
Gardener in Bedworth (14)

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Gardeners near me in Bedworth

​​There are plenty of good local gardeners in Bedworth who come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable local gardeners near you:

  1. Search for local gardeners in Bedworth and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended gardeners in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does it cost to hire a gardener?

    The average gardener hourly rate is around £15 - £45 per hour, depending on the type of gardening work you’re hiring them for. The gardener cost per hour will also vary depending on the experience of the individual gardener.

    For bigger gardening projects, you might be charged a gardener daily rate for the work. The average gardener daily rate in the UK is around £150 - £200 per day.

    Common gardener costs

    There are a number of common gardening jobs that homeowners in the UK hire professional gardeners for, including:

    If you’re planning a landscaping project, rather than more general gardening work, check out our guide to garden landscaping costs.

    Quotes for gardener costs

    To get accurate gardener costs in your area, we always recommend getting at least three quotes from local gardeners near you. By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work.

    Thankfully, our request a quote tool makes getting multiple quotes super easy. Simply post details about the work that you need help with and we’ll send it out to the best local gardeners in your area, who will contact you directly. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • What is garden maintenance?

    Garden maintenance is the term used to describe the range of gardening tasks involved in the upkeep of a garden. There are a range of different activities that are involved in garden maintenance, which will vary depending on the needs of each garden and homeowner.

    Common garden maintenance jobs

    Here are some of the main tasks that form part of typical garden maintenance in the UK:

    • Lawn mowing and edging

    • Weeding

    • Trimming and pruning

    • Clearing up leaves, branches and other garden debris

    • Lawn treatments

    • Planting bulbs and seasonal plants

    • Fence maintenance and repairs

    Top 5 tips for garden maintenance

    To help you keep your garden flourishing in tip top condition, here are some of our top tips for garden maintenance:

    1. Flowering beds should be kept evenly moist by being water 1-2 times per week

    2. During warmer months it’s best to water plants early in the morning or in the evening, when the soil is cooler

    3. If you’re away a lot, consider installing an irrigation system in your garden to help you regulate the soil moisture

    4. Plant your garden beds densely to minimise space in between, which will prevent weeds growing

    5. When removing weeds, make sure you remove the roots to stop them growing back

    Need help with garden maintenance?

    You’d like a gardener to prune your hedges and repair your fence, it’s always good to get advice from local gardeners before you get started.

    Find the best gardeners near you with our quick and easy online search. Or request a quote and we’ll reach out to multiple local gardeners for you and they’ll get in touch with you directly.

  • How often do you need a gardener?

    As a general rule, once a month is a good (and common) frequency for gardener visits in the UK. That said, there’s no one right answer for how often you’ll need a gardener and it will vary depending on your needs.

    Some homeowners are happy for gardeners to carry out tasks like weeding and pruning every 3-6 months. Other homeowners will want weekly or fortnightly garden maintenance to focus on all the details of the garden.

    The larger the garden and the more lawn and plants there are to take care of, the more frequently you’ll want your gardener to come. Equally, the more pristine you want your garden to look at all times, the more often you’ll need your gardener to visit.

    Factors affecting how often you’ll need a gardener

    Here are some of the factors that will affect how often you need to hire a gardener to keep your garden in good shape:

    • Size and layout of your garden

    • Number of beds, plants and trees to maintain

    • How much you use your garden

    • Any specialist treatment needed

    • The condition you want your garden to be in

    Hire a gardener in Bedworth?

    Sometimes it helps to have a quick chat with local gardeners to understand what options are available in your area and how much they’ll cost.

    If you’re ready to reach out to local gardeners, you’re in the right place. We can help you find the best gardeners in your area with our quick and easy online search – or request a quote and we’ll get multiple local gardeners to contact you directly.

  • Why should you hire a professional gardener?

    Some homeowners naturally have green fingers and love spending hours in the garden keeping their plants, trees and lawn in wonderful condition. But for other homeowners, hiring a professional gardener is a much more attractive and beneficial idea.

    Here are some of the great reasons to hire a gardener:

    1. Experienced local gardeners have a lot of knowledge

    It’s not just about who’s going to cut the grass. Keeping a garden looking its best requires knowledge of growing conditions, seasonal changes, pH levels, plant characteristics, and much more.

    2. Professional gardener have all the right tools

    Save yourself the hassle and expense of kitting out your shed with all the gardening tools and equipment you’ll need to have a perfect garden. When you hire a gardener, they’ll bring with them all the tools and equipment they need to get the job done to a professional standard.

    3. Have a garden for all seasons

    Hiring a local gardener means that your garden will get taken care of, come rain or shine. Professional gardeners are used to working in all weather conditions and will be able to give your garden the TLC it needs, depending on the changing seasons, to keep your garden looking great all year round.

    How to find the best gardeners in Bedworth

    Choosing the right local gardener takes a bit of time and attention, to make sure you’re picking the person with the right skills, experience and attitude. To help you find them, we’ve put together a guide on how to find a gardener.

    Questions to ask a gardener

    When hiring a local gardener, it’s always helpful to have a chat and ask them a few questions about their work and experience. Here are some example questions you might want to ask :

    • What gardening services do you offer?

    • What gardening qualifications do you have?

    • Do you have experience in sustainable gardening?

    • Can I see examples of your previous gardening projects?

    • What’s included in your standard gardening cost, and what is charged extra?

    • How do you dispose of garden waste?

    • How long do you estimate the job will take you?

    • Do you offer a customer satisfaction guarantee?

    Find the best local gardeners

    If you’re keen to get started with your garden project and need the help of a professional, we can help you find the best local gardeners near you – including those who come highly recommended by your neighbours.

    You can either use our quick and easy online search to find and contact local gardening companies yourself. Or, alternatively, request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to the best local gardeners near you and we’ll get them to contact you directly.

  • What does garden clearance include?

    The aim of garden clearance is to either completely or partially clear out a garden, either to be left clear or to make way for new garden features. Garden clearance will typically involve clearing and disposing of garden waste, old wood and garden furniture, as well as more general waste, old appliances and builders waste materials.

    Here’s a list of the most common refuse that is often included in garden clearance:

    • Garden waste – including loose branches, leaves, shrubs, twigs, soil, potted plants, cut grass, old pots, and old lawn mowers

    • Garden structures – such as dismantled sheds, greenhouses, pergolas or gazebos

    • Wood, including plywood, gates, fencing, and unwanted firewood

    • Garden furniture – tables, chairs, swings and children’s play areas

    • General waste – including paper, boxes, tools, and clothes

    • Appliances – such as washing machines, tumble dryers, fridge freezers, and boilers

    • Builder’s waste – which often includes plaster, drywall, bricks, pallets, crates, glass, concrete, tiles, asphalt, paving stones, and general rubbish

    How much does garden clearance cost?

    The average cost of garden clearance depends on how much garden waste is being cleared and how often. Here are some of the garden clearance prices your can expect to pay in the UK:

    • Garden clearance (hourly rate) – £45 - £60

    • Garden clearance – £60 - £360 per load

    • Soil removal (skip hire) – £90 - £340

    • Green waste removal via local council – £48 - £70

    Want to find out more about local garden clearance services?

    When planning a garden project that requires garden clearance work, it’s important to speak to local garden clearance specialists to understand what’s involved and how much it will cost. Experienced garden clearance experts will be able to advise on the options available and what you’ll need for your project.

    Keen to get started? Search for the best local garden clearance companies in Bedworth and get in touch with them yourself. Alternatively, you can get multiple quotes from local garden clearance services by using our request a quote feature – simply post details of what you need and we’ll get reliable local tradespeople to contact you directly.