
Fireplaces / Stoves in Stanmore (5)

Fireplace installers near Stanmore

There are plenty of good local fireplace installers in Stanmore who come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable fireplace and stove installers near you:

  1. Search for local fireplace and stove installers in Stanmore and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended fireplace and stove installers in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does it cost to install a fireplace in the UK?

    The total cost of installing a fireplace will depend on the type of fireplace you choose, the complexity of the installation, and the experience of the individual fireplace installer.

    Cost to install a gas fireplace

    The average cost to install a gas fireplace in the UK is around £50 - £100 for the labour of a simple installation. Here are some of the prices you can expect to pay for installing a gas fireplace:

    • Install gas fire – £50 - £100

    • Remove gas fire and install new wall hung flueless gas fire – £100 - £150

    • Annual service for gas fire – £60 - £100

    • Remove gas fire and cap off gas pipe – £50 - £100

    When dealing with any gas appliance, always make sure you hire a qualified and experienced Gas Safe Engineer. Need help hiring a gas engineer? Check out our guide on how to find a gas engineer.

    Average cost to install a wood burning fireplace

    If you’re a fan of wood burning fires, rather than gas, then you’ll want to look at installing a log burner in your home. The average cost to install a wood burning fireplace in the UK ranges from around £550 to about £3,000 – depending on the type of fireplace and the work involved to install it.

    Here are some of the average costs you can expect to pay for the various installations:

    • New fireplace and hearth using existing flue – £900

    • New fireplace and hearth a new flue in existing chimney – £1,500

    • New fireplace and hearth with external twin wall flue – £3,000

    • Use existing fireplace with existing flue – £550

    • Use existing fireplace with a new flue in existing chimney – £1,150

    • Use existing fireplace with with external twin wall flue – £2,550

    Cost to install TV over fireplace

    Once you’ve got your new fireplace installed, a popular next step is to have a TV installed above it. The average cost to install a TV over a fireplace is around £40 - £125. To find out more about prices, check out our guide to TV setup costs.

    Quotes for installing a fireplace

    To get accurate costs for your fireplace installation, it’s always sensible to contact local tradespeople to discuss the details and specification of your project. As with all home improvement projects, we always recommend obtaining at least three quotes from different fireplace installers in your area.

    By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work. And, thankfully, we've got a tool that makes finding multiple quotes super easy. Our request a quote tool is perfect for getting quotes: you post details about the work you need doing and we’ll send it out to local tradespeople in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • How do I protect my TV from fireplace heat in the UK?

    If you have, or are planning on having, your TV mounted above your fireplace you’ll want to consider the impact and damage that the heat can have on your television. After all, heat and electronic devices don’t often play well together.

    The reality is that heat will rise from your fireplace, and positioning a TV above that heat can cause problems. That said, most TVs can operate in temperatures of up to 37°C – though it’s important to factor in the heat that the TV generates itself.

    As a general rule, however, we would recommend avoiding installing a TV above a fireplace where at all possible.

    Ways to protect your TV from fireplace heat

    Here are some of the ways you can help protect your TV against fireplace heat:

    • A thick fire surround or mantelpiece can offer some shelter from the flow of hot air directly above the fire

    • Consider a smaller fireplace to allow more space between the fire and your TV

    • Electric fires often have an ‘effect-only’ feature that shows a flame without the heat

    • Placing the TV higher up the wall will reduce the amount of heat it receives

    One important point worth noting is that there’s a chance that installing a TV close to a fireplace could invalidate its warranty. Check if your TV instructions specifically warn against placing too close to your fire, if so then any heat-related damage won’t be covered.

    Want to move a wall-mounted TV?

    If you’re now thinking it’s time to move your TV from above the fireplace, or you want to install a wall-mounted TV for the first time – you’re in the right place. Use our quick and easy online search to find reliable TV wall mounting experts in your area.

  • Do you need permission to install a wood burning stove?

    There is currently no official requirement to have permission to install a wood burning stove in the UK – as long as the work is carried out by a qualified tradesperson, such as a HETAS installer. As long as your installer is qualified, they’ll be able to certify the works themselves and issue a certificate of compliance.

    Often you’ll find many reputable gas fireplace installers and boiler stove installers who install wood burning stoves are also HETAS-registered installers.

    If you decide to install the stove yourself, or hire a non-HETAS installer, then you’ll need to inform your local building control department before you start any work on the installation. This isn’t the same as applying for planning permission, but it is a required step so that the local authority can inspect the installation once it’s done to make sure it meets all the necessary Building Regulations.

    Process for fitting a wood burning stove (DIY or non-HETAS installer)

    1. Notify your local building control department that you will be installing a wood burning stove

    2. Carry out the installation in line with all relevant Building Regulations

    3. Complete a notice plate to record all the details of your stove, hearth, chimney and flue – this should be placed by your hearth, electric meter or water stopcock

    4. Inform your local council that the work has been completed so they can arrange an inspection

    If you live in a listed building, you may need to apply for full planning permission so always check with your local council before starting any work.

    Wood burning stove ideas

    To help you choose the perfect wood burning stove for your home, we’ve put together a guide of wood burning stove ideas.

    Find a boiler stove installer

    If you already know what you want, or you’d like to chat about your project with a local expert, use our quick and easy online search to find the best boiler stove installers near you.

  • Is it worth it to install a fireplace?

    For homes that don’t already have a fireplace, installing one is often a popular home improvement project for many homeowners in the UK. Whether it’s an electric fireplace, a wood burning stove, or an outdoor fireplace, you might find that a fireplace adds a special touch to your home.

    Reasons to install a fireplace

    1. They add style and atmosphere to your home both in terms of the look and feel, as well as providing a natural source of heat that creates a relaxing atmosphere.

    2. A fireplace can add value to your property if done well as it’s a feature that many buyers find attractive and are willing to pay more for.

    3. You can potentially heat your home more efficiently, depending on the type of fireplace you install – speak to your local fireplace installers to check the energy efficiency level and environmental impact of the different options available.

    4. Modern fireplaces are safe and secure – When properly installed (by a HETAS installer) and well-maintained, modern fireplaces will meet high safety standards to give you peace of mind that you and your home are safe.

    5. It could be more affordable than you think – The cost of some fireplace installations can be pretty low, making them an affordable improvement to your home.

    Opening up a fireplace

    Many older properties have fireplaces that have been sealed up or blocked off, but that could be opened up so that you can start using them again. If you’d like to find out more, read our guide on how to open up a fireplace.

    Ready to hire a local fireplace installer?

    If you’re eager to install a new fireplace in your home, we can help you find the best gas fireplace installer, boiler stove installer, or other skilled tradesperson for the job. Use our quick and easy online search to find and contact local fireplace installers in your area. Or request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to recommended tradespeople in Stanmore.

  • Does a fireplace add value to a house?

    Yes, adding a fireplace to your home can often increase the value of the property. As long as it’s a fireplace that is properly installed and chosen to fit with the overall look and feel of the rest of the house, it can be a superb addition that adds value.

    Tips for choosing the right fireplace

    When choosing a new fireplace for your home, you want to make sure it adds to the property and fits in well – so that potential buyers see it as a feature not a burden. Here are our top tips for choosing a fireplace:

    • Decide on where you want the fireplace to go and measure the room and the space available – this will help you choose the right size fireplace

    • Consider the style of your home and choose a fireplace that matches the feel of the property

    • Understand the options available – if you already have a chimney then a wood burning fireplace might be a good option, if not then an electric or ventless gas fireplace might be a better choice

    • Factor in the running costs – Each type of fireplace has a different energy efficiently and also varying running costs, so it’s important to understand what type of fireplace would be most suitable for you and your home

    • Outdoor fireplaces are a strong selling point – If your property has a garden then an outdoor fireplace or fire pit can be an excellent choice to add appeal to your outdoor space

    Need professional advice?

    It often helps to have a quick chat with a local fireplace expert to to understand what options are available and how much they cost. If you’re ready to reach out to local fireplace installers, we can help you find the best tradespeople in your area with our quick and easy online search – or request a quote and we’ll get multiple local fireplace installers to contact you directly.