Low-maintenance garden solutions - Checkatrade Blog
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Low-maintenance garden solutions

In those few days of British sunshine, having access to a garden makes a big difference. That’s why two-thirds of British homeowners say it’s what they want most from a home.

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In those few days of British sunshine, having access to a garden makes a big difference. That’s why two-thirds of British homeowners say it’s what they want most from a home. While everyone loves their garden, not everyone loves gardening. Especially in rental properties, where most tenants prefer low-maintenance outdoor environments that require little upkeep. In this blog, we discuss who’s responsible for looking after rental gardens and detail some tips on how landlords can design them to be as low-maintenance as possible.

Who’s responsible for gardens in rental properties?

As a landlord, you have likely agreed on the responsibilities around maintaining your property’s garden in the most recent tenancy agreement. Most agreements contain information about who is responsible for looking after a garden. The majority of standard agreements require tenants to carry out basic maintenance of a garden, which includes mowing the lawn and weeding patios. More substantial tasks, such as pruning and maintaining trees, will be the responsibility of the landlord.

What is a low-maintenance garden?

It’s exactly what it sounds like! A garden that doesn’t require much work to stay looking great. Low-maintenance gardens are ideal for landlords, as many tenants are uninterested in upkeeping outdoor areas. There are several ways to create a low-maintenance garden. Firstly, you can make some simple changes to an existing garden to make it easier to manage. Alternatively, you can completely redesign the area so that it’s a genuinely low-maintenance environment.

How to make a low-maintenance garden?

When looking to create a low-maintenance garden, landlords should assess what areas require the most care and attention. For most, this will mean mowing the grass. Therefore, to make a garden more low-maintenance landlords should look to remove grass features. If you’re worried that your tenant might miss the greenery, you can add some slow-growing shrubs. Shrubs such as lavender only need pruning once a year but can still be used to create attractive borders.

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simple fence low maintenance gardenWhat are other low maintenance garden design ideas?

Removing grass is not the only low-maintenance idea that landlords should try. Investing in high-quality fencing, which doesn’t need repainting every winter can also make a big difference. Other high-maintenance features, like ponds and hanging baskets, should be removed if possible. If you still want plant life, try to use self-watering containers, which help reduce maintenance efforts required from tenants. Finally, spread mulch throughout the garden before your tenants move in. This simple solution stops the growth of roots and can eliminate the need for weeding further down the line.

What are the best low maintenance flowers for a garden?

If you’re looking to create a low-maintenance garden for your tenant, then it’s probably best to avoid plants. Almost all plants require some level of maintenance, but there are a few that require little care. As mentioned, you should look to use shrubs, which can provide an evergreen look to your garden all year round. Geums and geraniums are also a great choice and only need to be cut once a year.

1. Low maintenance garden ideas - Artificial Grass

artificial grass cost

When looking to create a low-maintenance garden, landlords should assess what areas require the most care and attention. For most, this is the lawn. Solve your long-term problems by investing in artificial grass which can raise your rental value.

2. Low maintenance garden ideas - Fencing

Investing in high-quality fencing can save money long-term. This is because quality fencing fitted by a professional doesn’t need repainting every winter saving money down the line.

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