
Roof Replacement in Ashbourne (39)

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Roof replacement in Ashbourne

Looking for a roof replacement contractor in Ashbourne? Let us help you find the perfect professional for your job. Our members are even recommended by your neighbours.

Here are two ways of finding roof replacement specialists near you:

  1. Search online for local roof replacement companies and contact them directly.

  2. Or, use our request a quote feature to save time. Just fill in our online form and we’ll pass your information to three roof replacement experts in Ashbourne. They’ll then get in touch to either ask for more details or to send you a quote.

  • How do I know when it's time to replace my roof?

    If your roof is quite old, the chances are you’re considering whether now’s the time for a replacement. However, in order to know whether or not you need to replace your roof, there are a few signs to look out for.

    Some issues can be repaired but if your roof has been around for a long time, a replacement may be the better option. If you notice any of the following on an older roof, now may be the time for a replacement:

    • Mould and moss - If you go into your loft and see mould or moss growing, your roof isn't doing its job so it's worth considering a replacement.

    • Leaks - If your roof is no longer watertight it could be time for a replacement. Look for water damage, stains and damp patches on your ceilings.

    • Tiles - If you notice your roof tiles are wonky, falling off or look misshapen, it may be the right time to replace them.

    • Age - If your roof is over 20 years old, now is a good time to start saving for a replacement before it starts to degrade.

    • Visible gaps - Stand in your loft and if you can see light coming through your roof, this needs to be addressed ASAP.

  • What is included in a roof replacement?

    When you ask for a roof replacement quote, it should cover all the essential materials and labour costs. If you want to be sure everything you need is covered, it’s worth asking for an itemised quote.

    Your roof replacement quote may include:

    • Old roof removal

    • Roof materials

    • Scaffolding

    • Chimney

    • Vents

    • Skip hire

    • Windows

    • Labour

    Please note, some of these may be considered extras and not included in your roof replacement quote so it's well worth checking.

  • What are the advantages of roof replacement?

    There are many benefits to having your roof replaced, from functional to aesthetic. If your roof has seen better days, it may be time for a replacement but you can look forward to:

    • Greater protection - A new roof is better equipped to protect your home from the elements.

    • Increased property value - Having a roof replacement can be a bonus to potential buyers, increasing the value of your home.

    • Better visuals - You can guarantee having a new roof installed will improve the outside appearance of your property.

    • Greater energy efficiency - A new roof will be more insulated, preventing heat from escaping your home and reducing your energy bills.

  • How long does a roof replacement take?

    This really depends on the size of your home and the type of roof you choose. As a general rule, you should set aside at least a week for your roof replacement.

    How long will my new roof last?

    The lifespan of your new roof will come down to the materials used to build the roof. You can expect your roof to last at least 20 years. Certain types of roofs will last longer.

    For example, if your roof is constructed from clay or concrete, it could last up to 40 years. Alternatively, if your new roof is made of metal, it could last up to 100 years!

    What happens if it rains during roof replacement?

    Living in the UK, we’re used to rain happening at the most inconvenient times. Luckily, professional roofers are experienced in dealing with unpredictable weather conditions.

    If the rain is predicted to last for a long time, they’ll have tarps ready to cover your home and their materials.

  • How to estimate the cost of a roof replacement:

    If you’re budgeting for your roof replacement, it can be difficult to know how much to save.

    To estimate the cost of a roof replacement, you should break the job down into its different components.

    Below are the main costs of a roof replacement and UK average prices:

    • Roof materials - £3,900

    • Removing the current roof - £1,750

    • Scaffolding - At least £800

    • Cost for a new roof frame - £3,500

    • Insulation - At least £400

    • Guttering - £700

    • Fascia and soffit board installation - At least £2,100

    How much does a roof replacement cost?

    Aside from the above average costs, the price of your roof replacement will vary depending on the type of roof you choose. Some roofs are more expensive than others due to the need for more materials and extra labour.

    Below are a few average roof replacement costs:

    • Flat roof replacement cost - £1,610

    • Gable roof replacement cost - £7,000

    • Hip roof replacement cost - £8,000

    For more prices and advice, check out our roof replacement cost guide.

    Want to speak to roof replacement contractors in Ashbourne?

    If you need a roof replacement in Ashbourne you’ve come to the right place. We can help you find roof replacement specialists who are recommended by your neighbours.

    Our members also pass full checks to ensure they’re perfect for your project.

    There are two ways we can help you to find roof replacement companies in your local area. Firstly, our online search feature is completely free. Just type in your postcode to see a range of professionals near you.

    Alternatively, our request a quote feature is a great option if you have no time to spare. Give us the details of the work you need doing and we will pass this on to three roof replacement experts in Ashbourne. You can then sit back and relax while they draw up three personalised quotes.