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Biomass boiler installers in Llangollen

Looking for biomass boiler installers in Llangollen? No problem, let us help you find the best professionals in your area who come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

You can find biomass boiler fitters in Llangollen in the following two ways:

  1. Go online and search for biomass boiler installers near your home and contact them directly.

Alternatively, try our request a quote feature. Simply give us the details of the work you need doing and we’ll find three qualified professionals in your area. They’ll then contact you with a quote.

  • What is a biomass boiler?

    A biomass boiler is a type of boiler that uses sustainable fuel. Unlike oil or gas boilers, biomass boilers don't use fossil fuels, helping to heat your home without damaging the environment. These boilers are also very reliable and effective, making them a great choice for anyone looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • How does a biomass boiler work?

    Biomass boilers work in a similar way to gas and oil boilers, however, they use wood pellets or chips for fuel. The fuel is burnt, generating heat that supplies warm water to your taps and your central heating system.

  • What different types of wood are used in biomass boilers?

    As we mentioned above, biomass boilers use wood to generate heat. There are however three different types of wood that can be used in biomass boilers. These are:

    • Wood pellets: Small pellets made from wood shavings are fed into the boiler by a hopper.
    • Wood chips: Using wood chips instead of pellets can be more affordable but these boilers will need frequent checks.
    • Wood logs: Some biomass boilers use wood logs, which need to be manually added.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of biomass boilers?

    Biomass boilers are a great choice to support the environment but they also come with a range of other benefits. On the other hand, there are a few drawbacks to choosing a biomass boiler.

    To help you decide whether a biomass boiler is for you, we’ve summarised the pros and cons below:


    • Running cost: Choosing a biomass boiler can save you a lot in energy costs. You can even use wood found outside your home.

    • Highly efficient: Biomass boilers are often more than 90% efficient.

    • Carbon emissions: Amazingly, biomass boilers are carbon neutral.

    • Renewable Heat Incentive: You may be eligible for payments through this incentive if you pick a biomass boiler.


    • Initial cost: Biomass boilers are generally more expensive to buy than other types of boiler.

    Space: These boilers take up more space than other options and you also need space to store the fuel before you use it.

  • What size biomass boiler do I need?

    This depends on the size of your home and how much heat you plan to use. As a rough guide, you can take the area of your home and divide it by 30. This will give you an estimated biomass boiler size in kilowatts.

    For a more accurate way of calculating the size of biomass boiler you need, we’d recommend asking a professional.

  • What other types of boiler are available?

    Of course, biomass boilers aren't the only option available if you’re looking to change your old boiler. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that each type has its own pros and cons. You can choose from any of the following boiler types:

    • System boiler
    • Combi boiler
    • Condensing boiler
    • Conventional boiler

    Many of the above boilers are also available in different fuel types. You can choose a gas, electric, oil or liquid petroleum gas boiler.

  • How much does a biomass boiler cost?

    The price you pay for your new boiler will vary depending on a few key factors. This can make it tricky to budget for. Before deciding how much to put aside, consider:

    • Boiler type: Different types of boilers have different prices.

    • Current set up: If you need to drastically change your current boiler set up, this will be more expensive than a straightforward swap.

    • Size of new boiler: Larger boilers are usually more expensive.

    • New pipework: Any new pipework that’s needed will add extra costs to your bill.

    • Make and model of new boiler: Different makes and models of biomass boilers are available, each with their own price tag.

    • Relocating your boiler: If your boiler needs to be relocated, this will cost more.

    • Location: Depending on where you live in the UK, labour costs will vary.

    Biomass boiler cost

    While biomass boilers have a range of benefits, their main drawback is the initial cost of the boiler and installation. For example, a gas combi boiler costs an average of £2,400 but a biomass boiler costs an average of £10,000.

    You’ll also need to budget for installation costs. These are usually around £3,000 depending on how much labour is needed. To learn more about biomass boiler costs and the price of other boilers, check out our new boiler cost guide.

  • How much does it cost to run a biomass boiler?

    One of the many advantages to choosing a biomass boiler is low running costs. Depending on how large your home is and the boiler you choose, you could make huge savings on energy bills. For example, the running cost of an oil fired boiler is 6.5p per kWh while the average biomass boiler running cost is 4.11p per kWh.

  • Want to speak to biomass boiler installers in Llangollen?

    If you’re looking for biomass boiler fitters near you, you’ll want to hire the right worker for your job. It’s important to choose someone who is qualified, experienced and trustworthy. Thankfully, our members pass thorough checks to ensure they can offer you the best service. They’re even recommended by your neighbours.

    We can help you to find biomass boiler installers in Llangollen, saving you hours of scrolling online. One option is to try our online search feature. It’s completely free to use, just type in your postcode and we will show you biomass boiler fitters in your area.

    Or, why not try our request a quote feature? Fill in our online form and we’ll send your information to three local biomass boiler installers. You can then sit back and wait for the quotes to roll in.