
Gas Boiler Installation in Leigh (52)

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Gas boiler installation in Leigh

There are many experienced gas boiler installers in Leigh who come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

You can find gas engineers in two quick and easy ways:

  1. Search for companies that offer gas boiler installation in Leigh and contact them directly

  2. Use our helpful request a quote feature and we’ll do the hard work for you. Just tell us about your job and we’ll reach out to recommended gas boiler engineers in your area. They’ll then contact you directly.

  • How do gas boilers work?

    Gas boilers are very popular in the UK as they’re both convenient and affordable to run. These boilers use gas that’s supplied through the mains network to heat the water and radiators in your home.

    Gas boilers can also be powered using LPG (liquid petroleum gas) which is regularly delivered to your home and kept in a storage tank.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages to choosing a gas boiler?

    Choosing the right boiler for your home doesn't have to be a difficult decision. To help you decide whether a gas boiler fits your needs, we’ve summarised the pros and cons to these common boilers:


    • Running price: Gas boilers are affordable to run, great for anyone sticking to a tight budget

    • Energy efficiency: Gas boilers are very efficient, especially compared to other types of boiler

    • Environmentally friendly: Natural gas is a one of the cleaner fuel source

    • Space saving: If you choose a gas boiler you won’t need the large storage tanks you’d need for oil or LPG boilers


    • Upfront cost: Gas boilers can be expensive to buy outright

    • Risky: Gas is a dangerous fuel and gas leaks can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning or fires. Having a carbon monoxide detector is an excellent way to stay safe in your home if you have a gas boiler.

  • How long does a gas boiler last?

    The lifespan of a gas boiler depends on the boiler you buy. Often, a conventional gas boiler will last up to 15 years. Although with regular services and maintenance, it could last up to 20 years. As a general rule, the more you invest in your boiler, the longer it’ll last.

  • What alternatives are there to a gas boiler?

    Rather than choosing a gas boiler, it’s also worth considering electric and oil boilers. While gas is generally the cheapest way of heating your home, electric and oil boilers have other benefits.

    You can learn more about the different types of boiler and prices in our new boiler cost guide.

  • How much does a new gas boiler cost?

    If your old boiler is not functioning efficiently any more, it may be time to order a replacement. The price you pay for your new boiler will depend on the type, brand, and quality of boiler you choose.

    For example, the average new gas boiler cost for a combination boiler is £2,400 + VAT, while the average, new gas boiler cost for a conventional boiler is only £2,000 + VAT. You can find more prices, advice and information in our new boiler cost guide.

  • How much to install a new gas boiler?

    In addition to the cost of the boiler itself, you’ll need to budget for the gas boiler installation cost. Again, the price of installation will vary depending on the type and quality of the boiler you choose, plus where you live in the UK.

    The average gas boiler installation cost is £2,125 for a combination boiler. Read our new boiler cost guide for more prices.

    How long does it take to fit a new gas boiler?

    This comes down to the complexity of the installation. Replacing a boiler like for like is a relatively quick job, taking a day or less. However, if you’re moving your boiler to a new location or having a different type of boiler fitted, installation could take up to three days.

    Can anyone install a gas boiler?

    No, installing a boiler yourself is not only illegal, it’s dangerous. Working with gas can be a risky job and boiler fitters need to have the correct qualifications to install gas boilers. UK law states that your boiler should only be fitted by a Gas Safe boiler engineer.

    Looking for gas boiler fitters in Leigh? Try our free search feature.

    Remember, gas is a dangerous substance. It can cause explosions, fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. This means fitting a gas boiler yourself could risk the safety of your family and home. In addition, it’s against building regulations to install a boiler without the proper qualifications.

  • What about the gas boiler ban?

    In 2019, the UK government announced that as of the year 2025, no more fossil-fuel heating systems will be installed in new build properties. This is an important step towards us becoming a zero-carbon country by the year 2050.

    If you need to know more about what to replace your gas boiler with, boiler alternatives, or government green grants, check out our guide on what will replace gas boilers.

  • Want to speak to gas boiler installers in Leigh?

    There are many qualified professionals who provide gas boiler installation in Leigh and we can help you find the right tradesperson for your project. When searching, it’s important to look for someone trustworthy and experienced who is happy to answer your questions.

    One of the best ways to find gas boiler installers is using our online search feature. You can quickly search through our members who are trusted by your neighbours.

    Alternatively, try our request a quote feature. Send us the details of your job and we’ll contact three local Gas Safe registered engineers. They’ll then get in touch directly to offer you a quote.