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Renewable energy installers near Armadale

​​There are plenty of good local renewable energy installers in Armadale who come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable local renewable energy engineer near you:

  1. Search for local renewable energy installers in Armadale and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended renewable energy engineers in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does it cost to install renewable energy?

    The cost of renewable energy installations vary massively, depending on the type and scale of energy installation you’re looking for. Some of the most common types of renewable energy include solar panels, air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, and wind turbines.

    Cost of renewable energy

    Below are some of the average renewable energy installation costs you can expect to pay in the UK:

    Solar panel installation costs:

    • 3kW PV system – £5,000

    • 4kW PV system – £6,000

    • 5kW PV system – £8,000

    • Solar thermal system (3.6m2) – £4,000 - £5,000

    Air source heat pump costs:

    • Supply air source heat pump: Air-to-water (5kw - 17kw) – £4,000 - £8,000

    • Install air source heat pump: Air-to-water – £5,000 - £10,000

    • Supply and install air-to-air air source heat pump (heating capacity 5kW) – £1,600 - £3,100

    Ground source heat pump costs:

    • Supply and installation of a ground source heat pump – £13,000 - £35,000

    • Annual energy cost savings – £500 - £1,400

    • Vertical ground source heat pump drilling cost – £12,000 - £18,000

    • Vertical ground source installation total cost – £27,000 - £33,000

    • Horizontal ground source total installation cost – £17,000

    Wind turbine installation costs:

    • 1kW (roof-mounted) – £1,500

    • 1.5kW (freestanding) – £7,000

    • 2.5kW (freestanding) – £12,500

    • 5kW (freestanding) – £23,500

    • 10kW (freestanding) – £45,000

    • 15kW (freestanding) – £70,000

    Cost of renewable energy vs fossil fuels

    In recent years, the combination of modern technology and governments being more motivated to adopt and promote renewable energy means that the cost of renewable energy is decreasing. According to a International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) report, renewable energy sources were the world’s cheapest source of energy in 2020 – with 62% of total renewable power generation added in 2020 having lower costs than the cheapest new fossil fuel options.

    Quotes for renewable energy installation costs

    To get accurate renewable energy installation costs in your area, we always recommend getting at least three quotes from renewable energy specialists near you. By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work.

    Thankfully, our request a quote tool makes getting multiple quotes super easy. Simply post details about the work that you need help with and we’ll send it out to the best local renewable energy installers in your area, who will contact you directly. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • Do you need to be an electrician to install solar panels?

    Not only do you need an electrician to install solar panels, you need an electrician who’s qualified and experienced in installing solar panels. Solar panel installation is definitely not a DIY job as it requires skill and precision to safely and properly install the panels.

    There are various regulations that solar panel installation must adhere to, including the following:

    • 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations

    • Microgeneration Installation Standard MIS3002, issue 2.0

    • Part P of the Building Regulations (as solar panel systems are classed as ‘special installations’ and require a Building Control Body to be notified to carry out an inspection)

    When planning solar panel installation, if you’re planning to hire an electrician rather than a dedicated solar panel installation engineer, you want to make sure that the electrician has undergone specific profesional Solar PV training.

    Need help with solar panel installation?

    Whether you need advice on which solar panels to choose or want to know more about how much solar panels will cost, it’s always good to get advice from local renewable energy experts before you get started.

    Find the best local renewable energy specialists near you with our quick and easy online search. Or request a quote and we’ll reach out to multiple local tradespeople for you and they’ll get in touch with you directly.

  • What exactly is renewable energy?

    You’ve probably already heard of renewable energy, especially now that sustainability and green homes have become a focus for governments around the world.

    But, what is renewable energy? The standard definition of renewable energy is energy that comes from sources that naturally replenish, making them a sustainable energy alternative to the likes of fossil fuels. In theory, renewable energy sources won’t run out but they may be limited in terms of the amount of energy that is available per unit of time.

    The most popular renewable energy sources currently are:

    • Solar energy

    • Wind energy

    • Hydro energy

    • Tidal energy

    • Geothermal energy

    • Biomass energy

    Types of renewable energy

    Here’s an overview of the most popular renewable energy sources currently available:

    • Solar energy – The energy from sunlight is one of our most plentiful supplies of renewable energy, although the amount of solar energy we can use varies according to the time of day, season of the year, and geographical location.

    • Wind energy – Wind farms are an increasingly familiar sight in the UK and the contribution of wind energy to the National Grid is increasing each year. Wind turbines drive generators, which then produce electricity – although having a wind turbine in your back garden isn’t always an option for homes.

    • Hydro energy – Hydro power is one of the most commercially developed energy sources. Energy is harnessed by using a dam or barrier to create a reservoir and the controlled flow of water from the reservoir then drives a turbine, which generates electricity.

    • Geothermal energy – Heat energy can be harnessed from the Earth itself, by tapping into the natural heat that lies below the surface. Geothermal energy is either used directly to heat homes or to generate electricity.

    • Biomass energy – To create biomass energy you need to convert solid fuel made from plant materials into electricity. Although classified a renewable energy source, generating biomass energy does involve burning organic materials to produce electricity – although it’s now a much cleaner, more energy-efficient process than in the past.

    How to use renewable energy at home

    There are a number of ways you can use renewable energy in your home. You can start by checking your current energy supplier(s) and switching to a renewable energy company, if you’re not already with one.

    Depending on your home, you may also be able to install solar panels, an air source heat pump, or a ground source heat pump.

    In addition to directly using renewable energy, check out our guide on how to make your home more energy efficient.

    Want to speak to renewable energy experts in Armadale?

    Sometimes it helps to have a quick chat with local renewable energy specialists to understand what options are available in your area and how much they’ll cost.

    If you’re ready to reach out to local renewable energy installers, you’re in the right place. We can help you find the best tradespeople in your area with our quick and easy online search – or request a quote and we’ll get multiple local engineers to contact you directly.

  • Is installing renewable energy expensive?

    There’s no denying that the cost of installing renewable energy sources in your home can be expensive in the short term. But the idea is that you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of renewable energy, that will hopefully save you money in the long run – and dramatically reduce your impact on the environment.

    Renewable energy installations are getting cheaper, compared to what they have cost in the past, but it’s important to do your homework and read up on the various options before deciding which renewable energy source(s) is best for you and your home.

    It’s also worth noting that most homes in the UK that use renewable energy do so as a supplement to more traditional energy sources. This is something to discuss with your local renewable energy installers, so that you can make an informed decision by understanding exactly how much energy you will be able to generate.

    Find the best local renewable energy installers

    If you’re keen to get started with your renewable energy installation project, we can help you find the best local qualified tradespeople near you – including those who come highly recommended by your neighbours.

    You can either use our quick and easy online search to find and contact local renewable energy installation companies yourself. Or, alternatively, request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to the best local renewable energy installers near you and we’ll get them to contact you directly.

  • How can I add renewable energy to my home?

    Adding renewable energy is a great way to increase the sustainability of your home, but there are a few things you can do first to ensure that you get the maximum benefit from renewables with an energy efficient home:

    • Upgrade your boiler with a modern, energy-efficient model that can warm your home more effectively, with a smaller carbon footprint and cheaper monthly bills

    • Switch energy supplier and install a smart meter so that you can be confident you’re sourcing your home’s energy from the most sustainable source, and you can be aware and control how much energy you’re using.

    • Insulate your home properly by installing insulation between floorboard, in cavity walls, in loft spaces, and reseal your windows and doors.

    • Install and maintain your double glazing to ensure you’re minimising heat loss, and you could save up to £115 a year, as well as achieving a potential energy efficiency rating of A++.

    Installing renewable energy in your home

    Once you’ve taken measures to make your home as energy efficient as possible, you might want to consider a renewable energy installation, such as:

    • Fitting solar panels on your roof, or using outdoor space

    • Adding an air source or ground source pump

    • Installing a wind turbine, if you have the space and suitable location for one

    The key to any renewable energy source is doing your research, and speaking to local experts who can provide you with their professional advice.

    Want to find out more about local renewable energy services?

    When planning a renewable energy installation project, it’s important to speak to local renewable energy specialists to understand what’s involved and how much it will cost. Experienced engineers and installers will be able to advise on the options available and which ones might be best for you and your home.

    Keen to get started? Search for the best local renewable energy experts in Armadale and get in touch with them yourself. Alternatively, you can get multiple quotes from local renewable energy experts by using our request a quote feature – simply post details of what you need and we’ll get reliable local tradespeople to contact you directly.