
Emergency Roofing Service in Stockton On Tees (53)

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Emergency roofer in Stockton-on-Tees

There are many excellent emergency roofers in Stockton-on-Tees.

You can find qualified emergency roofing contractors in two quick and easy ways:

  1. Search for emergency roofing companies in Stockton-on-Tees and get in touch with them directly.

  2. Try our handy request a quote feature and we’ll do the hard work for you. Simply tell us what you need doing, and we’ll contact three emergency roofer specialists in your area. They’ll then contact you directly with a quote.

  • What is a roof emergency?

    Keeping your home warm and dry is a necessity and when something goes wrong with your roof, this can have a knock on effect on your property. So, what is a roof emergency? Generally this includes any serious damage to your roof, meaning your home is no longer protected from the elements.

    Below are a few examples of roofing emergencies:

    • A house fire has caused damage to your roof, making it unstable.

    • An object (e.g. tree branch) has smashed into your roof making a large hole.

    • Your roof has a large leak, with rainwater flowing into your home.

    • A storm has ripped the tiles off your roof, causing a major leak.

    What is an emergency roofer?

    Emergency roofers work to repair roofs that are badly damaged. This is particularly important in wet weather. They aim to repair your roof as soon as possible but usually charge more for their services.

  • What emergency roofing services are available?

    If you have a roofing emergency there are a few options available to you. Emergency roofing services include assessing the damage and putting up a temporary repair, usually using a tarp. Some companies even offer roof shrink wrap to fully protect your home.

    Once your roof is leak proof, you can go ahead and hire a roofer to add a more permanent solution.

    Is a leaking roof an emergency?

    Whether your roof leak is an emergency comes down to the severity of the leak. A few drips won't be classed as an emergency, however if water is freely flowing into your home, it’s time to call an emergency roofing contractor. Emergency roof leak repair should be carried out as quickly as possible to minimise the damage to your home.

  • What should I do if I have a roof emergency?

    If you have a roof emergency, the first thing to do is call an expert. They’ll be able to book you in for an emergency roof repair as soon as possible.

    In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to prevent further damage. If you have a major leak:

    • Cover your flooring with a waterproof plastic sheet.

    • Move any possessions or furniture away from the leak.

    • Use a bucket to catch the water pouring into your home. This will stop it from ruining your floors and furniture.

    • Use a screwdriver to pierce any bulges in your ceiling to reduce the pressure. Make sure to position your bucket under the leak.

    If you'd like to learn more, our guide on what to do when you have a leaking roof is packed with tips and advice for dealing with this issue.

  • What should I look for from emergency roofing companies in Stockton-on-Tees?

    If you need an emergency roof leak repair it’s important to hire the right tradesperson for the job. Finding a trustworthy emergency roofing contractor is a priority but there are a few other things to look for.

    • The right qualifications and experience.

    • Someone with lots of positive reviews.

    • A tradesperson you feel comfortable letting into your home.

    • Someone who can repair your leak as soon as possible.

    • An emergency roofing contractor who is happy to answer your questions.

  • How do you temporarily fix a roof?

    While we’d always advise seeking professional help with your leaking roof, it’s possible to temporarily fix a roof yourself. Emergency roofing contractors may not be able to get to you immediately, so this is a good skill to have in an emergency.

    Use the below tips to prevent further water damage:

    1. Cover the hole with a tarp or plastic sheeting.

    2. Replace any missing roof tiles - This is not a job for a DIY beginner or anyone who isn't able bodied.

    3. Use caulk to temporarily fix the leak.

    4. Apply roofing cement to the hole.

    5. Seal the leak with a rubber sealant.

  • How much does fixing a roof leak cost?

    It can be difficult to estimate how much fixing a roof leak costs as this will vary from home to home. The best way to come up with a rough emergency roof repair cost is to consider the different factors at play. The below variables can all affect the price you pay to repair your roof:

    • Size of the roof

    • Type of roof

    • Cause of damage

    • Type of damage

    • Ease of access

    Now, let’s take a look at some average emergency roof repair costs. Generally fixing a leak involves replacing tiles or flashing. This will cost an average of £200 for new roof tiles or £250 for new flashing. If you’re having issues with a flat roof, the average repair cost is £100 per m2.

    For more advice and prices, please see our roof repair cost guide.

    Want to speak to emergency roofers in Stockton-on-Tees?

    If your roof is badly damaged, it’s important to contact an emergency roofing company in Stockton-on-Tees immediately. They should be able to talk through the issue and give you a quote. Remember, this will likely be higher than a normal roof repair quote due to the urgency of your situation.

    When you’re ready to find an emergency roofer in Stockton-on-Tees, use our free search feature to contact a range of local professionals.

    Alternatively, why not try our request a quote feature? Just send us the details of your job and we’ll give these to three local emergency roof contractors who’ll contact you as soon as possible.