
Biomass Energy in Nelson (1)

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Biomass energy contractors in Nelson

If you’re looking for biomass energy contractors in Nelson, let us help with your search. We can even show you biomass experts who are recommended by your neighbours.

There are two ways of finding biomass energy companies in Nelson, these include:

  1. Searching online for biomass contractors and getting in touch with them directly.

  2. Trying our request a quote feature to save time. Just send us all the details of the work you need doing and we’ll pass your information to three biomass experts in your area. They’ll then contact you with three personalised quotes.

  • What is biomass energy?

    Biomass is a material created from organic matter, usually taken from plants. It’s considered a renewable energy source as we can continuously grow new plants.

    Biomass energy is a sustainable energy source that can fuel biomass boilers to warm water and heat radiators.

    How does biomass energy work?

    Wondering how biomass energy works? It's actually quite simple. Plants absorb energy from the sun and when they’re burned this energy is released, helping to power your central heating system. Wood is the most commonly used form of biomass energy in homes today.

    Other renewable fuel sources

    Biomass energy isn't the only renewable fuel source. In fact there are a few other options used to power homes, businesses and other buildings in the UK.

    Other renewable fuel sources include:

    • Solar energy - Energy collected from the sun
    • Wind energy - Energy collected from wind turbines
    • Hydropower - Energy collected from flowing water
    • Geothermal energy - Energy collected from the earth's heat

    Different types of biomass fuel

    Biomass boilers generally use three different types of fuel, all taken from wood. These fuel types include:

    • Wood pellets
    • Wood logs
    • Wood chips
  • What are the advantages of biomass energy?

    As well as being a renewable energy source, biomass energy has a variety of other advantages. If you’re considering using biomass energy to heat your home, you can expect the following benefits:

    • Carbon neutral - Biomass energy is considered to be carbon neutral, helping to reduce your carbon footprint.
    • Running costs - Biomass energy is an affordable fuel source.
    • Waste - Using biomass energy cuts down on wasted energy in our homes.
    • No fossil fuels - If you choose a biomass boiler, you won’t be using fossil fuels to heat your home.
    • Availability - As most biomass boilers are powered using wood, this fuel source is very available.
  • What are the disadvantages of biomass energy?

    As with any fuel source, there are disadvantages to using biomass energy. Luckily, the benefits of biomass energy more than make up for any shortfalls.

    So, what are the disadvantages of biomass energy? Well, these include:

    • Cost - Buying a biomass boiler can be particularly expensive, however low running costs make up for this initial investment.
    • Growing space - Wood is needed to power a biomass boiler and this means a lot of space is required to grow new trees for use.
    • Deforestation - This could become an issue if not enough trees are planted to replace those used for fuel.
    • Efficiency - While biomass boilers are efficient, they can be less efficient than other options like fossil fuels.
    • Not totally clean - Biomass is carbon neutral but it does produce other emissions that can damage the environment.
  • How much does it cost to produce biomass energy?

    This really depends on the type of fuel you use for your biomass boiler. Wood pellets, wood chips and wood logs all have different costs, so it's important to take a little time to consider the best option for your home.

    When it comes to producing biomass energy, wood pellets cost around 4.2p per kWh which is lower than the 6p per kWh of oil

    Biomass energy cost Ok, let's compare the three main types of biomass fuel and their costs. Below is a rough guide of average biomass energy costs:

    • Wood pellets - Made from wood shavings and sawdust, wood pellets cost an average of £250 per tonne. Annually wood pellets will cost around £625.
    • Wood chips - Not as efficient as wood pellets, wood chips cost an average of £100 per tonne or £340 per year. Please note, wood chip biomass boilers require extra maintenance.
    • Wood logs - Wood logs need to be manually added to your biomass boiler and cost an average of £100 per tonne. Annually, wood logs will cost around £500 but if you own woodland you have the option of using your own trees to fuel your boiler.
  • Want to speak to biomass contractors in Nelson?

    If you’re looking for biomass experts in Nelson it’s important to hire a professional you can trust. So, rather than spending precious time searching for biomass energy companies, let us do the legwork for you. Plus, our members pass thorough checks and come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

    We can help you find biomass contractors in two easy ways. One option is to use our free search feature. Using your postcode, we’ll show you a range of biomass experts in your area.

    Or, our request a quote feature is the perfect option for busy homeowners. Just fill in our online form and we’ll send your details to three biomass energy companies in Nelson. You can then sit back and relax while they draw up three fair quotes for your project.