
Fascia / Soffits / Guttering in Sutton In Ashfield (15)

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Gutters, Fascias and Soffits services near Sutton-in-Ashfield

​​There are plenty of good local gutter and fascia services in Sutton-in-Ashfield who come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable local guttering repair services near you:

  1. Search for local gutter and fascia services in Sutton-in-Ashfield and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended experts who specialise in upVC fascias and soffits suppliers near you and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does it cost to replace soffits and fascia?

    The average cost of fascia, soffit and guttering replacement depends on a number of factors, and varies from property to property. Below are some of the typical guttering and fascia replacement costs in the UK.

    Typical soffit and fascia costs

    Here are some of the average guttering and fascia replacement costs you can expect to pay in the UK:

    • Install fascias and soffits – £100 per m2

    • Hire scaffolding for fascia & soffit access – £600 - £800

    • Replacement tiles and waste – £50

    • Replacement cost (labour) of guttering semi-detached property – £600 - £800

    • uPVC replacement for old fascias and soffits – £100 per m2

    • uPVC replacement for old fascias and soffits - small semi-detached property – £1,350

    • Capping old fascias and soffits with a uPVC cover - large semi-detached property – £3,000

    • Capping old fascias and soffits with a uPVC cover – £50 per m2

    Soffit installation costs

    If it’s just the cost of soffit installation you’re looking for, here are averages prices for installing soffits on various types of property:

    • Semi-detached house (front & back) – £1,200 - £1,500

    • Semi-detached house (3 sides) – £1,700 - £2,000

    • Detached house – £2,600 - £3,000

    • Terraced house – £80 per m2

    • Bungalow – £100 per m2

    Factors affecting the cost to replace soffit and fascia

    As you’d expect, there are a number of factors that will affect the total soffit and fascia replacement cost for your property, including:

    • Size of your property

    • Length of guttering that needs replacing

    • Quality of materials

    • Any structural damage that needs to be repaired

    Driveway cost quotes

    To get accurate costs for your driveway installation, it’s always sensible to contact local tradespeople to discuss the details and specification of your project. And, as with all home improvement projects, we always recommend obtaining at least three quotes from different driveway specialists in your area.

    By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work. And, thankfully, we've got a tool that makes finding multiple quotes super easy. Our request a quote tool is perfect for getting quotes: you post details about the work you need doing and we’ll send it out to local tradespeople in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • What are fascias and soffits?

    You’ll often find builders and roofers talking about roofing fascias and soffits, which are terms used to describe the external part of a building where the roof ends. You’re most likely to hear of these terms when dealing with your home’s guttering, as gutters, soffits and fascias are often all involved in the process of guttering installation and repair.

    What is a fascia?

    A roofing fascia is a board that is attached at the point when the roof meets the outer walls of a building, otherwise known as the roofline. Fascias are positioned vertically and run along the lower edge of the roof to create a finished look for the roofline. The easiest way to identify fascias is by looking at the gutters – guttering is typically always attached to the fascias.

    Fascia boards are usually made of wood, wood composite or uPVC. Wood was traditionally used for fascias, but uPVC has become much more popular, mainly thanks to the minimal maintenance and longer lifespan.

    What are soffits on a house?

    Soffits are the boards that sit horizontally underneath the fascias, making them the boards most visible from street level. Soffits complete the boxed structure along the roofline and are there purely for aesthetic reasons – they don’t provide any structural support for the roof.

    That said, some soffits have ventilation installed to help improve airflow into the roof of the building. In which case the soffit is more than just looking pretty, it’s serving a useful function for ventilation.

    Benefits of uPVC fascias and soffits

    Here are some of the reasons why uPVC fascias and soffits have become extremely popular with homeowners in the UK:

    • They require very little maintenance aside from a standard clean every now and then

    • They ’re inexpensive and often cost half the price of wood soffits and fascias

    • uPVC fascias and soffits are durable and will last for years once installed, without rotting or swelling

    • They’re available in a range of colours so you can pick the right one to suit the style of your home

    Hire a local gutters, fascias and soffits expert

    If you need help with your gutters, fascias and soffits, we can help you find the best local tradespeople for the job. Use our quick and easy online search to find and contact guttering experts in your area. Or request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to reliable tradespeople recommended by your neighbours in Sutton-in-Ashfield.

  • How do you fit fascias and soffits?

    Wondering how to fit fascias and soffits? Well, firstly it’s worth pointing out that fitting fascias and soffits usually requires working at height and we would recommend hiring a professional to do the job. That way you can ensure that your fascias and soffits are installed correctly, safely and efficiently.

    If you are an experienced DIY enthusiast who’s confident working at heights, below is an overview of how to fit fascias and soffits.

    Stage 1: Preparing the roof

    Before you get to work fitting the fascias and soffits themselves, you need to carry out a number of steps to make sure your roof is ready for them to be fitted.

    1. Start by removing the any old fascias, soffits and guttering, as well as the bottom row or two of tiles from the roof

    2. Check the condition of the rafter felt and if you notice any damage then replace with new felt or eaves protector

    3. Ensure that there is sufficient support at the wall to support the soffit, either using the roof rafters as the support, adding hangars to the rafter boards, or with a noggin that extends out from the wall

    Stage 2: How to fit soffits

    1. First, measure the width of space under the eaves using the distance from the wall to the outer eave board

    2. Cut the soffit board to the appropriate length and width and fix it to the timber (with 25-40mm pins or plastic headed nails), making sure you fit it at a 90-degree angle to the wall and firmly enough so that the board doesn’t shake or rattle

    3. Leave enough space between each soffit so that you can fit a soffit joint trim to create a smooth finish – and remember to also leave a gap of 8-10mm to allow for expansion to avoid any warping, cracking or splitting

    4. Finish off by installing any joint trims and end caps to complete the final look

    Stage 3: How to fit fascia boards

    1. Position the fascia board level with the front of the soffit board and check that the width or positioning of your fascia doesn’t block any windows from opening

    2. Fix the fascia firmly to the rafters using two evenly spaced stainless steel nails per rafter, making sure it’s fully secure to support the weight of the roof tiles and guttering

    3. Create a clean finish by covering box ends with a single fascia, or using fascia corners and trims

    Hire a professional to fit your fascias and soffits

    If you’re not confident working at heights, or you don’t have the time to install or repair gutters, fascias and soffits yourself, you can hire an experienced local tradesperson to fit fascias and soffits for you. Use our request a quote tool and we’ll reach out to multiple tradespeople in your area and get them to contact you directly to discuss your project and provide you with quotes for the costs of their services.