
blocked toilet plumber in Elland (18)

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Blocked toilet plumber in Elland

A blocked toilet is an absolute nightmare! If you’re looking for blocked toilet plumbers in Elland you’re in the right place. Let us show you a range of expert plumbers in your local area.

There are two ways we can help you find blocked toilet plumbers in Elland:

  1. Scroll up to see plumbers in your area

  2. Enter your details in our request a quote form with information about your job, and we’ll send this to three blocked toilet plumbers in Elland. They will then be in touch with quotes

  • Who do you call when your toilet won’t flush?

    If your toilet won’t flush, you will probably need to call a plumber. There are certain things that you can check first to see if you can diagnose and fix the problem yourself.

    • A blocked toilet – try using a plunger to remove the blockage. If this doesn’t work, you’ll need to call a plumber

    • No water in the tank – Lift the lid on the cistern to see if there is any water present. Your toilet won’t flush if there isn’t enough water in the tank. Try turning on a tap to make sure that the water is flowing. Then make sure that you haven’t accidentally turned on the isolation valve. Finally check that your water inlet tap is working by removing the ballcock. If none of these work, it’s time to call a plumber

    • A broken handle – A common but inconvenient problem. Again, lift the cistern lid to check that the handle is still attached to the flushing mechanism. If it has come away but appears undamaged, it should be easy enough to put back into place. If it is broken or you can’t see how it attaches to the flush valve, you’ll need a plumber

    It’s always best to call a plumber to fix a toilet that won’t flush.

  • Is a blocked toilet classed as an emergency repair?

    This depends on the property where the toilet is located. For properties with only one toilet or in situations where flooding has occurred with the potential risk of damage to health, a blocked toilet is classed as an emergency.

    For houses with more than one toilet, the risk is lessened, and you will be able to wait for a regular plumber to fix the problem.

    Have a read of our how to unblock a toilet blog for more detailed information.

  • When should I call a plumber for a clogged toilet?

    Knowing when to call a plumber for a blocked toilet will depend on several factors. The most common reasons to call a plumber for a blocked toilet are:

    • A plunger hasn’t worked after five to ten minutes

    • Corrosive chemicals haven’t worked

    • The toilet is overflowing

    • The toilet won’t stop running

    • Your sewer drain is leaking

    • The blockage has been caused by a foreign object (eg. A child’s toy, electronic device, a sanitary pad or nappy etc)

    These problems will not be easily resolved without a skilled plumber.

  • Can I use kitchen drain unblocker in a toilet?

    Kitchen drain unblocker is not meant for use on blocked toilets. Toilet pipes have a different configuration to kitchen sinks and the chemicals used in kitchen drain unblocker are not generally suitable for unblocking toilets.

    You may be successful using kitchen drain unblocker to unclog a toilet. It can, however, cause damage to the system and potentially spray out of the toilet when flushed because of the diameter of the drainage pipes.

  • How much does it cost to unclog a toilet by a plumber?

    The average cost for a plumber to unclog a toilet is £112.50. Have a read of our cost of unblocking a toilet guide to find out more.

  • Is a blocked toilet a landlord’s responsibility?

    This depends on the cause of the blockage. It is the landlord’s responsibility to maintain the drainage, pipes and plumbing of properties they let.

    If a toilet in a rental property is blocked because of tenant misuse, however, it is the tenant’s responsibility to fix the problem.