
Radiator Repair in Frodsham (30)

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Radiator repair in Frodsham

Having problems with your radiators? You’re going to need a specialist to assist. If you’re looking for radiator repair services in Frodsham you’re in the right place. Let us show you a range of radiator repair experts in your local area.

There are two ways we can help you find radiator repair specialists in Frodsham:

  1. Try our online search feature. It’s completely free to use, just type in your postcode to see a range of local professionals.

  2. Enter your details in our request a quote form with information about your job, and we’ll send this to radiator repair experts in Frodsham. You will then receive quotes direct to your inbox from tradespeople who can help to repair your radiators.

  • Do plumbers fix leaking radiators?

    Yes. A plumber or a heating engineer will be qualified to fix a leaking radiator.

    If you can identify why your radiator is leaking, you may be able to fix the problem yourself. If you just need to tighten up a radiator spindle, you probably won’t need to call a plumber.

    If the leak is caused by damage such as corrosion, however, you’ll need to hire a plumber.

  • How much does it cost to fix a leak in a radiator?

    This will depend on the severity of the problem. Average costs for repairing a leaking radiator range from £70 to £170.

    Find out more about what’s involved in fixing as leaking variety in our handy how to guide.

  • Is it safe to use a leaking radiator?

    This depends. If you have identified the leak and it is relatively small, you can take measures to avoid damage and continue using the radiator.

    By placing a container to collect leaking water you can stop damage to flooring and soft furnishings and prevent the water causing a slip hazard.

    If left unfixed, however, a small leak can easily become bigger leading to more significant damage to your home.

  • Can you fix a radiator leak without replacing it?

    Yes. Most radiator leaks can be fixed by a qualified plumber or even a competent DIYer.

    More serious problems, however, such as a leaking radiator that also struggles to warm up, may require a system power flush or even a radiator replacement if the system is too sludged.

  • Is a leaking radiator an emergency?

    Small leaks from radiator valves or corroded pipework are not classed as an emergency. A towel can be wrapped around a leaking valve, or a container placed under a leaking radiator to collect the water.

    You can then contact a plumber to fix the problem within normal working hours.

    If a small leak in a radiator is ignored, however, it can easily worsen. Small, corroded areas of radiator pipework can quickly become bigger. If this happens and your home becomes flooded, it’s time to call an emergency plumber.