
Thatched Roof Installation in Guiseley (7)

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Roof thatchers in Guiseley

Finding roof thatchers in Guiseley doesn't need to be a long, complex process. We can help save you time and energy during your search. Our members are even recommended by your neighbours.

Below are two different ways of finding thatched roofers in Guiseley:

  1. Search Checkatrade for local thatched roof contractors and contact them directly.

  2. Try our request a quote feature. Just complete our online form and we’ll pass your details to three roof thatchers in Guiseley. They’ll then get in touch to offer you a quote.

  • What is a thatch roof?

    Thatched roofs have been used for 10,000 years to keep homes and other buildings protected from the elements. Made using dried vegetation, these roofs are often found on older listed buildings. In fact, before the 1800s, this was the only roofing material available in the UK.

    The most popular materials used to craft thatched roofs in the UK are:

    • Water reed

    • Longstraw

    • Combed wheat

    What is a roof thatcher?

    Roof thatchers are trained professional roofers who specialise in thatched roofs. Not every roofer can work with thatched roofs so it's important to hire the right professional for your project. Roof thatchers not only install thatch roofs, they’re also trained in repairs and maintenance. Master thatchers are experienced, highly qualified thatch roof installers.

  • How long does it take to thatch a roof?

    Roof thatching is not a quick job as a lot of work goes into creating these beautiful roofs. The average duration of this job is three to four weeks.

  • How long does a straw thatch roof last?

    If you choose a thatch roof for your home, you’ll need to be prepared to do some regular maintenance. The good news is that if you do take the time to care for your thatched roof, it can last anything from 15 to 40 years. Having said that, some quality thatching materials can last closer to 60 years.

  • What are the advantages & disadvantages of thatch roofs?

    Thatch roofs are becoming more popular thanks to the range of benefits they offer. If you’re considering adding a thatched roof to your home, you can look forward to the following advantages:

    • Beautiful aesthetics - Thatch roofs are very eye catching and visually appealing. They’re also quintessentially British, often found in country villages.

    • Insulation - Thatched roofs are very insulated, meaning your home stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This also helps to reduce your energy bills.

    • Durability - These roofs are designed to protect your home year round and are very durable. In fact, roofs made using water reed can last up to 65 years.

    • Versatility - Thatch is a flexible material that can be moulded to any shape you choose.

    • Environmentally friendly - This material is both natural and sustainable, which is great news for the environment.

    What are the disadvantages of thatch roofs?

    While thatched roofs were very commonly used before the 1800s, they fell out of favour for a while. This is partly due to the misconception that thatched roofs have a high risk of fires. However, as long as your thatch roof is installed by a master thatcher and properly maintained, there’s no extra risk.

    However there are some disadvantages compared to other roofs. These include:

    • Maintenance - Your thatched roof will need regular maintenance to keep it looking and functioning great. Maintenance is important to keep your home safe from leaks.

    • Cost - While thatch itself is not vastly expensive, the installation process will take at least 3 weeks. This means the installation cost of a thatched roof is quite high.

    • Inspections - As well as maintenance, it’s important to book a yearly inspection for your thatched roof to keep it in good condition.

    • Safety - In order to avoid any risk of fires and pests, it’s important to take a few precautions. Ensure you have a lightning rod fitted, use any necessary pest deterrents and trim back any overhanging branches.

  • What is the average cost of a thatched roof?

    It can be difficult to calculate just how much your thatched roof will cost as there are a number of variables that’ll impact this price. If you’re considering having a thatch roof installed, bear the below factors in mind:

    • Materials used - Depending on what type of materials you choose for your thatch roof, the price will vary. For example, Norfolk reed can be quite expensive while longstraw tends to be more affordable.

    • Size of roof - Bigger roofs need more materials and longer labour times. This will increase the amount you pay for your thatched roof.

    • Type of roof - There are three common thatch roof types, each with a different cost. Full-hipped thatch roofs are the most expensive, next are half-hipped thatch roofs and the most affordable option are full gabled thatch roofs.

    • Condition of roof - Your roof may need extra work before a thatched roof can be installed. This will come at an additional cost.

    • Whether your home is a listed building - Listed buildings need to be carefully restored so you may need to pay for a highly trained specialist to do any necessary work. This may be more expensive than it would be for non listed buildings.

    • Location - Labour prices vary depending on where you live in the UK. London is usually the most expensive area for labour.

    • Access - If your roof is tricky to access, this may increase labour prices.

    Thatched roof cost

    The above factors should help you to get a more realistic estimate for how much your thatched roof will cost. However, if you’re looking for the average thatched roof cost, you can generally expect to pay between £15,000 and £30,000.

    For more prices and advice, take a look at our thatched roof cost guide.

  • Can I replace a thatched roof with tiles?

    Yes. If you prefer the appearance of tiles or are looking for a change, you can replace your thatched roof with tiles.

    Want to speak to roof thatchers in Guiseley?

    If you’re looking for thatched roofers in Guiseley, we can help take the stress out of your search. Our members each pass 12 checks so you can be sure you’re hiring the right person for your thatched roof. They’re even recommended by your neighbours.

    The good news is that we can help you find thatched roof contractors in two easy ways. The first option is to use our free search feature. Simply enter your postcode we’ll show you a variety of roof thatchers in Guiseley.

    Another option is to try our request a quote feature. Send us the details of the work you need doing and we’ll forward these to three thatched roofers in Guiseley. Then you can get on with your day and wait for your three personalised quotes to arrive.