
Single Ply Membrane Roofs Installation in Hersham (361)

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Single ply roofing contractors in Hersham

Looking for single ply membrane roofing contractors in Hersham? No problem, we can help to speed up and simplify your search. We can even show you professionals who are recommended by your neighbours.

Here are two ways you can find single ply roofers in your local area:

  1. Go online and search for single ply roofing experts in Hersham, then contact them directly.

  2. Save time using our request a quote feature. Just give us the details of your job and we’ll pass this information to three single ply roofing contractors in Hersham. They’ll then get in touch to offer you three fair quotes.

  • What is a single ply membrane roof?

    When it comes to covering your flat roof, you have a few different options. One of these options is single ply membrane roofing. As the name suggests, single ply roofs are fitted using only one sheet of material rather than multiple layers.

    What is a single ply membrane roof made of?

    Made using sheets of synthetic polymer, single ply membrane roofing comes in two common forms. These are Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) and thermoplastics. In addition to being waterproof, your single ply membrane roof will be sealed to prevent leaks and water damage to your home.

    How long does a single ply membrane roof last?

    If properly maintained, single ply membrane roofs can last over 30 years needing little in the way of repairs.

  • What are the advantages & disadvantages of single ply membrane roofing?

    Depending on your needs, single ply membrane roofs could be the perfect solution for your home. This roofing material comes with a range of advantages including:

    • Durability - Single ply membrane roofing is very durable. It won’t tear easily and can provide years of protection for your home.

    • Environmentally friendly - Compared to other roofing materials, single ply membrane roofing is environmentally friendly.

    • UV resistant - This material is designed to withstand UV light from the sun.

    • Variety - Single ply membrane roofing is available in a range of colours.

    • Fireproof/waterproof - These roofs are both fire and waterproof.

    • Lightweight - Puting little strain on your roof, single ply membranes are lightweight.

    What are the disadvantages of single ply membrane roofing?

    While single ply membrane roofs have many advantages, they aren't perfect. A few of the disadvantages to choosing this material include:

    • Lifespan - Single ply membrane roofs have a relatively short lifespan compared to other roofing materials.

    • Seams - Your single ply membrane roof will have seams that need to be properly sealed. Unfortunately, these seams may become damaged and allow leaks into your home.

    • Punctures - While these roofs are quite durable, they’re susceptible to punctures from sharp objects.

    Price - This material can be a little expensive and will need to be replaced after 30 years.

  • How much does single ply roofing cost?

    If you’re planning on having single ply roofing installed on your flat roof, you may be wondering how much this will cost. In order to estimate the amount you need to budget, it’s important to consider the factors that impact the total price of this job. These include:

    • Size of roof - The bigger your roof is, the more materials and labour is needed, increasing the cost.

    • Condition of roof - If your roof is in poor condition, you’ll have to pay extra for repairs.

    • Quality of material - Depending on the quality of your chosen single ply membrane, the price will vary.

    • Height of roof - If your roof is very high, this may increase labour costs.

    • Accessibility - Difficult to access roofs mean higher labour costs.

    • Slope - If you plan to add a low slope to your flat roof to aid drainage, this will push up the price you pay.

    • Insulation - Adding extra insulation will improve the energy efficiency of your home but is an additional cost to consider.

    • Location - Certain areas of the UK have higher labour costs.

    Single ply membrane roofing cost

    The amount you pay for your single ply membrane roofing will vary from job to job. However, using the above variables should help you to plan your budget. We can also look at average single ply membrane roofing costs.

    For example, if you choose EPDM roofing, the average cost is £70 per square metre. You can find more prices and information in our rubber roofing cost guide.

  • How do you install single ply membranes?

    As a rough guide, single ply membrane is installed onto your roof using adhesive. The material is then rolled over your roof, flattened out and any seams are sealed using heat or strong adhesive.

    If not installed properly, you may experience leaks and water damage to your home. To avoid any risks and ensure your roof is fitted to the highest standard, we recommend finding a qualified single ply membrane installer.

    Want to speak to single ply roofing contractors in Hersham?

    Once you’re ready to get started, let us help you find single ply roofers in your area. It's important to find single ply membrane installers you can trust. So, to help with this, we can show you a range of professionals who are recommended by your neighbours. Plus, our members pass thorough checks to ensure they can offer you the best service.

    So, how can we help you find single ply membrane roofing contractors? One option is to use our online search. Simply type in your postcode to instantly see a variety of single ply roofing experts near you.

    Alternatively, our request a quote feature is a great option for busy homeowners. Fill in our handy online form and we’ll send the details of your project to three professionals who offer single ply roofing installation in Hersham. They’ll then send you a quote.