
Green Roofing Installation in Canterbury (51)

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Green roof installers in Canterbury

If you’re looking for green roofing contractors, we can help you find the best contractors that your neighbours recommend.

Here are two ways of finding green roof installers in Canterbury:

  1. Search Checkatrade for green roof specialists then get in touch with them directly.

  2. Or, to save time, use our handy request a quote feature. Just give us the details of your project and we’ll pass these on to three local green roofing contractors. They’ll then either ask for more details or send you a quote. It couldn't be easier.

  • What is a green roof?

    Green roofs or eco roofs are designed to enhance the roof of your home to make it eco-friendly and reduce your carbon footprint. First, a waterproof layer is added to your roof, then a layer of vegetation is planted over the top. These roofs are designed to help give a home to local wildlife and improve air quality. You can learn more about green roofs in our green roof guide.

  • What is the difference between extensive and intensive green roofs?

    There are two types of green roof, extensive and intensive. Below are some of the key differences between the two:

    Extensive green roofs

    • Shallow soil depth

    • Perfect for hardy plants

    • Not designed to be walked over

    • A good habitat for wildlife

    • Lightweight, putting less strain on your roof

    Intensive green roofs

    • Deep soil depth

    • Perfect for less hardy plants

    • Can be walked over

    • A more diverse habitat for wildlife

    • Heavier, putting more strain on your roof

    • Can be used to grow food

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of green roofs?

    Green roofs are a brilliant choice for anyone looking to give the environment a helping hand but they have other benefits too. There are also a few disadvantages of green roofs as with any type of roof.

    Below is a summary of the pros and cons of having a green roof:


    • Appearance - Green roofs are very visually appealing.

    • Quality of air - The plants used to cover green roofs will improve air qualit by giving out oxygen and absorbing pollutants.

    • Heat control - Having a green roof helps to prevent heat loss, keeping your home toasty warm in the winter. They can also keep your home cooler during hot summer days.

    • Soundproofing - Green roofs help to reduce noise pollution by better insulating your roof.

    • Reduced chance of flooding - A green roof is covered in vegetation, this means it can absorb a lot of water during heavy rainfall, reducing the risk of flooding.

    • Wildlife habitat - Your green roof creates a diverse habitat for local wildlife including bees and birds.


    • Cost - Green roofs are usually more expensive than other types of roof.

    • Maintenance - Your green roof will need regular maintenance, although other types of roof also need to be maintained.

    • Weight - If you choose an intensive green roof, this can put extra pressure on your home so it may need to be reinforced.

    ###Does a green roof need planning permission? Generally no, you won’t need to get planning permission for your green roof. However, this isn’t always the case so it's worth checking with your local authority before starting the installation process.

  • How much does a green roof cost?

    If you’re considering installing a green roof on your home, you’ll probably be wondering how much a green roof costs. The price you pay will vary based on the following factors:

    • Roof size - Larger green roofs will be more expensive.

    • Type of roof - Intensive green roofs are usually more costly than extensive green roofs.

    • Access - If you roof is difficult to access, this can increase labour costs.

    • Type of plants - Different plants will have different prices so the type of plants you choose will affect how much your green roof costs.

    • Extra support - If your home needs extra support due to the weight of your green roof, this is an extra cost to consider.

    Green roof cost per square foot

    So, exactly how much does a green roof cost? The main difference in price is whether you choose an intensive or extensive green roof. For example, the average green roof cost per square metre is £130 for an intensive roof and £75 for an extensive roof.

    If you prefer to work in square feet, the average green roof cost per square foot is £7-£12. For further advice and information, check out our green roof cost guide.

  • How to build a green roof:

    By far the easiest way of getting a green roof is to hire a green roof specialist to do the work. They’ll ensure your roof is fitted to the highest standards and adhere to building regulations.

    If you have some experience with roofing, you may be considering doing the labour yourself. Our guide on how to create a green roof is a great source of advice if you plan to take on this project without professional help.

    If you’re curious how to build a green roof, we’ve summarised the process below:

    1. Ensure your roof has sufficient support to hold the weight of a green roof

    2. Buy the necessary tools, materials and plants

    3. Cover your roof with a waterproof layer

    4. Install a root barrier

    5. Add a drainage layer

    6. Add a layer of soil and fertiliser

    7. Plant your vegetation

  • How do you maintain a green roof?

    While it may be possible to build a self-sustaining green roof, regular green roof maintenance is important. Remember, your green roof is alive so needs a similar amount of care as your garden.

    Regular green roof maintenance should include:

    • Checking your gutters, drainpipes and chimney are clear of plants

    • Checking your waterproof membrane isn't damaged

    • Getting rid of any weeds that grow out of control

    • Watering during dry periods, installing an irrigation system will make this much easier

    Want to speak to green roof installers in Canterbury?

    Once you’ve decided to go ahead with your green roof installation, you’ll need to find a qualified, trustworthy tradesperson to carry out the work. Here at Checkatrade, our members pass 12 checks, so you can be safe in the knowledge that you’re hiring the best tradesperson. You can even see their previous reviews from your neighbours.

    Wondering how to find a green roofing contractor? Our free search feature is a quick and easy option. Simple enter your postcode and we’ll show you green roof specialists in your area.

    Alternatively, our request a quote feature is the perfect time saving option. Just fill in our online form and we’ll find three green roof installers in Canterbury to send your details to. You’ll then receive three personalised quotes.