
Brick Repair in Cardiff (26)

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Brick Repair in Cardiff

Bricks don’t last forever. This is particularly true in colder climates. If you’re looking for brick repair specialists in Cardiff, you’ve come to the right place.

Choosing a Checkatrade approved brick repair specialist based in Cardiff is the perfect way to ensure that your brick repair work is done to a high standard.

Scroll to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade approved brick repair experts in your local area.

You can also use our simple request a quote system to contact expert brick repair workers located close to you.

  • Can damaged bricks be repaired?

    Yes. Damaged bricks can be repaired to prevent water ingress and improve aesthetic appearance.

    There are two main methods for repairing damaged bricks. Firstly, you can apply a coat of waterproof sealant to the brick’s surface. This will ensure that the brick is weather tight and provides the required protection.

    Secondly, you could choose to apply a coat of render to the damaged brickwork. This will completely change the appearance of a property exterior but does create an extra layer of protection to an exterior wall.

  • How much does it cost to repair spalling brick?

    The average cost for repairing a spalling brick is between £12 and £26 per brick. Have a read of our spalling brick repair cost guide for more detailed information.

  • How do you repair a spalling brick wall?

    How you tackle repairing a spalling brick wall will depend on the extent of the damage. You could use the methods above and apply a coat of purpose-made sealant to protect the spalling bricks from further damage.

    An alternative is to remove the damaged brick from the wall. To do this you will need to chisel out the mortar and pull out the damaged brick.

    Once the brick has been removed, it can either be turned around so that the damaged face is turned inwards or replaced with a new brick.

    Once the brick has been put back in place, new mortar will need to be applied to secure the brick in place.

  • How do you fix deteriorating bricks?

    Deteriorating bricks can be fixed in several ways. These include:

    • Re-pointing damaged or missing mortar

    • Applying a weatherproof sealant to the brick face

    • Removing and replacing the deteriorating brickwork

    • Applying a coat of render to the brick wall

  • What are the benefits of brick repair?

    The bricks of your house provide two main three main functions. They protect your property against the weather. They provide structural support to the house. And they enhance the appearance of your home.

    If your bricks have become damaged, there are several benefits of carrying out repair work. These include:

    • Better weather protection

    • Increased structural stability

    • Enhanced visual aesthetics

    • Increased property value

    • Lower regular maintenance

  • Is there any way to repair a warped face brick wall?

    Warped face brick walls are a common problem in older properties. This is a particularly common issue with houses built before the 20th century.

    Warped face brick walls can be repaired. They will usually, however, require the addition of some structural support.

    This may involve bed joint reinforcements, steel lateral restraints, or resin-bonded wall ties. These methods of repair are specialist areas that should always be completed by a skilled and experienced professional.