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Heritage property services in Grantown-on-Spey

Looking for heritage property services in Grantown-on-Spey? No problem, we can help to speed up and simplify your search. Plus our members are recommended by your neighbours.

Here are two ways you can find a heritage building company:

  1. Search online for heritage builders in Grantown-on-Spey and get in touch with them directly.

  2. Save time using our request a quote feature. Just send us the details of the work you need doing and we’ll pass these onto three heritage property service experts in your area. They’ll then contact you with three personalised quotes.

  • What is a heritage property?

    Heritage properties can include listed buildings and buildings in a conservation area. These properties have a special architectural or historic interest, many of which are hundreds of years old. If you’re lucky enough to own a heritage property, you’ll know how much care and attention is needed to preserve your little piece of history.

    What is heritage property maintenance?

    In order to keep your heritage property looking its best, regular maintenance is necessary. Of course any work done on a heritage property needs to be done carefully and inline with the building's architecture. Hiring a heritage property service company can ensure your home is properly cared for and preserved.

    Any damage in a heritage building needs to be repaired using special materials. Staying on top of heritage property maintenance, helps to preserve the current materials. This in turn will reduce the need for new, expensive materials.

    Regular maintenance also helps to highlight any developing issues with your heritage property. If small issues aren’t dealt with quickly, they can turn into serious issues, damaging your home. This will also mean large repair bills.

  • What is listed building consent?

    If your heritage/listed building needs any repairs or you’re ready to make a few changes, you will need to obtain listed building consent. Granted by your local planning authority, listed building consent gives you the go ahead to make any alterations to your home. Listed building consent is designed to protect and preserve these stunning heritage buildings.

    You can apply for listed building consent by filling out an online application. This should be available on your local authority’s website. You can find further information and tips in our listed building consent guide.

    How much does listed building consent cost?

    Making changes or repairs to your heritage property can be expensive but the good news is that listed building consent is free. You will however, still need to apply for planning permission which usually costs £206.

    Want to speak to heritage property services companies in Grantown-on-Spey?

    If your heritage property needs maintenance or alterations, you’ll need to find a qualified heritage builder. We can help you to locate qualified heritage property specialists you can depend on. Our members are recommended by your neighbours and each pass a range of checks so you can be sure you’re getting the best possible service.

    There are two ways we can help you find heritage builders in Grantown-on-Spey. Firstly, our online search feature is completely free to use. Just type in your postcode and we’ll show you a range of local heritage building companies.

    Alternatively, why not try our request a quote feature? Simply fill in our online form and we’ll send your details to three heritage builders near you. They’ll then put together three fair quotes for the work.