
radiator fitters in Great Dunmow (51)

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Radiator fitters in Great-Dunmow

Are you looking for radiator fitters in Great-Dunmow? If so, you’ll want to ensure that they are the most experienced and qualified radiator fitters for your requirements.

There are several radiator fitters located across Great-Dunmow. To find the best radiator fitters in your area, Checkatrade can help.

Scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade approved radiator fitters near you.

Or, you can also use our simple request a quote system to contact radiator fitters in your area.

  • How much does it cost to fit a radiator UK?

    The average cost for fitting a new radiator in the UK is around £590. This includes all parts and materials (thermostatic valves and radiator tails) and labour.

    Have a read of our radiator cost guide for more detailed information about everything involved in radiator replacement and reconfiguration.

  • Does a plumber have to fit a radiator?

    Not necessarily. If you are a confident DIYer with some plumbing experience, then you may want to fit a radiator yourself.

    For radiator replacements where the new radiator is the same size as the old one, the job should be reasonably straightforward.

    If you’re fitting a larger radiator or adding thermostats and changing pipework, then it’s best to hire a plumber.

  • How long does it take a plumber to fit a radiator?

    A plumber should be able to fit a radiator within one to four hours depending on the complexity of the job.

    If the system needs to be fully drained or the pipework needs reconfiguring, the time will increase.

  • Why do plumbers put radiators under windows?

    Radiators produce hot air. When the hot air rises from the radiator it meets the cold air coming in through the window.

    This improves the flow of warm air around the room. Even modern double and triple glazing are not 100% energy efficient. That’s why it’s still a good idea to put a radiator under a window.

    The area under a window is often free from furniture. This means that the heat produced by the radiator is not blocked and instead, allowed to flow around the room.

  • Is it worth upgrading old radiators?

    When properly maintained, radiators can last upwards of 20 years. If your radiators have become inefficient or they are sludged and rusted on the inside, it may be time for an upgrade.

    Upgrading your radiators can provide a variety of benefits. When you upgrade your old radiators with the latest modern alternatives, you can benefit from:

    • Better thermal performance

    • Improved energy efficiency

    • Thermostatic controls

    • Lower energy bills

    • Enhanced sustainability

    • More attractive appearance

    New radiators can also increase the value of your property. If you’re thinking of selling your home, new radiators can potentially attract homebuyers and seal the deal on your property.