How To Paint Furniture | Checkatrade
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How to paint furniture: an expert guide

One of the most cost-effective and creative ways to update your living space is by painting your furniture. Here, we guide you through how to paint furniture, whether it's oak, pine, laminate, or veneer.

Learning how to paint furniture is not only a savvy way to update your interiors, but it’s hugely satisfying and great for the environment too.

Whether you have existing pieces you wish to transform, or you’ve picked up a bargain that needs restoring, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know.

First up, we’ll explain how to paint wooden furniture, with plenty of tips for both pine and oak. If you’re wondering how to paint laminate furniture – or even veneer – we’ve got you covered on that one too.

Plus, we’ll include a special section on how to use chalk paint, and will delve into spray painting furniture as well.

So let’s get into it – our expert guide for how to paint furniture.

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How to paint wooden furniture

To paint wooden furniture, you’ll need a selection of tools and materials. Remember to work in a well-ventilated area where possible.

What you’ll need

  • Protective dust sheets, clothing, and mask
  • A screwdriver (to remove hardware)
  • Sugar soap solution and a cloth
  • Wood filler and putty knife
  • Sandpaper
  • Specialist paint
  • Primer
  • Paintbrushes and mini foam rollers
  • Protective varnish or wax (optional)

A step-by-step to painting wooden furniture

The secret for how to paint old furniture for professional results is not to scrimp on the preparation. With dust sheets down to protect nearby areas, you’re ready to get started.

1. Prepare

  • First of all, remove any hardware, such as door handles or hinges, using a screwdriver.
  • Next, give your furniture a thorough clean using a sugar soap solution and a cloth. Rinse and allow to dry. Any grease or residue on the furniture will affect the finish you achieve.
  • Fill any cracks or dents with wood filler and allow to dry.
  • Finally, give the surface a light sand – this will help your paint to stick properly and avoid premature chipping/flaking.

Ensure your furniture is free from dust using a cloth or vacuum before moving on to the next stage.

Man sanding wooden table

2. Prime

  • If your furniture has not been painted before, apply a thin coat of oil-based wood primer and allow it to dry.

An oil-based primer will help to seal the grain of the wood and prevent any knots from ‘bleeding through’ the paint.

Primer being applied to a piece of dark wooden furniture ready for painting

3. Paint

With a smooth, clean, and even base layer, you can now apply your chosen paint colour.

  • Using either a paintbrush or foam roller, apply your first layer of paint in consistent patterns to ensure even coverage.
  • Once dry, give the surface a light sand and clean away any debris or dust.
  • Apply a second coat and enjoy seeing your piece of furniture being transformed.

Tip: Water-based enamel or chalk paint are popular choices for painting wooden furniture.

4. Protect

  • To increase the durability of your painted furniture, apply a clear, protective varnish or wax once your second coat is dry.

Tip: Leave the finished article alone for 48 hours to cure before using the piece and/or replacing any hardware.

For the best results, hire a professional. Find local experts in your area by adding your postcode to the search box below.

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Tips for how to paint pine furniture

Pine furniture is solid and long-lasting, but it may need a bit of TLC every once in a while.

Again, a great way to do this is to paint your pine furniture to give it a fresh lease of life.

Pine furniture that’s well-worn and a bit battered does need some extra prep work before painting:

  • Clean. Give your pine furniture a really good scrub with a sugar soap solution and a scourer pad to remove any ingrained dirt or grime.
  • Repair. Take the time to examine the surface of your furniture and fill any cracks or dents with wood filler and a putty knife.
  • Prepare. Once dry, sand your piece of furniture to help clean it and etch the surface, helping the paint to stick.
  • Prime. If your pine furniture has previously had a dark stain on it, two coats of primer are recommended.

A water-based enamel paint or chalk paint will both work well as a top coat on pine furniture.

Top coat of paint being applied over primer on painted furniture

How to paint oak furniture for best results

Oak furniture is renowned for being high-quality and robust. As such, it typically sits at the more expensive end of the scale vs. pine or laminate.

If painting oak furniture, take your time to ensure a durable, high-end finish.

Take the same approach as painting pine, as listed above. However, when choosing your top coat, select an oil-based paint to help highlight the wood’s natural beauty.

Tip: If you’re looking to modernise an older piece of oak furniture, why not update the hardware by getting some new door handles or knobs, for example.

How to paint laminate furniture

Laminate furniture is a synthetic version of wood or veneer. It’s not real wood, hence the cheaper price tag.

However, you can still spruce up your laminate furniture or cabinets with a lick of paint – you just need to know how.

Using the same method described above, prepare, prime, and paint your laminate furniture. Pay the same attention to detail as if you were painting real wood.

The main difference is the paint you select:

  • Use a good quality primer. You may even need two coats (with sanding and cleaning in between coats).
  • Choose a satin finish latex paint specifically designed for laminate surfaces. This will be tough and chip-resistant.

Tip: Use a foam roller to apply your paint for a smoother and more even finish.

foam roller apply green paint to a piece of furniture

How to paint veneer furniture

Rather than being solid wood, veneer furniture is simply a thin slice of wood that’s stuck onto a manufactured wood such as MDF or plywood.

It can still be prepped, primed, and painted as per the instructions outlined above.

The best paint to use for veneer furniture is oil-based enamel paint or chalk paint.

Tip: Veneer furniture is typically quite smooth; a good sand will help the paint to adhere.

Tips for how to spray paint furniture

Spray painting furniture is an efficient way to update your furniture while ensuring a uniform, professional finish.

You will need to invest in (or hire) a paint sprayer and take extra precautions to fully protect surrounding areas before you get started.

Take the same steps to prepare the surface of your furniture as outlined above. That is, a thorough clean and sand.

  • Ventilate your work area and put on protective overalls and a mask.
  • Protect any surrounding areas with dust sheets.
  • Apply a thin coat of primer for even coverage. You may need a second coat once the first is dry.
  • Using a paint sprayer, finely mist your piece from side to side using long, continuous strokes. Again, apply a second coat once the first is completely dry.

A professional will have the tools, equipment, and skills to make light work of this task. See who comes highly recommended in your area by entering your postcode below.

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How to paint furniture with chalk paint

The benefit of using chalk paint to update your furniture is that it requires no prep work. Just make sure your piece is clean, remove the hardware, and you can go straight in with the paint!

woman preparing a chair to be painted

How to use chalk paint on furniture

  • Apply your chalk paint using short, rapid strokes, without overloading your brush. Don’t worry if it looks quite uneven at this stage.
  • Allow it to dry before applying a second coat.
  • Once dry, apply a clear wax top coat using a clean brush to seal and protect the piece.
  • Use a lint-free cloth to wipe off the excess.
  • Replace the hardware (if previously removed) and you’re done

Call in the experts

If you’re short on time – or you just want to ensure the best possible finish for your furniture – call in a professional. Enter your postcode into the search box below to see who comes highly recommended in your area.

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