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Carpets and Flooring Services near Ilkeston

If you’re looking for reliable carpet installation in Ilkeston, we can help you find the best installers recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find the best floor and carpet installation experts near you:

  1. Search for local carpet floor installation in Ilkeston and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended floor and carpet installers in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does it cost for carpet installation?

    The average carpet installation cost in the UK can vary, depending on a number of factors. As a guide, you can expect to pay somewhere in the region of £90-£120 per carpet fitter – often carpet fitters will work in pairs for larger carpet installation jobs.

    Typical carpet installation prices

    To help you plan your budget for installing or replacing carpet, here are some of the average carpet floor installation costs in the UK:

    • Carpet replacement cost – £13 - £50 per m2

    • Cost to remove old carpet – £20

    • Carpet fitting cost – £90 - £120

    • Cost to replace carpet in house – £5 - £40 per m2

    • Carpet replacement cost for one room – £200 – £3,000

    • Cost to replace carpet on stairs with wood – £15 - £150 per m2 + £70 for fitting

    • Cost to replace carpet with hardwood – £20 - £75 per m2

    To find out more about prices for replacing carpet in your home, check out our guide to carpet replacement costs.

    Factors affecting carpet installation costs

    There are a number of factors that can affect the total price you pay for carpet installation in the UK, including:

    • Size and quantity of rooms that need carpeting

    • Style of carpet you choose

    • Quality of the carpet

    • Additional material costs, such as underlay

    • Any prep work that needs to be done on the floor

    • Any carpentry work needed to raise doors

    Quotes for carpet installation prices

    To get accurate costs for your carpet installation, it’s always sensible to contact local carpet fitters to discuss the details and specification of your project. And, as with all home improvement projects, we always recommend obtaining at least three quotes from different local carpet installation experts in your area.

    By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work. And, thankfully, we've got a tool that makes finding multiple quotes super easy. Our request a quote tool is perfect for getting quotes: you post details about the work you need doing and we’ll send it out to local tradespeople in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • How do you measure a room for carpet installation?

    When you’re planning new carpets for your home, it’s important that you take accurate measurements so that you order the right amount of carpet that is (or can be) cut to the right shape for the room(s).

    Measuring for carpet installation in a room

    We’ve put together a quick summary of how to measure a room for carpet installation:

    1. Measure the length of the room, using the distance from the first wall to the opposite wall

    2. Measure the width by using the distance between the two remaining walls

    3. Add 5-10cm (2 -4 inches) to each side of the room to account for waste, doors and slanting walls

    4. Multiply the length by the width and you’ll have your total in square metres (or square foot)

    5. If there are any alcoves or protruding wall features, make sure you make a note of their measurements

    Top tip: It helps to draw a rough floor plan of the room to note down all of the measurements, to make sure it’s clear which measurements apply to which walls.

    Measuring for carpet installation on stairs cost

    Here’s how to measure for carpet installation on a straight staircase:

    1. Measure the rise (height) and run (length) of the first step and add the two figures together

    2. Add 2-5cm to allow for the nose of the step

    3. Multiply that total figure by the number of stairs on the staircase

    4. Measure the width of the stairs, and add on 2-5cm to allow for uneven staircases

    5. If you have a landing, multiply the width and length of the landing and include that in the measurement of the total area

    If you have a twisting staircase, multiple landings, or other more complicated staircases, it’s best to hire a professional carpet fitter to come and take measurements for the carpet installation estimate.

    Hire a local carpet fitter

    If you’re eager to get started with your carpet installation, we can help you find the best carpet installation experts near you. Use our quick and easy online search to find and contact carpet fitters in your area. Or request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to recommended carpeting installation services in Ilkeston.

    Need help hiring a carpet fitter? Check out our guide to hiring a carpet installer.

  • Can you lay carpet over existing carpet?

    Homeowners occasionally come up with the idea that they want to simply lay new carpet over existing carpet – usually hoping to save money. Whilst that is physically possible, and might seem like a good idea, there are a number of reasons why it’s not something that carpet installation professionals advise.

    Problems with laying carpet over existing carpet

    Here are some of the issues that you might face if you decide to layer carpet in your home:

    • It won’t stay down – It’s extremely difficult to install tack strips over multiple layers of carpet, meaning your carpet won’t stay stuck down.

    • New carpet won’t last long – Carpet isn’t a good underlay and it will decrease the lifespan of your new carpet due to additional wear and tear from lack of support underneath.

    • Mould and mildew are more likely – Old carpets are havens for mould, mildew, dust mites and dirt, which will quickly transfer to your new carpet if laid directly on top.

    • You probably won’t save money in the long run – Trying to take a shortcut by leaving your old carpet in place will potentially lead to costly problems or needing to replace the carpet much sooner than if you remove the old carpet and start fresh.

    Carpet installation estimates

    Sometimes it helps to have a quick chat with local carpet fitters to get their professional advice and understand what you might need from your new carpet. They’ll also be able to provide you with more accurate costs for the carpet installation job.

    If you’re ready to reach out to carpet fitters near you, we can help you find the best tradespeople in your area with our quick and easy online search – or request a quote and we’ll get multiple local carpet fitters to contact you directly about carpet installation estimates.

  • Do you have to clear room for carpet fitters?

    It depends. The need to clear a room before carpet fitters arrive will depend on what you’ve previously agreed with the fitters. Most carpet installation professionals will charge an additional fee for having to move furniture around – some may even refuse to install the new carpet if the room is too full of furniture and clutter.

    We always recommend discussing these sorts of details with carpet fitters before you hire them. Make sure you understand how they plan to fit the carpet and what state they need the room to be in to carry out the work.

    The clearer the room, the quicker and easier it is for the carpet fitters to do their job and complete the carpet installation – which could cut down on the labour time and save you money. If possible, it’s a good idea to clear the room as much as possible yourself.

    Questions to ask local carpet fitters

    Here are a few questions that will help you plan your carpet installation:

    • Do you need me to clear the room completely before you arrive?

    • Do you charge extra to move furniture? If so, how much?

    • How much do you charge to remove my old carpet?

    • Is there any preparation I need to do before the carpet installation?

    • What happens if you find damaged flooring when you take up my old carpet?

    Find the best carpet fitters near you

    Want to hire local carpet fitters who are efficient, experienced and will finish the job to a professional standard? You’re in the right place. Use our online search to find the best carpet fitters recommended by your neighbours.

  • How do you prepare for carpet installation?

    When it comes to preparing your home for carpet installation, the extent of preparation will depend on your individual carpet installation – and what you’ve agreed beforehand. Here are some tips for how to prepare for carpet installation:

    • Ideally all furniture should be cleared from the room where new carpet is being laid

    • In some cases carpet fitters are happy to work around a large piece of furniture such as a sofa or wardrobe, if they can’t be cleared – but this should be agreed with them in advance

    • Remove all breakable items from the room to avoid them being damaged during the carpet installation process

    • Disconnect all wiring for appliances and electronic equipment

    • If you have existing carpet that needs removing you can either remove it yourself or ask your carpet fitters to remove it for you – for which they’ll most likely charge a small fee

    If in doubt, ask your local carpet fitters what they expect in terms of your preparation before they arrive so that you can have your home ready for them to get to work. The less you prepare the more the carpet fitters will have to do, which will slow them down, potentially add labour time (and cost) and they could charge you additional fees for preparation work.

    Preparing for carpet installation on concrete floor

    If you are having carpet installed on a concrete floor, you’ll need to make sure the room is clear of furniture and breakables. It’s also a good idea to clean the concrete of dirt and dust before the carpet fitters arrive for the installation.

    Ready to get started?

    Getting multiple carpet installation estimates from local carpet fitters is super easy with our request a quote feature. You simply post details of the carpet installation work you need doing and we’ll reach out to a number of local carpet fitters and they’ll contact you directly. Give it a go now – it's quick and easy!