Toy Storage Ideas | Colourful Solutions for a Playful Haven | Checkatrade
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Toy storage ideas: Colourful solutions for a playful haven

Our toy storage ideas are for anyone looking to combine play, style and ease into one solution. When it comes to keeping your home free from playtime clutter, we have some fun ways to help you stay organised. Let us help reduce your stress and mess!

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Toy storage systems

As a parent, there are various aspects that come with the territory – such as early mornings, saying no to extra sweet treats, crayons on your walls, and toys littering your floors. It’s par for the course of having children, which is why we’re thankful they enrich us in other ways!

That said, when you find yourself constantly cleaning up after every playtime session, it can get a little tedious. That’s why introducing a structure or system early on will save you a headache further down the line.

Make it fun

It might sound counter-intuitive, but if you make tidying up a fun and easy activity, you’re more likely to encourage a clutter-free haven. (Remember – the one you had pre-sprogs?) For example, instead of saying, ‘tidy up or I won’t let you play tomorrow,’ try, ‘help me tidy your toys away so the pirates or clutter-faires don’t find them.’ (We know which one is more likely to motivate us!)

In terms of ease, consider large boxes, trunks or storage containers. These items make tidying simple, as your children just have to put their toys in whatever receptacle works best. The quicker and easier it is, the more likely they are to stay on top of it.

Toy storage ideas

Recycle and repurpose

Although it’s tempting to keep all your children’s toys – be it for nostalgia or to give them options – that’s how the descent into messiness starts. Think about limiting the type of toys to one or two each, and routinely recycle or repurpose old items where you can. For example, if a toy has been forgotten in a cupboard for two months, your child probably won’t miss it when it’s rehomed.

Benefits of kids toy storage ideas

Mess is inevitable, but setting a precedent for a no-fuss, no muss playroom is essential for your child’s health and development.

Toy storage benefits include:

  • Reduced hazards (such as tripping or stepping on small pieces)
  • Ensuring toy parts stay together
  • Increased toy longevity
  • Teaching children the importance of accountability
  • Helping decision making skills and reducing overwhelm
  • Encouraging organisation skills
  • Enhancing toy rotation and helping you note which toys to recycle or give away
  • A playroom that’s easier to clean

Loft storage ideas for kids bedroom

Why not hire a professional to build a bespoke design that fits your every need?

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Different types of toy storage ideas

One of the greatest things about having children is the excuse to get creative. Whether it’s toy storage ideas for small spaces or toy storage ideas for various shapes, types and sizes, there’s plenty you can do to add style, fun and accessibility to your playroom.

Repurpose shoe tidies

Shoe holders are great for storing smaller toys. They’re also an inexpensive option, which makes them perfect for hanging in your wardrobe or on the back of a door. And, because they have lots of pockets, they’re ideal for tidying away several mismatched items at once.

Cabinets hide mess

With a myriad of bright and fun cabinets on the market, why not pick one to help store your children’s toys in style?

If nothing online tickles your fancy, then you can always hire a carpenter to build a bespoke design for you. Check out our carpentry prices guide for more information.

Consider see-through toy organisers

There are several toy organisers on the market that look great, yet make finding toys hard work. To avoid kids pulling out all their toys as they try to find the one they want, designers came up with a brilliant plan: clear plastic units. See-through storage boxes, drawer units and stacks are now readily available on the market, making playtime easier and more accessible.

Introduce shelves and storage boxes

Floating shelves are great for smaller rooms that require more floor space. By building upwards, you’re able to store toys in stylish boxes and containers, keeping the floor clutter-free and available for playtime.

Toy storage ideas for your living room

Looking for help? Check out our guide for more information on the cost of custom built-in shelves.

Add a pegboard or rail

Great for those coats, hats and costumes that inevitably litter the floor or bottom of a wardrobe, pegboards or rails are ideal for hanging items your children like to dress up in.

Buy end-of-bed storage pockets

Useful for all the ‘bitty’ items that don’t have an allocated home, storage pockets are perfect for keeping your kids’ favourite toys and items safe.

Consider storage footstools

Our large toy storage ideas include footstools, pouffes and laundry bins. We consider them ‘storage items in disguise,’ which is why they work perfectly for larger items that need some extra space. For even bigger items, we recommend storing them in a wardrobe or cabinet.

Tipis are a great soft toy storage solution

If you’re looking for soft toy/cuddly toy storage ideas, then shelves, end-of-bed pockets and tipis are wonderful options. We particularly like tipis because they’re such versatile items – and children love them! Great for reading, playing, storing soft toys and enhancing the aesthetic of a playroom, we highly recommend incorporating one into your storage ideas.

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1. Kids toy storage ideas

Orange and blue toy storage ideas

These colourful storage boxes fit perfectly in the cabinet housing them. Stylish and tidy, you can make them fit in any room by simply changing the colour of the boxes or repainting the cabinet.

2. Children's toy storage ideas

Bright and modern kids toy storage

This layered storage solution, with seats, drawers, boxes and pictures, is an excellent example of how multi-functional furniture can enhance a space whilst keeping it clutterfree.

3. Fun soft toy storage ideas

Soft toy colourful whicker bins

These bright and fun storage bins are customisable and ideal for storing lots of different items. Add them to your kid’s bedroom or playroom to make tidying a fun activity!

4. Toy storage ideas for living room

Toy storage ideas for your living room

We love this shelving unit, which shows how colour, style and fun can come together to create a gorgeous storage solution, displaying toys in a homely and interesting way.

5. Easy bath toy storage ideas

Toy storage solutions for the bath

We recommend using plastic boxes to store bath toys. This avoids the unit warping or discolouring. Thankfully, there are a lot of beautiful designs on the market, whether you opt for a clear container or a brightly coloured one.

6. Colour code your toy storage

under stairs toy storage

Kids love colours. It affects their moods and helps them form healthy associations. So, why not consider colour coding your toy storage for both practicality and enjoyment?

7. Large toy storage ideas

Colourful toy storage ideas - bright and beautiful

Introducing bright and fun colour-splashes to an otherwise neutral room is a bold and stylish treat. It also lets you change it up as often as you’d like, leaving you with a clean, sensory and exciting space that will enrich your children and teach them the value of playtime.

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