
Plumber in Addlestone (241)

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Plumbers in Addlestone

​​Plumbers are in high demand across the UK. If you’re looking for professional plumbers in Addlestone, you want to make sure that you choose a plumber with the required skills and experience to successfully complete the plumbing work that you need doing.

One of the best ways to do this is by using a Checkatrade-approved plumber in Addlestone.

Scroll to the top of the page where you will find your search results for Checkatrade-approved plumbers in your local area.

You can also use our simple request a quote system to get in touch with expert and local plumbers for you.

  • What do most plumbers charge per hour?

    On average, UK plumbers charge around £50 per hour. Have a read of our plumber cost guide for more detailed information and a breakdown of the costs involved in hiring a plumber.

    The cost of hiring a plumber will depend on several factors. Your location will play a role in the process a plumber charges. For example, plumber in southeast England will charge more than those in the north.

    The type of work and whether the work is an emergency will also influence the hourly rate a plumber charges.

  • How to find a plumber you can trust?

    We rely on plumbers for some of the most important repairs and home improvements in our homes, so it’s important to hire a plumber that you can rely on. We’ve put together some of our top tips to help you find a plumber you can trust…

    1. Read their customer reviews

    As well as recommendations, online customer reviews are another good way to see what level of service local plumbers offer. It should be easy to find reviews and ratings for reputable local plumbers where you can see what other customers in the Addlestone area have to say about their service. A great place to start is their profile here on Checkatrade.

    2. Check their credentials

    The best plumbers tend to be those with qualifications and/or accreditations from national trade associations, such as the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors (APHC), and Scottish and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers’ Federation (SNIPEF).

    3. Ask for quotes (and compare them)

    For any plumbing you need to hire a local plumber for, make sure you get a quote from them before agreeing to hire them. You want to make sure that the plumber prices you’re being quoted are fair and competitive.

    Want to get affordable plumbing quotes now? You’re in luck as we’ve created a handy request a quote tool that makes it quick and easy to find multiple quotes from reliable plumbers in your area. All you need to do is post details about the plumbing job and we’ll send it out to local plumbers in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

    4. Follow up on their references

    A good plumber will happily give you references from previous customers that you can talk to if you want to verify the quality of their work before hiring them. Having a brief chat with the plumber’s previous customers is a great way to find a plumber you can trust.

  • What does a plumber do?

    Plumbers are responsible for fitting and maintaining water systems in both domestic and commercial buildings. They’re typically responsible for working with pipework, heating systems, toilets, baths, showers, sinks, washing machines and dishwashers.

    Depending on their individual experience and qualifications, local plumbers carry out a wide range of jobs, from fixing a leaking tap and unblocking toilet to installing boilers and new heating systems. In order to work with gas appliances, plumbers will need to be suitably qualified and ideally registered as a Gas Safe engineer in the UK.

    The working day of a plumber will often include working on many of the following plumbing jobs:

    • Fixing leaks and damaged water systems

    • Unblocking or repairing drainage systems

    • Installing, repairing or replacing pipework and fittings

    • Installing central heating systems and domestic heating appliances

    • Servicing water systems and fixing faults

    • Responding to emergency call-outs such as floods or broken boilers

    Common jobs for plumbers in Addlestone

    If you're a homeowner, or even renting a property, chances are you’re going to need a plumber at some stage. And in many cases, you won’t realise you need a plumbing company until the problem has become an emergency.

    Here are the most common jobs that plumbers get hired for in Addlestone:

    • Blocked drains – Not the most pleasant of jobs, but it’s amazing how often drains get blocked and need professional attention from a plumber to fix the problem.

    • Running toilet – A toilet that continuously runs after you flash it will be wasting a lot of water and needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

    • Dripping taps – Drips can be one of those little annoying problems that you constantly put off fixing but should be dealt with quickly to avoid wasting water.

    • Low water pressure – A weak shower can often be the symptom of a build up in the shower head or pipework, which leads to clogging and reduced water flow.

    • Leaking pipes – This is particularly common in older properties where pipework might be old and worn, and leaks can quickly cause visible water damage. Leaks can often be a sign of a bigger problem so it’s best to call a local plumber as soon as possible.

    • Appliance plumbing installation and maintenance – Washing machines and dishwashers are wonderful features to have in your home, as long as they’re installed properly and well-maintained.

    Need to find a plumber in Addlestone?

    Use our quick and easy search to find good plumbers in Addlestone. Or, alternatively, use our handy request a quote feature to get multiple plumber quotes at a time – you simply post details about the plumbing job you want doing and we’ll send it out to local plumbing companies in your area. Give it a try!

  • What to ask a plumber

    When it comes to getting the right plumber for the job, it’s important to have a chat with them about the problem you need fixing or the work you need them to do. And as part of this conversation, it’s often very useful to ask a bunch of questions so that you’re clear on what they can do, how much they charge and when they can get the job done.

    Questions to ask a plumber

    We’ve put together a list of questions that you might find it useful to ask when you’re speaking to local plumbers in Addlestone.

    • How long have you been in the plumbing business for?

    • What qualifications and/or accreditations do you have?

    • Can you provide me with your license and/or ID details?

    • Have you done similar plumbing installation jobs in Addlestone before?

    • Do you have Public Liability Insurance?

    • Do you offer any sort of service quality guarantee?

    • Do you charge a fixed price or per hour/day?

    • What are your hourly or daily rates?

    • Do you charge a call out fee?

    • Can you provide a detailed quote with a breakdown of all the costs?

    • How long do you think the job will take?

    • When can you come and do the work?

    It’s important that you’re confident that you’re hiring a qualified and experienced local plumber who can do the job to a high standard. When speaking to them, you should be able to get a feel for their attitude and approach to their work.

    Choosing the right plumber

    If you speak to a plumber and they’re hesitant to answer your questions, or they give you answers that make you doubt their ability to do the work, move on and find another plumber who can fill you with confidence.

    At the end of the day, you want to hire a plumber who is friendly to work with, skilled to do the work, and will achieve the result that you want.

    There are thousands of experienced local plumbers and plumbing companies registered on Checkatrade – search for local plumbers now.

  • How to check if a plumber is licensed

    When it comes to the wellbeing of your and your home, it’s important that you hire a local plumber who will carry out their work safely and securely and to a professional standard. Being a licensed plumber and/or having the relevant plumber qualifications is a sign that they take their trade seriously and that they will work to certain standards, governed by their licensing body.

    In the UK, there are a number of licenses that a plumber can have, depending on the nature of the work. Two of the most important plumber licenses for you to check for are WaterSafe and the Gas Safe Register.

    WaterSafe approved plumbers

    WaterSafe is an online directory for competent and qualified plumbers in the UK. All WaterSafe approved plumbers are certified by their national accreditation body, which specifically focuses on training plumbers in the UK’s Water Fittings Regulations and Byelaws.

    By hiring a WaterSafe approved plumber you can be confident that they will work to a high standard and do their best to conserve water and improve water systems in the best way possible.

    You can check if a local plumber is WaterSafe approved by using the Watersafe approved plumber search tool.

    Registered Gas Safe engineers

    The Gas Safe Register is the official list of tradespeople and businesses that are legally permitted to carry out gas work in the UK. All registered Gas Safe engineers are issued with a Gas Safe ID card, which details the type of gas work that they are permitted to do.

    Many plumbers are also registered Gas Safe engineers, but not all engineers are qualified to do all types of gas work. Therefore, it’s important that you check the plumber’s ID card before they carry out any gas work in your home.

    If you need to find a plumber with the appropriate plumber qualifications to carry out gas work, you can use the Gas Safe find an engineer search tool online.

    Find a local plumber with plumbing qualifications

    All Checkatrade members have been checked by our team to verify their qualifications, so that you can be confident that any information on their profile is valid and accurate. Search for local plumbers now, it’s quick and easy!

  • Do all plumbers charge a call out fee?

    Plumbers only usually charge a call out fee if they are responding to an emergency or an out-of-hours call.

    Average call out fees are around £100 to £120. A plumber’s hourly rate may also increase when responding to an emergency call out.

    Not all plumbers charge a call out fee, but it is very common for most plumbers. Our plumber call out fee guide provides more information about the costs involved in calling out an emergency plumber.

  • Why hire a plumber instead of doing it yourself?

    Plumbing is a highly skilled trade. Whether you are fixing a leaky tap or installing a new bathroom, the work involved is specialist and should be undertaken by a trained professional.

    Some experienced DIYers may wish to carry out home plumbing work themselves. For the inexperienced, however, it’s always best to hire a plumber.

    If you experience any future problems, your plumbing work will be covered by their insurance for an average of 10 years or more.

    If you do the work yourself and any problems arise, it’s up to you to fix the issue and you won’t be able to claim on your insurance.

  • What is the most common job for a plumber?

    Plumbers carry out all types of work involving water and heating systems. Some of the most common plumbing jobs are:

    • Fixing leaking taps

    • Unblocking drains

    • Repairing broken pipes

    • Attending to hot water and heating issues

    New appliance, kitchen and bathroom installations are also common jobs for plumbers.

  • What is the average life of plumbing in the home?

    This will depend on the materials used in the plumbing system. Brass, iron, and steel water supply pipes have a life expectancy of around 50 – 70 years.

    Copper pipes usually last between 70 – 80 years. While PVC pipes last around 50 years.

    For domestic installations such as kitchens and bathrooms, kitchens usually last around 30 years. Bathrooms last around 40 years.

    For home heating systems, they can last anywhere from 10 -30 years depending on the quality of the system, how well it is maintained, and the initial installation.

    All plumbing systems will have a shorter average life in areas with high levels of limescale (hard water) in the water.