
Electrical Under Floor Heating Installation in Uppingham (18)

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Electric underfloor heating installation/repairs in Uppingham

If you’re looking for electric underfloor heating installers in Uppingham don't spend hours searching online. We can help you find qualified professionals in your area today. Our members even come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

Here are two ways of finding electric underfloor heating specialists in Uppingham:

  1. Look online for electric underfloor heating fitters or repair specialists in Uppingham and contact them directly.

  2. Alternatively, instead of spending your valuable time searching for an expert, try our request a quote feature. Tell us about the work you need doing and we’ll pass your details to three electric underfloor heating installers in Uppingham. They’ll then get in touch to offer you a quote.

  • What is electric underfloor heating?

    While radiators are great at keeping our homes toasty warm, one downfall is that they don't heat up floors. This means on chilly days, walking into any room without carpeting can be a shocking, unpleasant experience. That’s where underfloor heating comes in. Electric underfloor heating ensures that your floors are always warm and comfortable to walk on.

  • How does electric underfloor heating work?

    There are two different types of underfloor heating in the UK, warm water underfloor heating and electric underfloor heating. Today we’ll be focusing on electric underfloor heating.

    If you’re wondering how these ingenious systems work, it's actually quite simple. Wiring is installed in coils below your flooring, giving out consistent warmth to keep your feet feeling cosy all year.

  • What are the advantages & disadvantages of electric underfloor heating?

    What are the advantages of electric underfloor heating?

    In addition to its main function of warming your floors, electric underfloor heating has a range of advantages. These include:

    • Energy efficiency - Electric underfloor heating is an efficient way of distributing heat around your home.

    • Versatility - This heating can be installed under many different types of flooring including tile and stone.

    • Comfort - Underfloor heating will keep your floors warm on even the coldest of days.

    • Heating - Not only does underfloor heating warm up your flooring, it also heats the rest of your home at the same time.

    • Property value - Having electric underfloor heating can increase the value of your home.

    • Maintenance - This heating system needs very little in the way of maintenance and can last a lifetime.

    • Safety - Choosing underfloor heating over fires or radiators means you won’t need to worry about your pets or children getting injured.

    What are the disadvantages of electric underfloor heating?

    Electric underfloor heating is a great choice for keeping your home warm, but there are a few drawbacks to these systems. These include:

    • Speed - It takes longer for underfloor heating to warm a room than a radiator would. However, with a little forward planning, you won’t need to worry about heating times.

    • Price - Electric underfloor heating can be more expensive than other heating systems but it often comes with a lifetime guarantee.

    • Heavy furniture - Certain heavy or big items of furniture can’t be used over underfloor heating.

  • How much does electric underfloor heating cost to install?

    If electric underfloor heating sounds like the perfect option for your home, you’re probably wondering how much installation costs. It can be difficult to put an exact figure on this job as the price will vary depending on the following factors:

    • Age of home - If your home is quite old, you may need to pay extra to get your flooring repaired or replaced before it’s suitable for underfloor heating.

    • Size of home - Larger homes will require more labour and materials to install underfloor heating, increasing the price you pay.

    • Number of rooms - The more rooms you choose to enhance with electric underfloor heating, the higher the cost.

    • Type of underfloor heating system - There are a wide range of systems available, each with their own cost.

    • Location - Labour prices can vary throughout the UK.

    Bearing the above factors in mind, the average electric underfloor heating cost is £60-£85 per m2 in a renovation property. Installing underfloor heating in a new build property is a little cheaper at £50-£75. For more prices, tips and advice, please visit our underfloor heating cost guide.

    How much does electric underfloor heating cost to run?

    Electric underfloor heating running costs are an important consideration when deciding if this is the right choice for your home. Depending on the size of your property and how many rooms you install electric underfloor heating in, the price will vary.

    As a rough guide, the average running cost of electric underfloor heating is £26.60-£30 a month. This example assumes your heating is covering a 10m2 floor area and being used for 4 hours a day.

  • Why is my electric underfloor heating not working?

    It can be frustrating if your electric underfloor heating stops working. There are a few reasons this could happen, including issues with:

    • The thermostat

    • The actuator

    • Wire connections

    If you’re having problems with your underfloor heating, we’d recommend hiring a professional to come fix the issue. You can find a range of qualified electric underfloor heating repair specialists in your local area using our free search feature.

    Want to speak to electric underfloor heating installers in Uppingham?

    Ready to get started? Great, let us help you find experienced electric underfloor heating specialists in Uppingham. Our members come recommended by your neighbours and pass thorough checks to ensure they’re right for your job.

    We can help you find electric underfloor fitters in Uppingham in two easy ways. The first is using our free search feature. With just your postcode, you can see a variety of electric underfloor heating installation experts in Uppingham.

    Another option is to try our request a quote feature. This is the perfect way of saving time. Just fill in our handy online form with the details of your job and we’ll send this to three electric underfloor heating installers in Uppingham. Then you can sit back and relax while they draw up three personalised quotes. It really is that easy!