Our Full Guide to Building Near Trees | Checkatrade
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Our full guide to building near trees

You might not be aware, but many trees are protected from removal by law. This means that you can’t just chop down any old tree during a construction project. To make sure you’re not breaking any laws while working, here’s what you need to know about building near trees.

Building near trees in the UK

One of the best things about living in the UK is the abundance of nature everywhere you go. However, when it comes to building near trees, you need to be careful that you don’t accidentally break the law.

As many trees are protected by law, you can’t just remove any trees in your way. Even building around a tree can pose problems, both for your new building and the tree itself.

So, if you’ve come across a job where trees might be an issue, this guide is just what you need.

We’ll cover all the risks you need to be aware of, including:

  • Building near trees with preservation orders
  • Crucial building regulations to follow when building foundations around trees
  • How close you can safely build to a tree before it becomes an issue

trim trees ready for winter

Understanding the rules around building near trees

First things first, let’s touch on where you can find more information on building near trees. For this, you can turn to Chapter 4.2 of the NHBC standards.

This material covers guidance on building near trees, with a focus on how foundations can be affected.

On top of this, it also covers how to work with a tree adjacent to where you plan to build. As well as what to consider with regard to soilage, drainage, and heave precautions.

You can find more information on all this on the NHBC standards website.

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Building near different types of trees

With rules and regulations covered, let’s touch on building near different types of trees. First and foremost, with any tree, you shouldn’t look to build closer to it than its equivalent distance in height.

Each type of tree will also have a different root system to keep it supported and fed as it grows. This means you’ll need to adapt your building process depending on the type of tree you plan to build besides.

For example, when it comes to building near conifer trees or oak trees, both species can cause issues with foundations. But you can’t destroy their complex root networks or you risk killing the tree.

Therefore, it’s always a good idea to do some research about the trees you’re building nearby. That way, you can adjust your building plan appropriately.

building near trees with preservation orders

Building near trees with preservation orders

Tree preservation orders, or ‘TPOs’, control whether or not you can cut down a tree. And as any tree can be protected, you’ll need to check with your local authority before cutting anything down.

This is particularly relevant if you’re working in a conservation area. Here, all trees will likely be protected, meaning you must get clearance before making any changes. Otherwise, you’ll need to look at building a round a tree instead.

Fortunately, with most construction projects, you’ll need to apply for planning permission. Many of these will include an area to note down if certain trees will be impacted by your plans.

So, by filling this in, you can quickly check if any of the relevant trees are protected.

What do I do if a tree is protected by a TPO

Sometimes, you will find that one or more of the trees stalling your project are protected. If this is the case, you can apply to have their TPO revoked.

However, there is no guarantee of this happening. And if a TPO is not revoked, you will have to change your plans.

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Understanding issues around ‘integrity and foundations’

Most homeowners appreciate some greenery in their gardens, and trees are a great choice. However, as a tradesperson, trees can be a real hindrance to your projects.

In fact, building near trees can have a serious effect on the structural integrity of a home. This is due to the roots of the tree sucking moisture from the soil under or near the building.

This causes the earth to shrink and the foundations to shift. This is why you often see cracks along the walls of homes near trees.

To further complicate things, different sizes and types of trees will have differing effects on a structure. So, it’s important to consider this during your planning.

Generally, clay soil is the most affected soil when it comes to building near trees. So, you’ll need to ensure the foundations are deeper to counteract this.

Building regulations regarding foundations near trees

As we just mentioned, you’ll need to dig deeper foundations for trees that are close to your building area.

Foundation depth near trees will vary depending on how far away the tree is. As well as the type of tree, the height of the tree, and the local soil type.

Building regulations for foundations near trees state that foundations should be at least 900mm before accounting for trees.

If you’re unsure how deep to dig foundations for your latest job, use an online ‘building near trees’ calculator. Just enter a few details into the online form at LAPC warranty for quick results.

Erecting walls near trees

Similar to the impact of trees on buildings, and vice versa, building walls near trees can also cause issues. It’s never a good idea to build a wall over tree roots. As, over time, the wall will become unstable, crack, and eventually collapse.

Like with homes, it’s recommended you build your wall at least the same distance away as the tree’s height.

For example, if the tree is 10 feet tall, you should build the wall at least 10 feet away.

Learn more about building near trees with Checkatrade

With this guide in hand, you should now have no problem building near trees. However, if you want more information on the topic, then sign up with Checkatrade.

Our community area is filled with experienced tradespeople, many of whom have experience in this area.

Why not get in touch with the Checkatrade team today to learn more about our sign-up process?

And don’t forget we have plenty of similar blogs to this on our site. Such as how to save money on building supplies and using lime mortar for building work.

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Building near trees FAQs

Can you build under trees?

While you can build underneath trees, as you may have guessed, this is not recommended. Not only will this impact your new building’s structural integrity, but if the tree falls, it could damage the property.

Therefore, building under trees should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

What happens if I cut down a protected tree?

As cutting down a protected tree is a criminal offence, you’ll be subjected to legal action if you do so. This will often be in the form of a fine, which can be as much as £2,000.

So, make sure you’ve got your bases covered first before you go tearing into it with a chainsaw.

A closing checklist for building near trees

  • Before starting any construction project, consider the potential effect of any nearby trees
  • Without sufficient distance, tree roots can cause buildings to become structurally unstable
  • You should check with your local authority to see if a tree is covered by a TPO before you cut it down
  • It’s a criminal offence to cut down a tree that’s protected under a TPO
  • If you do need to build near a tree, it’s important to dig foundations deep enough to ensure your structure is as stable as possible

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