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LPG boiler repair companies in Melrose

Are you looking for qualified LPG boiler repair companies in Melrose? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

To find the best LPG boiler repair companies in your area:

  1. Scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade LPG boiler repair companies near you
  2. Or, you can also use our simple request a quote system to contact qualified, fully vetted, and highly skilled LPG boiler repair companies in your area
  • Do you need a Gas Safe engineer to work on LPG boiler?

    Yes, absolutely.

    Working on any gas appliance requires you to be Gas Safe registered, and LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) boilers are no exception.

  • Does LPG deteriorate over time?

    LPG doesn’t deteriorate over time and has an indefinite shelf life. This is because it doesn't contain chemicals that break down or oxidise, unlike diesel and petrol.

    Although, it’s important to remember that tanks, valves, seals and other things working to contain LPG can break down, causing potential leaks or contamination.

  • Why is my LPG gas boiler not firing up?

    There are many possible reasons why your LPG boiler isn’t firing up, including:

    1. Empty gas tank. Your LPG tank may be empty or the gas supply turned off

    2. Pilot light went out. You may have a blocked jet preventing ignition

    3. Faulty thermostat. Thermostat problems can prevent an ignition signal being sent to the boiler

    4. Trapped air in the gas line. Airlocks can happen when you replace your gas tank

    5. Electrical issues. The boiler’s electronic components may be malfunctioning, or there may be a problem with the power supply

    Beyond performing basic checks to diagnose the issue, contact a Gas Safe registered engineer.

  • How long does an LPG boiler last?

    Like other boiler types, LPG boilers run efficiently for 10 to 15 years if they’re properly looked after.

  • Are LPG boilers safe?

    LPGs are as safe as any other boiler if used correctly. Because they use combustible fuel, there are risks involved, but this is no different to gas boilers.

    Always use your LPG boiler in the intended way and only allow a Gas Safe registered engineer to work on it and you shouldn’t have any issues.