
LPG Boiler Servicing in Norton On Derwent (1)

LPG boiler servicing in Norton-on-Derwent

Are you looking for LPG boiler servicing companies in Norton-on-Derwent? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

At Checkatrade, our member database includes a wide range of LPG boiler servicing companies working in Norton-on-Derwent.

  • Scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade LPG boiler servicing companies near you

  • Or, you can also use our simple request a quote system to contact qualified, fully vetted, and highly skilled LPG boiler servicing companies in your area

  • How do you service an LPG boiler?

    You should never attempt to service your own boiler unless you’re a Gas Safe registered engineer, but here’s a simplified overview of the process to help you understand what it involves:

    1. Visual inspection. First, the gas engineer will look at your boiler and pipework to see if anything is amiss
    2. Checks and tests. They’ll run some initial tests to ensure the boiler is operating efficiently and the flue isn’t emitting harmful chemicals
    3. Cleaning. The engineer might clean components, like the burner and heat exchanger, to ensure maximum longevity
    4. Internal inspection. Next, they’ll check the internal components and repair any damage or wear and tear
    5. Safety device checks. Then, they’ll check safety devices, like the pressure relief valve, to ensure they’re working properly
    6. Final checks. Lastly, they’ll check things like the seals and ventilation, then perform a restart to make sure there are no working faults

    Servicing is a mixture of inspecting, cleaning and repairing, and it’s an essential activity for maximising your boiler’s efficiency and longevity.

  • How often should an LPG boiler be serviced?

    Once a year. This is especially important with gas and oil boilers, as it allows you to gain peace of mind knowing your appliance is running efficiently and safely.