
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP in Droitwich (7)

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Air source heat pump servicing in Droitwich

Looking for air source heat pump servicing in Droitwich doesn’t need to be difficult. You can find qualified engineers right here. Even better, they come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

There’s two ways find air source heat pump service engineers in Droitwich:

  1. Search online for heat pump engineers near you and contact them directly.

  2. Try our quick and easy request a quote feature. If you’re short on time, give us the details of your project and we’ll pass these on to three professionals in your area. They’ll then get in touch asking for further information or send you a quote.

  • Why is air source heat pump servicing important?

    You’re likely already aware that air source heat pumps are an investment, so it's worth extending their lifespan as much as possible. That's where air source heat pump servicing can help.

    Regular services will help to highlight any potential issues with your pump before it breaks down. This can prevent costly repairs or the need to buy a replacement pump.

  • What does air source heat pump servicing involve?

    As well as extending the lifespan of your heat pump, servicing can also ensure it’s running efficiently.

    Here’s some of the checks that will be made during an air source heat pump service:

    • Checking and cleaning the filter

    • Checking pressure levels

    • Checking the valves

    • Checking refrigerant levels

    • Checking the fuse

    • Checking the temperature settings

    • Checking if any air needs to be released from your heating system

  • How often do air source heat pumps need servicing?

    While servicing isn’t a requirement, it’s recommended to keep your pump functioning properly and safely. Getting a service every three years is ideal.

  • How much does it cost to have a heat pump serviced?

    Typically it will be around £150. The average air source heat pump service cost will vary depending on the type, brand and size of pump you have.

  • How much does it cost to replace an air source heat pump?

    If your air pump is more than 20 years old and it’s no longer functioning properly you may need to buy a replacement pump.

    To work out the cost of a replacement air source heat pump, consider the following factors:

    • Your energy needs

    • How well your home is insulated

    • The size of your home

    • The brand of pump you prefer

    • How efficient your pump is

    Air source heat pump installation cost

    One of the most important factors in the price of your air source heat pump is whether you choose an air-to-air model or an air-to-water model. The average price of an air-to-water pump is £13,000, while the average price of an air-to-air pump is much more affordable at £2,500.

    You can learn more about average prices and the factors that affect them in our air source heat pump cost guide.

  • How do you maintain an air source heat pump?

    One of the benefits of heat pumps is that they need little maintenance. However, you can keep your pump working efficiently between services by doing a little air source heat pump maintenance.

    You usually only need to do this on a yearly basis so it shouldn't take up too much of your free time. Make sure to:

    • Check the air inlet and evaporator for loose debris.

    • Add anti-freeze during the colder months to prevent the refrigerant from freezing.

    • Trim back any plants that grow near to your pump.

    • Make sure there’s sufficient air flow to your pump.

    • Check the pressure on your central heating system.

  • How long do air source heat pumps last?

    These heat pumps are designed to last years, which is good news for your bank balance.

    You can expect your air source heat pump to have a lifespan of around 20 years. Regular servicing may increase this.

    Want to speak to air source heat pump service engineers in Droitwich?

    Once your pump is a few years old, it’s a good idea to book a professional service to check it’s functioning properly. You’ll want to find a qualified engineer to carry out the checks.

    We can help you book air source heat pump servicing in Droitwich in two easy ways:

    Use our free search feature to look through our trusted members in your area. They even come with the stamp of approval from your neighbours.

    Or, why not try our request a quote feature? This option allows us to do the hard work for you. Let us know the details of your job and we’ll pass these on to three professionals in your area who’ll send you separate quotes.