
Tree Houses in Ashtead (91)

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Tree house builders in Ashtead

Looking for a treehouse building company in Ashtead? Let us do the hard work and find the perfect professional for your project.

Below are two ways of finding treehouse builders in Ashtead:

  1. Search Checkatrade for local tree house contractors and get in touch with them directly.

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature. Just give us the details of your project and we’ll find three local treehouse building companies. They’ll then contact you to ask for more information or send you a quote.

  • What are the benefits of having a treehouse for kids?

    We’ve all watched films and TV shows where children play in their very own treehouse. So, why not consider building one for your children to enjoy? Did you know that building a treehouse in your garden has a number of benefits for your child? These include:

    • Private space: A treehouse gives your child their own private space while staying within your eye line. They can be noisy and messy in a place where they feel safe and relaxed.

    • Socialising: Many children invite their friends to play with them in their treehouse. This gives them an opportunity to socialise and form lasting friendships.

    • Nature: With no electricity, a treehouse allows your children to immerse themselves in nature, away from screens.

    • Creativity: Building and decorating a treehouse taps into the creative side of your child's mind, helping them develop their skills.

    Are treehouses just for children?

    Absolutely not! A treehouse can be used by adults as well as children, depending on the type of treehouse you choose. In fact, a treehouse can be used as an office, a space to relax or even a luxurious guest house.

    Are treehouses safe for children to use?

    As long as your treehouse is built to a high standard, it’ll be safe for your child to play in. Ensure your treehouse is stable and properly supported before you allow your child a chance to explore. Plus, adding rails can prevent your child from falling out of their treehouse.

  • Does a treehouse need planning permission?

    Not always. It's well worth contacting your local planning authority to discuss your ideas before starting on your project.

    How long does it take to build a treehouse?

    This comes down to how elaborate and complex you want the treehouse to be. A basic square treehouse for your kids will usually take less than a week to build. However, if you plan to add multiple platforms with bridges it could take over a month to complete. Elaborate treehouses that are designed for adults may take months to finish.

    How long do treehouses last for?

    This depends on how well the treehouse was built and the materials used. Most professional treehouses are designed to last well over 10 years.

  • Can you hire someone to build a treehouse?

    Absolutely, there are lots of professional treehouse builders throughout the UK. The best thing about hiring an expert to build your treehouse is the high level of workmanship you’ll get. You can be confident that your treehouse will stand the test of time and is completely safe for your child to use.

  • How to build a treehouse:

    As we mentioned previously, hiring a professional treehouse builder is the best way of guaranteeing your treehouse is safe and secure. Having said that, it’s possible to build a treehouse yourself providing you have the necessary skills.

    Below, we’ve summarised how to build a treehouse:

    1. Pick a strong tree with stable, wide branches.

    2. Plan how you want your treehouse to look and its dimensions.

    3. Buy the necessary tools and materials.

    4. Build your supports for the base of your treehouse.

    5. Fit braces to hold up your treehouse.

    6. Add the flooring so your treehouse has a platform.

    7. Add walls and railings.

    8. Install an entrance.

    9. Add a ladder so you can reach the treehouse.

    10. Finally, install a roof.

  • How much does a treehouse cost?

    There’s a vast difference between a simple child's treehouse and a lavish guest treehouse. This means the price you pay for a treehouse will vary from project to project. There are a few key factors that’ll affect the cost to build a treehouse including:

    • Size: The larger your treehouse, the more it’ll cost to build.

    • Materials: Using high quality materials will make sure your treehouse lasts for years but it will be more costly in the first place.

    • Design: If you plan to build a complex treehouse, this will be more expensive than a basic play room.

    • Furnishings: Adding furnishings and furniture will also push up the cost for your project.

    • Location: Labour costs vary throughout the UK.

    Cost to build a treehouse

    So, how much does a treehouse cost? Bearing the above factors in mind, the average price of a basic kids treehouse is £8,000. However, if you’re planning to install a custom, luxurious treehouse, you can expect to pay between £5,000 and £80,000.

    For more prices and information about professional treehouse builders, check out our treehouse cost guide.

    Want to speak to treehouse builders in Ashtead?

    If you’re looking for professional treehouse builders in your area, it's important to find the right tradesperson for your project. Our members are recommended by your neighbours and pass through 12 checks, so that you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll receive excellent service time and time again.

    We can help you find a treehouse building company near you in two easy ways. Firstly, our free search feature allows you to view a range of treehouse builders in Ashtead with the touch of a button.

    Or, our request a quote feature is a great option for busy homeowners. Just fill in our online form with the details of what you need done and we’ll send this to three professional treehouse builders who will then send you a quote.