
Fibre Glass Roofing Installation in Tadley (145)

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Fibreglass roofing in Tadley

If you’re looking for fibreglass roofing contractors in Tadley, let us help speed up your search. We can show you fibreglass roofing companies who are recommended by your neighbours.

There are two different ways to find fibreglass roof installers in Tadley.

  1. Search Checkatrade for professionals in your local area and speak to them directly.

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature to save time. Let us know the details of your job and we’ll forward these to three tradespeople who offer fibreglass roofing in Tadley. Then just sit back and wait for the quotes to start rolling in.

  • What is a fibreglass roof?

    Fibreglass or glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) is a popular material used to cover flat roofs in the UK. It is made from glass strands and liquid resin, and a catalyst is used to cure the roof to turn it into a solid surface.

    What is EPDM roofing?

    The main alternative to a fibreglass roof, is EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer), which is a type of rubber roofing. It’s sold in rolls that can be easily installed to cover a flat roof. EPDM roofing is durable and flexible making it a great option for covering uneven roof surfaces.

  • What are the advantages of fibreglass roofs?

    Now we know a little more about fibreglass and EPDM roofing, let’s look at the advantages of each material. This should make it easier when it comes to choosing the right roofing for your home.

    The advantages of using fibreglass roofing are:

    • High quality

    • Very durable

    • Waterproof

    • Resistant to cracking

    • Long lasting

    • Aesthetically pleasing

    The advantages of using EPDM roofing are:

    • High quality

    • Waterproof

    • Resistant to cracking

    • Long lasting

    • Affordable

    • Easy repairs

    • Easy installation process

    As you can see, both types of roofing have similar advantages, although if you’re working on a budget, EPDM roofing is generally more affordable. Fibreglass roofing looks better than EPDM roofing and is very durable, but EPDM is easier to install.

    How long does a fibreglass roof last?

    If properly cared for, fibreglass roofing can last for upwards of 25 years.

    How long does it take to fibreglass a roof?

    This depends on the size of your roof. Larger roofs will take much longer to cover than small roofs. For example, a 20m² roof will usually take a day to fibreglass but a 40m² roof will take around two days.

  • How much does a fibreglass roof cost?

    It can be difficult to give an accurate cost for a fibreglass roof without considering the variables that affect the price. If you’re budgeting for your new roof, bear the following factors in mind:

    • Size of the roof: The larger the roof, the more expensive it’ll be.

    • Roof repairs: If you need to repair your roof before adding the fibreglass, this will push up the price.

    • Specification of the roof: This can affect the overall cost of fibreglass roofing.

    • Location: Depending on where you live in the UK, labour costs can vary.

    • Access: If your roof is difficult to access, this will push up the labour costs.

    Cost to fibreglass a flat roof

    After considering the above factors, you can then estimate the cost to fibreglass your flat roof. The average cost is £90 per m², but this will of course vary from job to job. You can find further information and tips in our fibreglass roof cost guide.

  • How to fibreglass a roof

    Some homeowners choose to fibreglass their roofs on a DIY basis. This is possible but may be tricky for DIY beginners. If you don't have any DIY experience or want to guarantee high quality, long lasting results, we’d recommend hiring a professional to do the work for you.

    If you’re curious about the fibreglass roof installation process, we’ve summarised the main steps below:

    1. Prepare the surface, ensuring it’s flat, clean and in good condition

    2. Lay OSB boards at a 90 degree angle to your roof rafters

    3. Install the fibreglass edging trims

    4. Cut your fibreglass matting to size

    5. Apply the resin and catalyst

    6. Apply a topcoat to the fibreglass

  • What to look for in fibreglass roofing companies

    Once you’re ready to go ahead with your fibreglass roof installation, it’s well worth spending a little time hiring the right worker for the job.

    Check for the following qualities:

    • A friendly and professional manner

    • Someone who is willing to visit your home and give you a quote

    • Positive reviews on Checkatrade

    • Someone who will show you pictures of their past work

    • A tradesperson who is willing to make time to answer your questions

    • Someone who is happy to explain the process and your options

    • A properly qualified roof installer

    Want to speak to fibreglass roofing contractors in Tadley?

    Ready to get started on your project? Great, we can help you find professionals who offer fibreglass roofing in Tadley in no time. All our members pass 12 checks so you can have peace of mind knowing you’re hiring someone qualified and trustworthy.

    Our free search feature is a quick and easy way of finding fibreglass roof installers in Tadley. Just type in your postcode to see a variety of experts in your area.

    Another option is to try our request a quote feature. Fill in our online form with the details of your job. We will then find three experienced fibreglass roofing companies near you who’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.