire a registered Gas Safe engineer to carry out any work on your gas appliances. Need help finding the right tradesperson? Check out our guide on how to find a gas engineer.

  • Why can appliance repair be expensive?

    You may have heard of expensive home appliance repairs that cost almost as much as the appliance itself. Or maybe you’ve had a quote like that from a repair service. The reality is, the price of common domestic appliances has fallen but the way cheaper products are made often makes them difficult or very expensive to repair.

    A new individual part might cost as little as £10-£20, but because of the way the washing machine, tumble dryer or fridge-freezer is built you could end up paying for a much more complex repair job.

    Choose your appliances wisely

    The key to avoiding unnecessarily expensive repairs is to buy domestic appliances that are built in a way that means it’s easier to fix individual elements. When buying a new appliance, ask the retailer about the reliability of the product and specifically ask about repairs.

    You want to make sure you’re buying a product that is built to last, but that will also be fixable with affordable appliance repair to fix – should something go wrong.

    Hire reliable appliance repair services near you

    One of the other ways to avoid paying for expensive repairs, is to make sure you choose the right tradespeople to carry out the work. Now that’s not to say go for the cheapest – because that could backfire if they do a bad job and cut corners.

    Instead, look for experienced local appliance repair engineers with lots of positive customer reviews and who charged a fair and competitive price for the work. To help you understand what a fair price is, we recommend getting quotes from at least three different tradespeople in your area. Ask them for a detailed breakdown for costs and compare them.

    Ready to get started? Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll reach out to multiple local tradespeople for you and get them to contact you directly.