
Cleaning Services in Ealing (67)

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Cleaning services near Ealing

There are plenty of good cleaning services in Ealing who come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable cleaning services near you:

  1. Search for cleaning services in Ealing and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended cleaning services in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much do home cleaning services cost?

    The average cleaning services prices in Ealing will depend on the type of cleaning job you need doing, and whether it’s a one-off or regular work. As a guide, you can expect the hourly home cleaning services cost to be somewhere in the region of £10 - £27+ per hour.

    Whether it’s a regular house clean, an end of tenancy cleaning job, or a deep clean you’re after, we always recommend reaching out to local cleaning services in Ealing to discuss exact costs.

    House cleaning services prices

    Here are some of the common cleaning services prices you can expect to pay for general house cleaning:

    • Agencies cleaning services prices – £12-£20 per hour

    • Independent professional cleaning services cost – £10-£15 per hour

    • Weekly cleaner cost (3 hours per week) – £45

    • Carpet cleaning – £30-£65 per hour

    • Cleaning after building work – From £20 per hour

    • End of tenancy cleaning – £79-£199

    • Window cleaning – £40-£150

    Deep cleaning services prices list

    If you’re looking for a particularly thorough cleaning service, then you’ll want to opt for a deep clean. Deep cleaning services prices are usually charged with an hourly rate, in the region of £11 - £18 per hour.

    To deal with the aftermath of a party, local cleaning services in Ealing will cost around £18 per hour – depending on how much cleaning is needed after the party.

    At the end of a construction job, your home can often be left with quite a mess to clear up – leaving you needing the help of local cleaning services near you. If that’s the case, the average home cleaning services cost for after the builders have been in is around £20 - £27 per hour.

    End of tenancy cleaning services prices list

    Moving out of a rental property will almost always require you to organise an end of tenancy cleaning. Most local cleaning services in Ealing will have a set price list for their end of tenancy cleaning services. Here are some of the average end of tenancy cleaning costs you can expect to pay:

    • Studio (1 room)

    • Apartment (up to 2 rooms)

    • Apartment (2-3 bedrooms)

    • House (4-5 bedrooms)

    • House (6+ bedrooms)

    Quotes for cleaning services prices near me

    To find out exactly how much professional cleaning services cost for the work you need doing, we always recommend obtaining at least three quotes from different local cleaning services. By shopping around you can make sure you're being quoted fair and competitive prices for the cleaning services.

    Thankfully, our request a quote feature makes finding multiple quotes super easy. All you need to do is post details about the cleaning work that you need doing and we’ll send it out to local cleaning services in your area. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • What services do cleaning companies offer?

    There are a wide range of cleaning services offered by local cleaning companies in Ealing. Some of them offer general residential cleaning services while others are more specialised in one particular area, such as carpet cleaning.

    Here are some of the most common cleaning services in Ealing…

    Residential cleaning services

    The exact cleaning work will depend on you and your home, but professional residential cleaning services will typically involve tasks like hoovering, cleaning and dusting surfaces, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, oven cleaning, and emptying the rubbish.

    Depending on the size of your home, general house cleaning services usually take 2-3 hours per week. General cleaning is also usually charged at a lower hourly rate than more specialist cleaning jobs, like deep cleaning services or carpet cleaning.

    Carpet cleaning services

    If you have carpet in your home, it’s very likely that you’ll need to call upon the help of cleaning services near you to clean your carpets. Some general cleaning companies will offer carpet cleaning, but you’ll often find lots of specialised companies who specifically offer only carpet cleaning services in your area.

    Deep cleaning services

    We’ve mentioned this already, but deep cleaning services are a very popular cleaning service that cleaning companies near you are being hired for by your neighbours. Deep cleaning isn’t just for spring cleaning. Whenever you feel your home could do with a good scrub and clean, it’s time to find the best deep cleaning services in Ealing.

    A deep cleaning will typically involve a full range of cleaning services, including:

    • Cleaning cobwebs and dusting every part of all rooms in your home

    • Hoovering and washing the floors

    • Wiping and polishing all surfaces, fixtures and fittings

    • Washing the inside of all windows

    • Cleaning and disinfecting all parts of your kitchen and bathroom(s), including cleaning the oven and toilets thoroughly

    • Collecting and disposing of the rubbish

    End of tenancy cleaning services

    When you move out of a rental property you’ll most likely have to organise a professional end of tenancy cleaning service to comply with your contract. End of tenancy cleaning services typically make sure that all parts of your home are left clean, including the floor, appliances, cabinet, stain removal, and upholstery cleaning.

    Many cleaning companies will provide a detailed list of end of tenancy cleaning services that they’ve carried out so that you can provide that to your landlord as proof of their work.

    Office cleaning services

    It’s not only residential cleaning services that cleaning companies in Ealing offer. Most of them will offer professional office cleaning services too. In offices, the cleaning services will mainly focus on the following:

    • Cleaning and hoovering on the floor

    • Dust and wiping surfaces

    • Cleaning toilets

    • Disposing of all rubbish

    • Cleaning windows

    • Tidying communal areas and organising furniture

    Find the best cleaning service near you

    Use our quick and easy online search to find the best cleaning services in Ealing. Or request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you to find multiple quotes for cleaning work in your area.

  • What does an end of tenancy clean include?

    One of the standard jobs you’ll need to organise when moving out of a rental property is an end of tenancy cleaning. This is often a common clause in property rental contrast to ensure that all properties are left in a decent condition, following a professional cleaning service.

    Most professional residential cleaning services near you will offer end of tenancy cleaning, and here’s what it will typically involve:

    • Dusting the property throughout and removing all cobwebs from ceilings and walls

    • Cleaning all door frames, door handles and doors

    • Cleaning all light switches, sockets, light fittings and light shades

    • Cleaning all skirting boards

    • Moving furniture and cleaning underneath (where possible)

    • Cleaning all window sills, windows and window Frames

    • Polishing all furniture and surfaces

    • Hoovering all soft furnishings

    • Cleaning and disinfecting all kitchen cupboards, hob, oven, fridge freezer, microwave

    • Cleaning other appliances, such as washing machine, dishwasher and tumble dryer

    • Cleaning, descaling and polishing bathroom wall tiles, bath, shower basin, sinks, taps and fittings

    • Hoovering and mopping all flooring and stairs

    • Cleaning all internal windows

    End of tenancy cleaning services will leave the property clean throughout, so that your landlord is happy that a new tenant can move in without them having to organise any cleaning themselves – which they would charge you extra for.

    If needed, you can also pay for additional cleaning for the outside of the property, such as cleaning the outside of windows, tidying the garden, clearing and cleaning the patio or outside space, and cleaning the driveway.

    Obviously the extent of the end of tenancy cleaning will depend on the size and type of the property, as well as the details mentioned in your rental agreement.

    Find the best cleaning services near me

    If you want to find the best cleaning services to organise an end of tenancy clean, use our quick and easy online search. You can find the most reliable cleaning services in Ealing, recommended by your neighbours.

    Or, if you want to find out how much they’ll charge, you can request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you to find multiple quotes for end of tenancy cleaning in your area.

  • What is included in a basic house cleaning?

    When it comes to basic house cleaning, the jobs that professional residential cleaning services will cover will depend on what you and your home need. Before hiring a professional cleaner, you’ll want to have a chat about what you want or need them to do, in terms of house cleaning.

    To give you an idea, here’s a list of popular cleaning tasks that your neighbours in Ealing are hiring cleaning services for:

    • Hoovering all carpets

    • Sweeping and mopping hard floors

    • Clearing cobwebs and dusting services, fixtures and fittings

    • Dusting and cleaning the inside of doors, door frames, windows, window sills and window frames

    • Changing bed sheets

    • Cleaning kitchen appliances on the outside

    • Wiping countertops and outside of the kitchen cabinets

    • Cleaning and disinfecting the toilet, bath and shower

    Some professional cleaning services are offered at an additional cost:

    • Cleaning the dishes

    • Filling and emptying the dishwasher

    • Ironing and folding clothes

    • Oven cleaning

    How to choose the best cleaning services near me

    There are a lot of cleaning services available in Ealing, so you want to hire the best one for you and your home. Here are our top tips for how to find the best cleaning services in your area:

    1. Hire cleaning services with experience – Ask about their cleaning experience, so that you can be confident that they’ll do a good job and clean to a professional standard

    2. Always read their reviews – Take time to read through the reviews to see what previous customers are saying about the individual cleaning companies, their attitude, and level of service they provide.

    3. Ask for quotes to compare – No matter what cleaning job you need doing, make sure you get at least three quotes upfront before hiring any local cleaning services to make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work.

    4. Ask for references – One of the best ways of finding the best cleaning services in Ealing is asking for references of previous customers who you can speak to and check the quality of their work.

  • How long does it take to clean gutters?

    The average time for cleaning gutters will depend on the size of your property, the length of guttering and the condition of the gutters. Access to the gutters will also affect how long it takes to clean them.

    As a general rule, you can expect it to take somewhere in the region of 30-90 minutes to clean gutters of an average sized property. The main factors that will affect the total time it takes to clean the gutters are:

    • The total length of guttering that needs to be cleaned

    • How easy it is for the gutter cleaners to access the gutters for all parts of the property

    • The amount of dirt, moss and debris that’s built up in the gutters

    • Any repairs that needs to be carried out as part of the cleaning process

    We recommend speaking to local businesses that offer gutter cleaning services near you and discussing the details of your gutter cleaning job. They will be able to provide you with a more accurate estimate of the time it will take them to clean your gutters.

    Want to find the best cleaning services for gutters near you? Use our quick and easy online search and see the most reliable cleaning services in Ealing recommended by your neighbours.

    To find out how much you can expect to pay, check out our guide to gutter cleaning costs.