How to Start a Worktop Fitting Business | Checkatrade
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How to start a worktop fitting business

Kitchen fitters will always be in demand and learning how to start a worktop fitting business is a brilliant idea. What’s more, building your own business fitting worktops will keep you physically and mentally active while you earn a good living for your hard work.

According to Ideal Home we spend 253 minutes a week cooking for ourselves and our families.

With all the time and energy spent in the kitchen, it’s crucial our worktops are in good condition and durable. Not to mention the amazing impact high-quality worktops can have on kitchen design.

Today we’ll be taking a closer look at this industry, plus we’ll be teaching you how to create a business plan and make your business profitable.

First steps to start a worktop fitting business

Running your own business opens up a world of possibilities, including setting your own hours, choosing what services to offer, and making your own business decisions. Unsurprisingly, building a company can be hard work but using this guide should help you to hit the ground running.

Planning to start a worktop fitting business? Use the following first steps:

  • Ensure you’re physically fit enough to lift heavy worktops. This industry isn’t a great fit if you have back or joint problems.
  • Choose a company name that is memorable. You can even consider adding your business name and number to your van to attract new customers.
  • Form close relationships with suppliers. You need these companies to supply your materials and having a good working relationship will come in handy over time.
  • Decide whether to open a retail shop or to operate out of a small workshop. You could also operate out of your van if you want to start small and don’t intend to customise worktops.
  • Consider whether to become a limited company or sole trader. Both have their benefits and you can learn more by reading our sole trader vs limited company guide.

Grey blue quartz worktop

How to start a kitchen worktop business

Building a new business from scratch is a truly rewarding experience but does mean you’ll need to make a lot of important choices. Planning is vital to ensure your business moves in the direction you want and creating a business plan is the best way to guide your company.

Use the below sections to build a comprehensive plan to start a kitchen worktop business:


We’ll be looking a little closer at the start-up costs involved with a new business later, but you’ll need funding to cover these. You could save the money yourself, take out a loan or credit card, or even look for investors. You also need to be aware of the ongoing costs of running a company like insurance, marketing, tool replacements, rent (if applicable) and materials.


You may not have heard of the term ‘logistics’ but in essence this covers how you’ll run your company. You need to decide whether to hire employees to help with installation, if you’ll have a work location or operate out of a van, what areas you’ll cover and the hours you’ll work. Also, you should look into how you’ll source your materials and what suppliers you’ll use.

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The key to running a successful business is to know your customers and meet their needs. Plus, it’s always worth considering who your target customers are, for example, will you work in homes or for businesses? Then you can research what your target customers are looking for by talking to past customers, following current trends, and speaking to others in the industry.

Once you’ve decided what type of customers to target, you’ll need to use marketing to reach them. It’s also important to ensure your business stands out over other companies. You can choose from a number of different marketing channels including social media, advertising and direct mail. Another fantastic way to attract customers is to offer promotions or sales.

If you’re concerned about how you’ll find customers for your new business, why not join Checkatrade? As a member, along with other excellent benefits like free marketing materials, you’ll receive a share of the thousands of customer leads we receive on a monthly basis.


It’s vital you spend time considering all the legal implications of owning a business to save future issues. You’ll need to keep clear and accurate financial records to ensure you pay the right amount of tax and National Insurance. Also, make sure you register your new business with Companies House before you start trading.

Finally, look into the different types of insurance (more on this next) that work for your business.

Extra support

If you feel a little out of your depth or need answers to specific questions, our members’ community is a great place to go for support and guidance. Filled with like-minded professionals you can ask questions and for advice on starting your new business. Remember, joining Checkatrade is the perfect way to build a successful company with strong foundations.

Selection of quartz worktops

What insurance do I need to start a worktop fitting business?

It’s likely you already know that insurance is essential for fledgling companies to prevent financial and legal issues that may arise from any accidents or mistakes. However, you may not be aware of what insurance you need to start a worktop fitting business.

Below are a few of the key types of insurance that can protect your company:

  • Kitchen fitters’ insurance
  • Public liability insurance – To learn more please visit our public liability insurance guide
  • Van insurance
  • Employer’s liability insurance
  • Tool insurance

Start-up costs for a kitchen worktop business

The costs to start a kitchen worktop business are thankfully not too high. And, once you know whether you’ll be operating a mobile company or a location-based company you can better estimate how much you’ll need in terms of funds to cover your start-up costs.

Please note, if you plan to purchase or rent a retail location, you’ll need to factor this into your financial plans. Otherwise, you’ll need to pay for:

  • Van – To transport your tools and worktops (although worktops can be delivered directly to your customer’s location)
  • Tools
  • Insurance
  • Marketing

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How to make a kitchen worktop fitting business profitable

Running your own business will mean you face challenges along the way but once you overcome these you’ll feel a sense of pride looking at the company you built from the ground up. One of these challenges is learning how to make your kitchen worktop fitting business profitable.

If you’re concerned how to do this, use the following tips:

  • Charge competitive prices: You’ll attract more customers if your prices are low but remember this will affect your profits. The best solution is to look at what your competitors are charging and set your prices at a similar rate.
  • Ensure you make a good profit: As we mentioned above, charging too low for your services will increase the amount of customers coming into your business but this will mean you don’t make a sufficient profit. On the other hand, if you charge too high, you’ll make a great profit but will put customers off. It may take a little time, but you’ll reach a middle ground where you earn a good profit, and your customers are happy.
  • Run promotions: This is a great way of enticing customers to choose your company. You could offer discounts for buying in bulk, a lower introductory rate, or sales on certain types of worktop.
  • Focus on quality: Offering a high-quality service to your customers is a great way of ensuring they pass your name on to family and friends, helping you to reach new customers. Happy customers will also give you excellent reviews and testimonials which, by joining Checkatrade, you can proudly display on your profile page. This means potential customers will be more likely to choose your business.
  • Consider offering design advice: If you have a good amount of experience in the industry you could offer advice on worktop design to your customers for an extra fee.
  • Offer services your competitors don’t: By offering unique services you can reach more customers and ensure they pick you over your competition making your business more successful.

kitchen worktop options for a modern farmhouse

Useful checklist for starting a worktop fitting business

  • Always research the worktop fitting market before making the leap to starting your own business.
  • Signing up for insurance policies is the best way to protect your company if an accident occurs.
  • Becoming a Checkatrade member will help to boost your new business, get you great discounts on essentials like insurance and tools, and make your business look more legitimate.
  • You’ll need to cover a few start-up costs like tools and a van, so ensure you have the funds to cover these.
  • Don’t forget to make a clear business plan and use this to shape your company.

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