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Find and hire the best boiler fitters

Looking for a qualified tradesperson to fit your new boiler? Tick off all the essential 'need to knows' in our hiring guide.

Finding and hiring the best boiler fitters can feel daunting with so many tradespeople available. But with a little guidance, you can enjoy the benefits of an efficiently running boiler and a safe, warm home sooner than you think.

First, let’s explore who is qualified to fit your boiler and how to find and hire the best boiler fitters.

Find and hire the best boiler fitters

Who can fit my new boiler?

You’ll be looking for a dedicated boiler installation company or a fully qualified heating engineer to fit your boiler. But remember – any tradesperson you hire to install your boiler needs to have the relevant qualifications. This brings us to…

Can a non Gas Safe engineer fit a boiler?

If you want to install a gas boiler, your boiler fitter must be Gas Safe registered.

Trusting gas engineers without checking they are on the Gas Safe Register could leave you at risk of illegal gas work and dangerous appliances. Furthermore, unsafe gas appliances can cause gas leaks, fires, explosions, and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.

Check for Gas Safe ID

You can check if your boiler fitter is Gas Safe registered by asking to see their Gas Safe ID card. This is a pocket-sized ID card.

Top tip – Unqualified and disreputable boiler fitters may falsely use the Gas Safe Register logo on their website, vehicle or business card. However, the only way you can be sure they are qualified to work in your home safely is to ask to see their Gas Safe ID card. Find out more about how to tell if your gas engineer is working legally.

You can also check the tradesperson’s qualifications with our Checkatrade directory. You’ll only find trades on Checkatrade that pass our strict quality checks – and have our trusted tick of approval.

You’ll only find trades who meet our high standards and pass our quality checks on Checkatrade.

Find and hire the best boiler fitters

Can a plumber fit a boiler?

Yes, some plumbers do fix boilers. But not all of them. If a gas boiler is being installed, whether by a plumber or a heating engineer, they’ll need to be Gas Safe registered. Find out more about whether plumbers fix boilers in our hiring guide.

Related content: Interested in fitting an alternative type of boiler such as oil, biomass, or electric? Check out our new boiler cost guide.

How do I find a good boiler installer?

Checkatrade has two quick and easy ways to find the best boiler fitters near you.

  1. Request a quote. Just tell us what you need doing, and we’ll reach out to local boiler fitters on your behalf. They’ll then contact you directly.
  2. Search your postcode. Enter your postcode into the search box below to browse a list of top Checkatrade boiler fitters in your area.
Search your postcode to find your local trade

How much do boiler fitters charge?

Ready to contact some of our Checkatrade-approved professionals? Knowing how much a qualified boiler fitter will charge in advance is always helpful.

As a guide, the average day rate for a boiler fitter to install a new boiler is about £300 per day.

Top tip – To help you plan your budget, it’s a good idea to calculate how much you will need to spend on installing a boiler overall, not just the boiler fitting. You’ll need to factor in the following:

Cost of boiler + Labour cost of boiler fitter + Additional costs*

*Additional costs include things like additional pipework or removal of your old boiler.

Spreading the cost of boiler installation

All sounding costly? Don’t worry. Many dedicated boiler installation companies provide pay monthly options with zero per cent interest to help spread the costs.

How to find and hire the best boiler fitters

Questions to ask your boiler fitter

Now that you’ve found qualified boiler fitters near you, you’ll understandably have some questions before deciding who to hire. Here are a few things you might want to ask your boiler fitter:

Do you have insurance?

Professional boiler fitters should always have public liability insurance to offer protection if things go wrong.

That’s why all Checkatrade trades listed in our free directory have current public liability insurance for your peace of mind.

What type of boiler do you recommend fitting in my home?

A qualified boiler fitter can recommend the type of boiler and size best suited to your home. You’ll need to consider factors such as the number of bathrooms and radiators you have. Another important consideration is whether you have double-glazing, as this will impact how much heat your home loses.

But let’s briefly explore some pros and cons:

  • Combi boilers are compact and quick to install and provide hot water on demand. They don’t have storage tanks or cylinders, which makes them ideal for small homes.
  • Conventional boilers are better suited to larger households. They work with a water tank and a cylinder.

Want to explore the pros and cons more? Check out our expert advice article on finding the best boiler brands.

How long will it take to fit my boiler?

That depends on what boiler you choose. There’s plenty more information in our new boiler costs guide, but as a general guide:

  • A simple, like-for-like boiler installation: 4 – 6 hours
  • Converting a regular boiler to a combi boiler: 1.5 – 2 days

Whereabouts in my home should the boiler be fitted?

Your boiler fitter will be able to help you with this. But as a general rule, it must be installed indoors on a sturdy wall capable of supporting its weight when filled with water.

When will you take payment?

Your boiler fitter shouldn’t ask for full payment upfront. Instead, you should be able to process at least part of the payment after the job is complete.

Will you provide me with an installation certificate?

Your tradesperson should always provide a safety certificate once your boiler is installed. If you sell your home, your buyer can request to see the certificate to make sure the boiler was fitted by a professional.

Will the fitted boiler come with a guarantee?

If you hire a boiler fitter through Checkatrade, we guarantee their work up to £1,000. Guaranteed for 12 months – Eligibility and T&Cs apply.

Find and book your trade with us and we'll guarantee their work up to £1,000*.

Guaranteed for 12 months. Eligibility and T&Cs apply

Is there a warranty, and what will it cover?

This depends on the brand of boiler you buy. However, most boiler manufacturers should offer some kind of warranty. Shop smart and find a deal offering a regular boiler service as part of the warranty – it will save you money in the future. This brings us to our next question…

How often should the boiler be serviced?

If your boiler is insured, you’ll be required to complete a regular service with an engineer to make sure the boiler is safe.

For non-insured boilers, there’s no legal requirement to have your boiler serviced annually. However, it’s certainly recommended. Firstly, it will help you avoid costly repairs in the long run. Secondly, it will give you peace of mind your boiler is ticking along safely.

Find out more about the costs involved in our boiler service cost guide.

 Find and hire the best boiler fitters

Find the best boiler fitters near you

Follow these three simple steps to find and hire the best boiler fitters in your area.

Use a professional directory

Make your life easy by searching with a professional directory (such as Checkatrade!).

We’re so confident in the quality of the trades on Checkatrade that if you book through us, we guarantee their work up to £1,000. Guaranteed for 12 months – Eligibility criteria and T&Cs apply.

Find and book your trade with us and we'll guarantee their work up to £1,000*.

Guaranteed for 12 months. Eligibility and T&Cs apply

Read online reviews

There’s no better testament to a tradesperson’s professionalism than a previous customer’s review. At Checkatrade, we check all online reviews to ensure they’re from real people and that trades meet our high standards.

Compare quotes

Getting at least three quotes from reputable professionals is always wise. That way, you can be sure you’re hiring the best tradesperson for the best price.

Ready to find the best boiler fitters in your area? Search your postcode to get started.

Search your postcode to find your local trade


Can I still have a gas or oil boiler fitted?

Confused as to whether you can still have a gas or oil boiler due to the government’s carbon-neutral targets? You’re not alone!

It’s unlikely that there will be an outright ban on gas boilers, which are most commonly used in households. However, measures are regularly being updated to make sure the ‘Net Zero’ environmental goals are achieved.

Rest assured – a Checkatrade-approved boiler fitter will be up-to-speed on the latest government guidelines. But here’s a breakdown of the key facts:

Gas boilers:

  • If you live in a home built before 2025, you can still get a new gas boiler installed
  • However, new homes built after 2025 must use green systems such as heat pumps

Oil boilers:

  • More commonly used in rural areas, oil boilers provide heat for homes not connected to the National Grid
  • Current government regulations state that off-grid homes will not be able to replace oil boilers with a like-for-like replacement from 2035

Interested in knowing more about renewable energy systems? The ins and outs of electric storage heaters and air source heat pumps are explored in our expert guide to what will replace gas boilers.

Can you install a boiler yourself?

You should not install any type of boiler (combi or conventional) unless you have the relevant qualifications that we explored above. This is one job best left to – you guessed it – the professionals!

We check the reviews on Checkatrade are from real people, and that trades meet our high standards.

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