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Ground source heat pump servicing companies in Telford

Are you looking for qualified ground source heat pump servicing companies in Telford? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

To find the best ground source heat pump servicing companies in your area, Checkatrade can help.

Scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade ground source heat pump servicing companies near you.

Or, you can also use our simple request a quote system to contact qualified, fully vetted, and highly skilled ground source heat pump servicing companies in your area.

  • Do ground source heat pumps need servicing?

    Yes, regular servicing is important to keep your heat pump working effectively and efficiently.

    How often do you need to service a ground source heat pump?

    It’s recommended to have your system serviced at least once a year. This allows the servicing company to clean and inspect parts, ensuring everything’s working correctly and efficiently, and fixing issues before they become serious.

    How much does it cost to service a ground source heat pump UK?

    GSHP servicing costs about £250 on average, though costs can vary.

    It’s a good idea to get quotes from at least 3 tradespeople to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

  • How do you maintain a ground source heat pump?

    Besides annual servicing, where a professional checks the entire system, you can do the following to maintain your GSHP:

    • Check the filters. If your system has filters, they’ll need cleaning several times a year to ensure good airflow

    • Inspect the ductwork. If your system uses ductwork, ensure it’s clean and well-sealed for maximum efficiency

    • Clean indoor and outdoor units. Ensure no debris or objects obstruct the units

    • Check the thermostat. Make sure the thermostat is working properly and that it’s set to the right temperature

    Some maintenance will need to be done by a professional, such as checking the ground loops, but this will all be covered during an annual service.

  • Can you service a heat pump yourself?

    You can do some aspects of heat pump maintenance yourself, but others will need to be done by a professional.

    For example, you could clean and replace filters, remove debris and check the thermostat yourself, but inspecting refrigerant levels, the ground loop and electrical components requires a professional.

    What happens in a heat pump service?

    The goal of a service is to check your heat pump is working correctly, both in terms of efficiency and performance. Here’s an overview of the process:

    1. Inspect components

    2. Clean

    3. Replace filter

    4. Check refrigerant

    5. Check electrics

    6. Check thermostat

    7. Check ductwork

    8. Check ground loop

    9. Run test

    10. Report findings

    Any problems identified are dealt with during the service, such as replacing parts and fixing leaks.