
Swimming Pools in Mid20sussex (2)

Swimming pool installation in Mid20sussex

There are plenty of good swimming pool builders in Mid20sussex who come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find reliable swimming pool builders near you:

  1. Search for local swimming pool installation in Mid20sussex and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to swimming pool installation experts in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does a swimming pool cost?

    The average swimming pool installation cost depends on a number of factors, including the size and style of the pool you’re choosing.

    Here are some of the average swimming pool installation prices you can expect to pay in the UK:

    • Constructing an indoor swimming pool – £60,000 - £175,000

    • Indoor swimming pool building cost – £1,500 - £2,000 per m2

    • Constructing an outdoor swimming pool – £60,000 - £110,000

    • Hydrotherapy pool cost – £70,000 - £200,000+

    • Hidden pool cost – £18,500 - £48,000

    • Endless pool – £18,000 - £33,000

    • Infinity pool – £90,000 - £140,000

    If you're planning to build a swimming pool for your home, it’s always worth speaking to local swimming pool builders to discuss the details of your project. They’ll be able to offer their professional advice and give you a good idea of costs for the specification of your swimming pool installation.

    Swimming pool installation hourly rates

    Building a swimming pool will involve hiring a number of different tradespeople to carry out the work, so you’ll want to factor in the labour costs for the project.

    Here are some of the pool installation costs for the various tradespeople you might need to hire:

    • Electrician cost – £45 per hour

    • Plumber cost – £40 - £60 per hour

    • Handyman cost – £45 - £60 per hour

    • Block paving cost – £15 - £30 per hour

    Factors that affect swimming pool costs

    There are a number of important factors that can affect the price you pay to build a swimming pool, including:

    • Size of the swimming pool

    • Method of construction

    • Design costs

    • Survey of land prior to building

    • Type of soil or ground (if building an outdoor swimming pool)

    • Complexity of the swimming pool installation

    • Location in the house/garden

    • Access to the property, pipework and wastewater

    Quotes for swimming pool installation costs

    For exact costs it’s always sensible to contact local pool builders in the UK, so that you can get accurate quotes for the job. As with all home improvement projects, we always recommend obtaining at least three quotes from different tradespeople in your area.

    By shopping around, you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work. And, thankfully, we've got a tool that makes finding multiple quotes super easy. Our request a quote tool is perfect for getting quotes: you simply post details about the work you need doing and we’ll send it out to local tradespeople in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • How do you build a swimming pool?

    The way that pool builders in the UK will build a swimming pool will depend on whether it’s an indoor or outdoor pool, and whether it’s a concrete, fibreglass or vinyl swimming pool.

    Below we’ve put together a quick step-by-step guide to give you an overview of how to build a swimming pool.

    8 steps for how to build a swimming pool

    1. Confirm the plans with technical drawings for the size, shape and location of the swimming pool

    2. Mark out the dimensions of the swimming pool and then excavate a hole to those specific dimensions

    3. Even out the bottom of the hole by adding a layer of washed gravel subsoil, which you then rake and flatten down

    4. Create a grid with steel supports to cover the side base of the hole

    5. Introduce the plumbing for the swimming pool, including filtration, circulation systems and drains

    6. Add in the electrics to power your pool, which should always be done by a qualified electrician

    7. Install the main body of the swimming pool:

    • For concrete pools, pour the concrete so it covers the walls and base of your hole, then grade and flatten while wet

    • For fibreglass pools, position the structure using a crane, then fill in the area around the pool with concrete and soil

    • For vinyl lined pools, first, pour the concrete as described in step 7 then lay the sheet covering the space. The vinyl will need to be stretched to allow a smooth covering, then tacked into place before any air is removed using a vacuum.

    1. Fill your new pool with water and add the necessary chlorine and essential chemicals ensure a clean and healthy pool

    To find out more, check out our guide on how to build a swimming pool.

    Find the best pool builders in the UK

    If you’re ready to start planning your new swimming pool installation, we can help you find the best swimming pool builders in Mid20sussex. Use our quick and easy online search to find and contact reliable local pool builders. Or request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to recommended swimming pool installation specialists in Mid20sussex.

  • How long is a swimming pool?

    When planning a swimming pool installation, it’s important to think about how long you want your pool to be. You’ll obviously be dictated by the space that you have available, whether you’re opting for an indoor or outdoor swimming pool.

    One of the first topics that most swimming pool builders in the UK will ask is how big do you want your swimming pool to be.

    It’s hard to give a specific answer on how long a swimming pool is, or should be. But here are some of the most common sizes of swimming pool in the UK:

    • The most popular outdoor swimming pool size in the UK is around 10m x 5m (32ft x 16)

    • The vast majority of indoor pools are slightly smaller than outdoor pools ar around 9m x 4.5m (30ft x 15ft)

    We always recommend speaking to local swimming pool builders to get their advice on the optimum size pool for your home. They will be able to point out the best size and shape swimming pool for what you need, and provide details about the installation process and costs. Find a local swimming pool builder now.

    Competitive swimming pool size

    Most homeowners don’t have the space to install a full-size competitive ‘Olympic pool’, but if you’re wondering how big they are, here are the five key standards that a pool must meet to be considered a competitive swimming pool:

    • It must be 50m x 25m so the pool can be split into eight lanes of 2.5m with 2.5m space either side of the outside lanes

    • The pool depth must be at least 2m

    • Water temperature must be constantly between 25°C and 28°C

    • It must have starting platforms, false start ropes and backstroke turn flags suspended 1.8m above the water surface located 5m from the wall

    • Both ends of the pool must be consistently flat

    Ready to hire a swimming pool builder?

    Use our handy request a quote feature and let us reach out to the best local swimming pool builders in the UK for you. All you need to do is post the details of the work you want to do, and we’ll find tradespeople for the job and get them to contact you directly. Give it a try!

  • How much does it cost to maintain a swimming pool in the UK?

    When it comes to swimming pool installation, the costs don’t end once the swimming pool builder has done their job. You also need to consider the ongoing maintenance costs for keeping the swimming pool in use.

    Types of swimming pool maintenance work

    There are a number of different costs that you’ll need to factor in for swimming pool maintenance, including:

    • Energy bills to heat and filter the swimming pool water

    • Cleaning to remove dirt and debris such as leaves and twigs

    • Chemicals, such as chlorine, and a chemical testing kit to regularly monitor the pH and chemical balance of the pool water

    • Shutting down the pool for winter and opening it up for spring/summer

    • Regular electrical check-ups carried out by a qualified electrician to check the sub fuse box in the pool’s circuit

    • Water to keep the pool full

    Swimming pool maintenance prices

    Here are some of the average swimming pool maintenance costs you can expect to pay for a swimming pool in the UK:

    • Basic pool service – £45 - £85 per visit

    • Water cost – £2 - £3 per m3

    • Swimming pool chemicals – £300 per season

    • Jet washing patio – £150 - £400 per job

    • Electrician – £35 - £45 per hour

    To read more about costs, check out our guide on swimming pool maintenance costs.

    Do swimming pool builders in the UK do maintenance work?

    Sometimes. It depends on the swimming pool builder that you hire. Some pool builders will specialise solely on excavating and building swimming pools, and will leave maintenance work to specialist pool maintenance companies. Other swimming pool builders will be able to offer both installation and maintenance services.

    With that in mind, it’s best to discuss maintenance at the beginning of the project to understand if you need to start looking for a swimming pool maintenance company - or if you want to choose a pool builder who can also do the maintenance work themselves.

  • How do you fill in a swimming pool?

    In recent years, lots of homeowners are choosing to fill in their swimming pools, either for safety, financial or practical reasons.

    If you have a swimming pool you no longer want to use and would rather gain back the space to use for something else, you can hire local swimming pool specialists to remove and fill in the pool.

    Swimming pool builders in the UK are occasionally hired to fill in swimming pools, rather than building them, and the process they follow will depend on the size, type and location of the pool you need to fill in.

    Quick guide for how to fill in a swimming pool

    Below is a quick summary of how to fill in an outdoor swimming pool in the UK.

    1. Calculate the size of your pool in cubic metres

    2. Order the filling material (soil, stones, topsoil, etc)

    3. Remove any paving and tiling from around the pool

    4. Break up the bottom and sides of the pool and remove (for concrete pools)

    5. For fibreglass pools organise for the pool unit to be removed

    6. Fill in the hole where the pool was once the sides and bottom have been broken up or removed

    7. Compact the filling material and add topsoil

    8. With the topsoil in place, you can either add a layer of lawn or plant grass seeds for your lawn to grow

    The exact process for filling in a swimming pool will depend on the specification of your swimming pool. For that reason, we always recommend discussing the details of the project with experienced local pool builders.

    Hire local pool builders in the UK

    Filling in a swimming pool is a pretty big job that requires thought and planning, and often a project best left to the experts. To find the best local pool removal experts in your area, use our quick and easy online search. Or request a quote and we’ll get multiple local tradespeople to get in touch with you directly to discuss the job.