
Roofing Repairs in Christchurch (40)

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Roofing repairs in Christchurch

Finding roofing repair companies in Christchurch doesn’t need to be a long boring task. We can help you find professionals who come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

Below are two options for finding roof repair specialists:

  1. Search online for roof repair services and contact the companies directly.

  2. Save time using our request a quote feature. Send us the details of the work you need doing and we’ll forward this information to three roofing repair experts in Christchurch. They’ll then get in touch with you to offer you three separate quotes.

  • How do I know if I need roofing repairs?

    Often overlooked, our roofs are vital for keeping us dry and warm in our homes. As such, it’s essential that any damage to your roof is repaired as soon as possible to prevent further issues. So, how can you tell if your roof needs to be repaired? Just look out for the following warning signs:

    • Damaged or missing tiles - If you notice any of your roof tiles are missing or damaged, it’s important to get these replaced as soon as possible.

    • Leaks - If your ceilings have damp patches or you notice a leak in your loft, repairs are needed.

    • Damage around your chimney - This can lead to leaks so should be repaired sooner rather than later.

    • Sagging roof - If your roof appears to be sagging into your loft, it needs to be repaired.

    • Mould - Mould in your attic is a common sign of a leak in your roof.

    • Light in your loft - If light is entering your loft from your roof, repairs are essential because if light can get in, so can rain.

  • What to do if your roof is leaking?

    If your roof starts to leak, it’s important to take quick action to prevent it from causing damage to your home. In the first instance you should put down a bucket to catch any drips. Next, try to cover up the hole in your roof. You can do this using a tarp or plastic bag to repel the water. We’d also recommend using waterproof tape.

    Now is the time to call in the professionals. While your temporary roof repair might be working, it won't last, so a more permanent solution is essential. If you have home insurance, you may be able to claim the cost of your roof repairs back.

  • Can you repair a roof without replacing it?

    Whether you can repair a roof without replacing it depends on the condition and age of your roof. If it’s particularly old or damaged, a replacement is generally the better option. So, how do you know whether a replacement is needed? Check for the following:

    • Age - If your roof is over 20 years old and you’re having issues, it may be time to pay for a replacement.

    • Extent of damage - Small patches of damage can be repaired while extensive roof damage requires a roof replacement.

    • Condition of roof - If your roof is in poor condition, a replacement is a great option. For example, rotting, damp rafters should be replaced before they cause damage to your home.

  • How much does a roof repair cost?

    The amount you pay for roof repair will depend on a few key factors. This means every roof repair will be priced differently. This can make it tricky to estimate your roof repair cost so consider the following variables:

    • Type of damage - Repairing different types of damage will affect the price you pay.

    • Age of roof - Older roofs can be more expensive to repair.

    • Condition of roof - If your roof is in poor condition, you may need more extensive repairs, increasing the amount you pay. Or, you may even need a roof replacement which can be expensive.

    • Size of home - Bigger homes have bigger roofs so if you need multiple repairs, this can be more costly.

    • Type of roof - Different types of roof may cost different amounts to repair.

    • Location - Labour prices vary throughout the UK.

    Roof repair cost

    Ok, let’s look at some average roof repair costs. Below we’ve listed some of the most common types of roofing repair and their average costs:

    • Flat roof repair cost - £100 per m2

    • Leak repair cost - £200

    • Tile replacement cost - £200

    • Sagging roof repair cost - £1,000-£12,000 depending on the cause

    If you’d like to learn more about roof repairs and see more average prices, why not visit our roof repair cost guide.

  • How do you repair roof tiles?

    The simplest way to repair a roof tile is to replace the tile itself. The process is quite simple although you’ll need to work on your roof. As such, this may not be the best job for anyone who struggles with mobility. You can replace a roof tile by:

    1. Gently lifting the tile above the broken or cracked tile up.

    2. Remove the damaged tile, taking out any nails.

    3. Cover the back of the new tile with roofing cement.

    4. Move the new tile into place and allow it to set.

  • How do you repair a leaky roof?

    In order to repair a leaky roof, you need to find where the leak is coming from. It may not be where water is dripping into your home but will usually be upward from this leak. You can repair a leaky roof by using roof sealant to cover small tile cracks. Otherwise you may need to completely replace the tile.

    Roof leaks can be disastrous if not dealt with quickly which is why we’d recommend hiring a professional. This will save you time and energy plus eliminate the risk of further damage in your home. You also won't need to worry about climbing onto your roof.

    Want to speak to roofing repair companies in Christchurch?

    If you are looking for roofing repairs in Christchurch let us do the legwork for you. We can help you find a roof repair specialist in minutes. Our members pass 12 checks so you can have peace of mind when inviting them into your home. They’re even recommended by your neighbours.

    There are two different ways we can help you find roof repair services in your area. Firstly, consider using our free search feature. With just your postcode we can show you a variety of roof repair specialists in your area.

    Or, if you’re busy, try our request a quote feature. Just fill in our handy online form with the details of your job. We’ll then send this to three experts in roofing repairs in Christchurch. You can then put your feet up and relax while they put together three quotes.