
Boiler Plumbers in Bromsgrove (39)

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Boiler Plumbers in Bromsgrove

You’ll find plenty of good boiler plumbers in Bromsgrove here on Checkatrade. Each of them come checked and approved by us, and reviewed by fellow homeowners near you.

We have two quick and easy ways to find boiler plumbers near you:

  1. Scroll/swipe up to see your local boiler plumbers in Bromsgrove and contact them yourself
  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended tradespeople in your area and they'll contact you directly.
  • Can a plumber work on a boiler?

    The answer depends on the individual plumber, their skills and experience, and the type of boiler you have.

    Some plumbers will be qualified to work on a boiler and many will be Gas Safe registered so they’ll be able to carry out work on gas boilers and other gas appliances.

    That said, not all plumbers will have the necessary know-how and qualifications to work on your boiler.

    For that reason, it’s always important to check each plumber’s skills and experience to ensure that the tradesperson you hire is the right person for the job.

    Find out more in our handy guide: Does a plumber fix boilers?

    Is the plumber Gas Safe registered?

    If you have a gas boiler, check that they’re actively registered to work on gas boilers on the Gas Safe Register.

    It’s a legal requirement that any tradespeople who work on gas appliances are Gas Safe registered.

    Thankfully it’s quick and easy to search the Gas Safe Register online, either by using the tradesperson’s company name or registration number.

    You should also ask to see their Gas Safe ID card when they arrive at your home, and check that it’s valid (as they need to update their registration every year).

    A genuine Gas Safe ID card will show the following information:

    • Photo of the Gas Safe plumber

    • Their unique registration number

    • Start and expiry dates of their registration

    • A security hologram

    • Any affiliated business name

    If you have any doubts or concerns about whether a plumber is certified to carry out work on your gas boiler, do not hire them – and you can even report them to the Gas Safe register, if needed.

    Benefits of hiring an experienced boiler plumber

    There are a number of very good reasons why it’s a good idea to hire a qualified local boiler plumber to work on your boiler:

    • Experienced and certified tradespeople will offer you a professional level of service

    • Boilers require specialist know-how to effectively install, maintain and repair them

    • Skilled boiler plumbers engineers know what to look out for and how to avoid future issues with your boiler and heating system

  • How much does a plumber cost?

    The average cost of a plumber in the UK is somewhere in the region of £40 to £60 per hour.

    As a day rate, you’ll be looking at a plumber cost of around £325 to £375 per day.

    For emergency call outs, you’ll have to pay a higher rate as well as a call out fee just for the plumber to show up at your door.

    The average emergency call out fee for a plumber is roughly £100 to £120, on average. And for any subsequent work they carry out on that emergency visit they’ll usually charge you an hourly rate of anywhere between £75 and £150 per hour.

    Summary of plumber costs in the UK

    • Plumber hourly rate – £40 - £60 per hour

    • Plumber day rate – £325 - £375 per day

    • Plumber emergency call out rate – £75 - £150 per hour

    • Emergency plumber call out fee – £100 - £120